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Malicious Sorcery, The Confusion and the Scepter. The iconic essence of the Mesmer.

Angel de Lyssa.4716

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Hello, I would like to talk about the essence of mesmer, I am a player faithful to Guild Wars 1, main of the mesmer. I have been playing with the mesmer since my roots, and I know very well the skill mechanics like "Empathy" and "Backfire" of the mesmer in Guild Wars 1. They are very hipnotic and marked abilities of the mesmer.


Now, since Guild Wars 2 came, it has a different system and mechanics, the world of Guild Wars has changed and evolved. And in summary, not to extend, there are two conditions very similar or true to the iconic essence of the mesmer of Guild Wars 1.


These conditions are "Torment" and "Confusion". Especially "Confusion", that pink color, very characteristic of the profession of hypnotist, which also punishes and causes damage when the enemy attacks or activates skills. That is, it does two things in one:


1. It causes damage when the enemy attacks, very characteristic of the spell "Empathy" of Guild Wars 1.

2. And it also causes damage, if the enemy activates skills, that's the same as the "Backfire" spell in Guild Wars 1.


**Therefore, it is the only iconic and faithful thing that remains to mesmers in Guild Wars 2.**


Leaving this very clear, lately, Arenanet has nerfed the condition "Confusion", reducing the durations, removing, and replacing them by torment. It has removed a very important feature of the hypnotist that reinforced the condition "Confusion". Is "**Master of Misdirection**", this trait granted a ~~+ 33% of duration~~ to your "Confusion", now it has been eliminated, it does not exist. And the last thing was, remove ~~the "confusion" of the ax~~. We only have one basic weapon left for the "confusion", is the scepter, my favorite weapon from the beginning.


**The scepter, should be the most faithful weapon of the mesmer from Guild Wars 1 but on Guild Wars 2**, and when I say true, I mean **mechanics like "Empathy" or "Backfire"**. Spells or abilities that punish enemies. And as now, the changes to the formula of damage in the "Confusion" have changed, it has a negative impact on pve, and on pvp positive. But still, it is very nerf and poor, hardly noticeable. There are other professions like the warrior or the engineer, which better applies the "Confusion" than the mesmer, with large quantities and long durations. I see it as unfair, and unrealistic, that other professions that are not hypnotists, can confuse better than the mesmer.


So, I am going to suggest many changes for the mesmer, very focused on the condition "Confusion", but rather, that the player sits the mesmer of Guild Wars 1 in Guild Wars 2.


All those changes are for the scepter, and for traits related to the scepter and the "confusion". I will also suggest a possible solution to the mechanics of the "confusion" damage to pve. Even, with updated changes in the descriptions of the skills.


**CONFUSION** (This change only on pve)


_Exactly the same formula that have now, only that in pve, when the enemy receives the "Confusion" (in the moment who receives it), at the beginning of the timer (of each Confusion), he receives complete damage, as if he had activated some ability, then continue affected, that if use any skills o attacks, receive damage, following the same mechanics until its duration ends (of the Confusion)._


**This change or added for "Confusion" (only on pve), we ensure a fixed damage and causing, and solve the problem we have with the mobs.**




**Ether Confusings** (Skill AA 1 scepter)

_Shoot a bolt of energy at your target._

Damage: 183

x1 Confusion (3s)

Range: 900


**Ether Tormentings** (Skill AA 2 scepter)

_Shoot a second bolt of energy at your target._

Damage: 183

x1 Torment (3s)

Range: 900


**Ether Nightmare** (Skill AA 3 scepter)

_Deliver a damaging attack directly to your target mind. Summon a clone that casts Ether Confusings. Inflict confusion and torment instead if you have the maximum number of illusions._

Damage: 275

x1 Confusion (3s)

x1 Torment (3s)

Range: 900


**Illusionary Counter** (Skill 2 scepter)

_Block the next attack. Counter by applying Torment and creating a clone that casts Ether Confusings. Inflict Confusion instead create of clone if you have the maximum number of illusions._

Damage: 367

x5 Torment (8s)

x1 Confusion (3s) If you have the maximum number of illusions.

