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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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> @"joeb.7153" said:

> I have read in multiple spots, not just this thread about issues with disconnects after/during cut scenes. I have tried on multiple computers, with different connections, both wired and wireless, and can not get through the balthazar to kill a god cut scene. GW2 was listed in firewall exceptions, and even tried it without firewall on, no difference. Use Norton firewall. Any suggestions at all?


Some players have had success using a VPN.

Some players have had success minimizing cut-scenes.

Some players have had success moving their character or using skills throughout the cutscene.


Good luck.

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I am also getting disconnects specifically Code=7:11:3:191:101....I have reset my modem, router, onboard Ethernet card, Playing in DMZ....made sure GW2 is exception for Avast AV, Firewall exceptions, and called my ISP to see if there were any line issues......I keep getting disconnects as the community describes during or after cut scenes users cannot skip. I cannot complete the Last mission of Heart of Thorns and many episodes in that line were giving me disconnects.


NOTE: I am a Director of Software Development for a company. For the community's sake.....It would not require that much time or resources to have someone at least put in checkpoints in the missions so if user is getting DC from game they have some progress saved. We already have a retry point or try again from checkpoint if you die. If users get DC then someone needs to code a disconnect as a death and when user loads back in it should be where you were last and ask user to to retry from nearest checkpoint at the minimum.


Again.....this would not take many resources to get things like this done......if this is not being fixed and it has been an issue since January (as this post suggests) then regardless if you guys over at ArenaNet can reproduce this problem .....or not....it is a problem......you still could still do something.....example: allow the user to load into the instance and be able to still select start at nearest checkpoint so the user can at least continue without a complete restart (as stated above). So regardless is it can or cannot b reproduced then its still both a good option and a fix.


This need to be repaired......as others have suggested this is completely destroying my fun with coming back to GW2

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I played the game on release and a couple of weeks ago came back after buying/installing the last 2 expansions.


I was also having the issue with constant crashes and disconnects in storylines, annoyingly mostly at the end , so I had to replay the whole thing.


To fix it I tried deleting all my GW2 application data and totally uninstalled and re-installed the game.


Since this time it has run perfectly with no crashes or disconnects at all.

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so having joined this game not long ago and finding that im having oodles of fun this issue is HORRIFIC i DC during almost every.. single ... mission and it is INFURIATING i have scoured the forums and tried allmost EVERYTHING but NOTHING works im to the point where i would be willing to let a dev remote host into my pc as i play the missions and set up dump logs for my ENTIRE PC STATE if that would AT ALL help fix it even a little bit because it does not just drop guild wars oho no when guild wars drops it drops EVERYTHING my entire internet for just this PC DIES for 5-10 seconds happens no where else but guild wars so please .... send help


(edit) the worst part is it almost always works correctly the second or 3d time it has never gone beyond 3 dcs but by god is that demoralizing)

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For some reason the last mission in the game iv done about 7-8 times this past week and every time i get to the last boss the game disconnects right after the cut-scene. very disappointing and frustrating. i like wasting my time playing video games but i don't like wasting my time playing video games if you know what i mean =/

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Still happening for me. Months later.


But surprise surprise yesterday I was able to complete two story missions without a single disconnect! Tried it again today and in 3 attempts 3 disconnects by me or the person I was playing with. I noticed that everything was a bit laggy while I was going through the story so I played with the options window open and saw the ping spiking up to the high 400s. Until I exited the story mission then it dropped to the low 70s. Wondering if whatever is serving the instances is having troubles? would make sense I rarely get disconnected in the open world. But constantly in the story instances.

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I also just had a crash during the story instance Buried Insight, right at the end of the mission (I assume) after they turn the computer on to find out about the dragon weaknesses. I've never had one of these before but it's pretty annoying having spent so much time in the mission already.


Edit: to be specific, I got to the point where Braham said "Let's catch up with the others, then. I suppose it'd be nice to have some help finding this weakness.". Then nothing else in the game happened, no objective updates, no further dialogue, but I think I could still move. After a minute or two of this the game kicked me back to the character select screen with the 'you have been disconnected' dialogue, unfortunately I didn't capture the error code.

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So, my wife and I have been going nuts with this issue for a week or so now. Until finding this post, I was pretty convinced that it was an issue with our router. I mean, it couldn't be the game, right?