Evade: ½s

Block Duration: 2s

Range: 900


**Counterspell** (Skill alternative 2 scepter)

_Shoot out a bolt that blinds foes in a line. If they were activating or attacking, they get confused. If he was moving, you inflict torment them._

Damage: 37

Blind (5s)

x1 Torment (8s)

x1 Confusion (3s)

Number of Targets: 5

Range: 900


**Confusing Images**

_Channel a beam of energy that damages and confuses your foe. If it was activating any skills or attacking, it get more confused._

Damage (6x): 1,320

x6 Confusion (7s)

x1 Confusion (7s) If it was activating any skills or attacking.

Number of Targets: 5

Range: 900


With these scepter changes, it would be a weapon specialized in punishing enemies, especially confuse. Punish more if the enemies are activating abilities, moving or attacking. It is the closest thing to the mesmer of Guild Wars 1. In addition, I updated the name of the scepter's abilities, because basically, it is a weapon where the mesmer plays with the enemy's mind, creating false images.


**Signet of Domination** (Skills Utility)


Passive: Improved condition damage.

Active: Taunt a foe, that confuse and torment.


Signet of Domination: 180 Condition Damage

x3 Confusion (3s)

x3 Torment (3s)

Taunt (3s)

Range: 1,200

Recharge Time: 45s


This radical change, has more coherence with the mechanics of the seal, focuses on the domination and punishment of the actions of the enemies, damaging them with the condition of the damage, which has sinergy with the passive effect of the signet.




The trait Cry of Frustration (**Trait Cry of pain**) , It is one of the most successful changes, very consistent with the mesmer's ability, i no will change it, is fine.


**Master of Misdirection**

_Shatter skills gain recharge reduction, yours illusions inflict confusion on nearby the foes, if it is destroyed by foe._

x1 Confusion (3s)

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Recharge Reduced: 15%


Here we have really a trait consistent with the name. If the enemy destroys an illusion of yours, he will be punished the wrong way.


And finally, the most important trait for scepter and "confusion".


**Malicious Sorcery**

_While wielding a scepter. Increases attack speed. Confusion and Torment does more damage when castigate at foe. Reduces recharge on scepter skills._

Increased Attack Speed: 20%

Increased Confusion Damage: 10% If foe was activating any skills or attacking.

Increased Torment Damage: 10% If foe was running.

Recharge Reduced: 20%


Malicious witchcraft has to be a trait that punishes the enemy, it is the perfect trait for confusion or torment. Its name indicates it, it has to be a cruel and punishing sorcery.


I could continue more, but with all this is more than enough for you to get the idea, where I want to focus the mesmer of "confusion", if it is not possible, at least to throw some idea, so that it is added in the future to the official game. Hopefully we will receive more support, in the mechanics of "confusion", especially in the scepter.

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I just want to clear up two things.

1. Anet clear doesn't want (and apparently also can't) split the function of confusion for PvE and PvP, they only split numbers.

2. You have a clear misconception what Mesmer in GW1 was. Nobody used skills like Empathy or Backfire in PvE. These were bad for similar reasons confusion and especially scepter is bad GW2 now: It's single target, enemy dependent damage. It has been a lot more effective to shut enemies down using Panic or bursting them down with direct damage.

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Hi, thanks for comment.


Discreet of your opinion. In part I agree that "confusion" right now is not useful in pve, so I suggested this change, if it was done in reality, surely you would change your opinion and you will give me the reason. It is clear that for programming reasons, and game mechanisms, Arenanet can not "divide" the cáculos or numbers of the "confusion" in pvp and pve.


Regarding the "misconception about the Mesmer of Guild Wars 1", you are very wrong, the Mesmer of Guild Wars1 uses a lot the skills "Empathy" and "Backfire", another thing is that for you it is "useful" to use the skill " Panic "in elite areas, because the mobs were grouped, and therefore" Panic "had good synergy in groups of mobs gathered, disabling and interrupting. But in normal pve and pvp, I always used "Empathy" and "Backfire", are the basic spells of the mesmer of Guild Wars 1.


Another thing, is that you only look at meta builds of Guild Wars 1, with the only purpose of "saving time" and finish your objectives as soon as possible, without getting to enjoy or savor the mechanics of the mesmer, which completely destroys professions, without give players freedom to play as they want, since pages that dictate "meta builds", you must play with these builds.


Well here in Guild Wars 2 the same thing happens, damn the time the Raids were published, from there, it spoiled the game experience a lot, everything is based on "meta builds", and damage calculations for a short time. The more damage and in less time, the better. That's why, when I see changes without senses on skills/traits, it takes the essence and vitality away from the magic of the game, because it becomes mathematical calculations, in order to be useful in the Raids.


"Empathy" and "Backfire", very similar to "Confusion" in Guild Wars 2, worked very well in Guild Wars 1, and both were always used. The "Empathy" with her effects, also was addition to make an effect on the area, even with -10 damage from the enemies. And "Backfire" is a powerful skill that punished the healers and wizards. So, do not say that nobody uses it in Guild Wars 1.


And in Guild Wars 2, since the mobs do not have their own mechanics, they attack or use their skills every 3s, addition the changes that "Confusion" has suffered, evidently is not useful in pve. Therefore, if the change that I proposed would was made, "Confusion" inflicts direct damage in the moment that the enemies receive it, more the time what that remains, you would surely change your opinion and you would give me the reason.


Just depend on Arenanet, decide or completely eliminate the "Confusion", turnning the mesmer a phantasm what was in Guild Wars 1.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of balance, division of skills, and everything you want, but ...




And what about the mesmer's scepter? What happens with the condition "confusion" of the mesmer? especially with the "Punishing" conditions of the scepter, and related traits. There is no change or adaptation? Because right now compared to the other weapons of the mesmer, it is useless. Not even the G Trait of the scepter competes with the others.




The scepter needs a big reworks (I have new ideas), but a reworks that can compete for example with the sword, because right now the sword has many advantages, it gives you mobility, invulnerability, remove buffs, immobilize, skill 1 ambush spam clones and teleport (apart from the great jump you can do, to move).


And the scepter alone ... a salvo of projectiles with a duration of 2s between "confusion" and "torment", let's laugh ... then it only gives you access to two conditions that are very easy to clean, basically it's an applicator of two conditions, because what was designed, which is to punish the enemy, is not fulfilling its objective right now (because te foe remove it very fast, long before it takes effect), apart, it does not have mobility, not even a small teleport, nor a synergy with the clones, you can not fool the enemy, it is only an applicator of very preventable conditions for the enemy.


The scepter, should be the most faithful weapon of the mesmer from Guild Wars 1 but on Guild Wars 2, and when I say true, I mean mechanics like "Empathy" or "Backfire". Spells or abilities that punish enemies. And as now, the changes to the formula of damage in the "Confusion" have changed, it has a negative impact on pve and pvp. But still, it is very nerf and poor, hardly noticeable. There are other professions like the warrior or the engineer, which better applies the "Confusion" than the mesmer, with large quantities and long durations. I see it as unfair, and unrealistic, that other professions that are not hypnotists, can confuse better than the mesmer.