After reading through bits of the thread, it seemed to me that "timeout" was a reoccurring theme. So we tried something a little different the next time we worked on a chapter/mission.


Anytime you get in a cut scene, or extended dialog that doesn't require any action on your part, make a point of moving around the entire time. Even if you are on a cinematic, just hit your keys like you are running around. In other words, keep sending character movement keystrokes to the servers.


After getting disconnected 4-5 times each on a mission previously, we were both able to get through it together on the first shot using this method. We were then able to do the entirety of the next chapter as well which is the first time we went straight through one in quite some time.


It's only 2 missions and may just be anecdotal, but it _might_ be worth a shot. It might also be a new angle of testing for the devs to consider. Make a point of running some tests where the devs make an effort to not move **at all** during the long dialog or cut scenes. (We all know devs can't sit still at a keyboard for 2 seconds, so it may require some serious effort. I recommend well timed distractions of the pastry variety to keep them occupied.)


For everyone else running into this issue...give it a shot. If it doesn't work, oh well. If it does...then maybe its an easy workaround with a potentially easy fix on the dev end.


Good luck!

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> @"Spuddlethud.3694" said:

> So, my wife and I have been going nuts with this issue for a week or so now. Until finding this post, I was pretty convinced that it was an issue with our router. I mean, it couldn't be the game, right?


> After reading through bits of the thread, it seemed to me that "timeout" was a reoccurring theme. So we tried something a little different the next time we worked on a chapter/mission.


> Anytime you get in a cut scene, or extended dialog that doesn't require any action on your part, make a point of moving around the entire time. Even if you are on a cinematic, just hit your keys like you are running around. In other words, keep sending character movement keystrokes to the servers.


> After getting disconnected 4-5 times each on a mission previously, we were both able to get through it together on the first shot using this method. We were then able to do the entirety of the next chapter as well which is the first time we went straight through one in quite some time.


> It's only 2 missions and may just be anecdotal, but it _might_ be worth a shot. It might also be a new angle of testing for the devs to consider. Make a point of running some tests where the devs make an effort to not move **at all** during the long dialog or cut scenes. (We all know devs can't sit still at a keyboard for 2 seconds, so it may require some serious effort. I recommend well timed distractions of the pastry variety to keep them occupied.)


> For everyone else running into this issue...give it a shot. If it doesn't work, oh well. If it does...then maybe its an easy workaround with a potentially easy fix on the dev end.


> Good luck!


Just an FYI: This is one of the recommended trouble-shooting tips offered, along with trying a VPN, using a Skill, and minimizing cut-scenes. Thus, it does, indeed, work for some players. =)

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This happens in about half of story instances for me, and has occurred in instances from the personal story, living world seasons 2&3, HoT, and now PoF (I haven't done season 4 yet; mostly because I have had to waste so much time replaying every other chapter because of this bug). It seems related to the triggering of a cutscene, as others have mentioned, but the silly advice of moving my character or trying to use a skill is useless because the cutscene never actually starts. As soon as I get booted to character select, I can hit play and get back immediately without having to log in in the launcher. If a disconnect is happening, how am I able to log back in without authenticating? Either the disconnect message is a lie, or this is a HUGE security hole.


I've tried a client repair, reinstalling the game, lowering my graphics settings, reformatting and reinstalling Windows, and even playing on a different computer on a different internet connection from a different ISP; This issue is NOT on my end.


EDIT: also worth mentioning that I'm connected to my router via ethernet, so this is not a wifi-only issue.

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> @"Puddles.6385" said:

> This happens in about half of story instances for me, and has occurred in instances from the personal story, living world seasons 2&3, HoT, and now PoF (I haven't done season 4 yet; mostly because I have had to waste so much time replaying every other chapter because of this bug). It seems related to the triggering of a cutscene, as others have mentioned, but the silly advice of moving my character or trying to use a skill is useless because the cutscene never actually starts. As soon as I get booted to character select, I can hit play and get back immediately without having to log in in the launcher. If a disconnect is happening, how am I able to log back in without authenticating? Either the disconnect message is a lie, or this is a HUGE security hole.


> I've tried a client repair, reinstalling the game, lowering my graphics settings, reformatting and reinstalling Windows, and even playing on a different computer on a different internet connection from a different ISP; This issue is NOT on my end.


> EDIT: also worth mentioning that I'm connected to my router via ethernet, so this is not a wifi-only issue.


I'm not sure the log-in servers and the game servers are one and the same. Thus, you could lose connection to one, but not the other, perhaps.

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Still trying to get through 'The Departing' (I'm really starting to hate balthazar now, that fight is just tedious). I seem to get a little further each time, this time I got though the gate and into the cinematic, then my UI came back up and there was I standing there with with the cinema icon over my head then, black screen and back to the log in screen.


Unless they can sort something out with this problem I can see it being a real problem when it comes to the next expansion, if you can't finish the story and they can't help you through it, a lot of us will be thinking twice before buying another installment. Please at least put in some check points so we don't have to keep doing the whole thing over and over again.

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I have enough. I refuse to spend any more cash on this game until they found a solution to this problem, its a waste of my time and as well as many other players. Why won't Anet make this a priority? The Departing is a very very very time consuming long instance; long time walking around with unskippable hundreds of dialogues with 2 boss fights (one in the beginning and one in the end). Many players are asking for checkpoints Anet, when is it happening? When are you providing us the solution? When will I get my griffon? When will I find out the ending of the story of PoF? When will I get to experience ls4? When Anet? Tell me?

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I can't finish "The Sacrifice" in POF. I keep getting disconnected and I know for a fact it is not my internet connection causing this. I refuse to buy any gems and will quit this game if this is not fixed. I put in a ticket, but the last time I did it took them 28 days before I got a response. One of this game's selling point is its storyline, for it not to work is simply unacceptable. This is a core game mechanic that is not functioning and a simple option like "reconnect" has not been implemented as of yet. It is game breaking for me as well as others! AND I REFUSE to play that story again!!!!

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Again. It happens again. This time its the second last chapter of PoF. After fighting the boss and finishing the video cutscene, I disconnected ONCE AGAIN.


Edit: I did it again and the fight was pretty short. This is the check point we should be getting and I am glad this one isn't one of the problem but The Departing was a pain.......

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I mostly witness that during cutscenes, the characters suddenly stop moving, keep on talking for a few seconds, before they stop talking and I notice that the game froze completely. Funny enough, that only happens to me in core personal story. I seldom or even never witnessed that on HoT or PoF... would have truly kittened me off!

Then again, having to play the Pale Tree Orr vision again and again is not that funny, either. I clearly remember that this happened once while I enjoyed the ending cinematic after defeating Zhaitan. Guess what? Gotta defeat him again =) there, checkpoints would have eased the pain significantly.

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I was plagued with this problem too. Tried 5 times to complete Victory or Death. Something I read in one of the forums got me thinking and I changed one setting that seems to have helped. I'm not going to guarantee it will work and requires more testing to be confident... but I was able to complete 2 story quests where I'd disconnected repeatedly and my wife also finished one she'd tried 3 times.


Options > General > Streaming > Content Streaming >> change to "On Demand"


The setting was set to 'Idle'. Something someone said in a forum post regarding the disconnects seeming to come during transitions from cutscene to non-cutscene made me think that perhaps the game was trying to get some piece of content and since the download setting was set to Idle, it was waiting for the connection to be Idle. After waiting a period of time, it failed out the download which caused it to lose the instance. By setting it to On Demand, it allows the game to download that content when needed. This is totally just a theory, but has been working for me so far. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.

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Exactly. I am in the same boat as you OP. Throughout the entire gameplay, since I first started playing GW2, I never once got disconnected from the server while on the open world field. Doesn't matter if there were a lot of players on at the same time or a lot of stuff going on my screen, disconnects never happens during the open world. I will give Anet a huge **A+** on this part, really high-quality stable connection. What I will give Anet a huge **F** is the low-quality connectivity inside the storyline instances, especially the long ones like 'Hearts and Minds' and 'The Departing'.

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This happened to me twice in a row in Victory and Death right after defeating the Mouth of Zhaitan. The problem seems related to cinematics as the first time it happened the movie reel appeared over the toon's head and I couldn't do any action, after a second or two it disconnected me. The next time, same thing, except it did start to play the cinematic after the defeat of the Mouth, but then stopped and left the movie reel icon over my head. I tried submitting bug reports but it disconnected me before I could submit it in that game state with the screenshot. I was forced to wait and submit it after logging back in but that wouldn't have any information attached. It is a lot of content/battles to have to go through again not knowing whether I will ever progress past that step.

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