The scepter need some changes favorable, so that it can compete with the other weapons of mesmer. With my suggestions, I hope you reflect where I want to come with ideas:


Add the + 20% base speed for scepter. (Only skills of scepter, no other skills).*


**Ether Confusings** (Skill AA 1 scepter)

_Shoot a bolt of energy at your target._

Damage: 183

x1 Confusion (3s)

Range: 900


**Ether Tormentings** (Skill AA 2 scepter)

_Shoot a second bolt of energy at your target._

Damage: 183

x1 Torment (3s)

Range: 900


**Ether Nightmare** (Skill AA 3 scepter)

_Deliver a damaging attack directly to your target mind inflicting confusion and torment. Summon a clone that casts Ether Confusings if the foe overcomes an accumulation of confusion._

Damage: 275

x1 Confusion (3s)

x1 Torment (3s)

Threshold of confusion: 3

Range: 900


With the base increase of attack speed and abilities of the scepter, you would generate clones aggressively, to avoid that but without losing the synergy with the mechanics of scepter punishment, now you only invoke clones if the enemy is confused, it is more coherent, and It fits better with the scepter.


**Illusionary Counter** (Skill 2 scepter)

_Block the next attack, teletransporting you to another place nearby of you foe. Applying Torment on area and creating a clone in your previous position that casts Ether Confusings. Inflict Confusion instead create of clone if you have the maximum number of illusions._

Damage: 367

x5 Torment (8s)

x1 Confusion (8s) If you have the maximum number of illusions.

Evade: ½s

Block Duration: 2s

Radius: 240

Number of Targets: 3

Range: 900


**Counterspell** (Skill alternative 2 scepter)

_Shoot out a bolt that blinds foes in a line. If they were activating or attacking, they get confused. If he was moving, you inflict torment them._

Damage: 37

Blind (5s)

x1 Torment (8s)

x1 Confusion (3s)

Number of Targets: 5

Range: 900


**Confusing Images**

_Channel an beam at a targeted foe, and secondary beams at foes near your target, confusing them. If they were moving, cause also torment._

Damage (6x): 1,320

x6 Confusion (7s)

x6 Torment (7s) If they were moving

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Range: 900


With these scepter changes, it would be a weapon specialized in punishing enemies, especially confuse. Punish more if the enemies are activating abilities, moving or attacking. It is the closest thing to the mesmer of Guild Wars 1. In addition, I updated the name of the scepter's abilities, because basically, it is a weapon where the mesmer plays with the enemy's mind, creating false images.


**Ether Barrage** (Skill 1 Scepter Ambush)

_Launch a barrage of ethers orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion. Then teletransporting away from your enemy and creating a clone in your previous position. Condition duration halved for clones._

Damage (5x): 460

x5 Confusion (4s)

Range teleport: 240

Range: 1,200


With this change, I would compete with the skill 1 Ambush swords of the mesmer, apply only confusion to be coherent with the synergy of the scepter, and a small teleport generating a clone. It would compensate with the lack of damage and little mobility.




**Cry of Pain**

_Cry of Frustration inflicts more stacks of confusion for an increased duration and grants retaliations._

x1Retaliations (4s)

Additional Stacks: 2

Duration Increase: 33%


This trait would be the "Empathy" spell and the "Backfire" of the mesmer of Guild Wars 1, the enemy receives damage whenever he activates a skill or attack, and also receives damage if he hits the mesmer.


**Master of Misdirection**

_Shatter skills gain recharge reduction, yours illusions inflict confusion on nearby the foes, if it is destroyed by foe._

x1 Confusion (3s)

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Recharge Reduced: 15%


Here we have really a trait consistent with the name. If the enemy destroys an illusion of yours, he will be punished the wrong way.


And finally, the most important trait for scepter and "confusion".


**Malicious Sorcery**

_While wielding a scepter, you gain +150 damage condition, and 20% recharge of skill scepter. Scepter skills inflict "Vulnerability" on enemies with a accumulation of confusion._

Condition Damage: +150

x1 Vulnerability (3s)

Threshold of confusion: 6

Recharge Reduced: 20%


Malicious witchcraft has to be a trait that punishes the enemy, it is the perfect trait for confusion. Its name indicates it, it has to be a cruel and punishing sorcery.


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