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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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This has happened reliably to me this entire. Year.

This time I was redoing a story mission in HoT. I was going for an achievement solo. I was in the middle of a fight with some trash mobs. I am getting angrier and angrier. I enjoy this game, but this nonsense is pushing me away rather steadily.

I see no reason that if our characters' mastery, achievements, and loot get saved why our _progress_ shouldn't be saved.

You try being a mediocre player just trying to have fun and enjoy a story when a half an hour solo boss fight ends in a disconnect.

Because if you join a group everyone's flying through it. I cannot enjoy the content I pay for.

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Been trying the "To Kill a God" mission for 2 months now. I lose connection at the same point EVERY TIME. Just as I defeat Balthazar, it goes to the cut scene then goes black, with a disconnection notice. I have done this part of the story 5 times... I thought for sure after the first few times if I gave anet some time they would for sure fix the issue. Months later, same thing. HALP!

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Happened again during "Frozen Out." This time after the cutscene at the very end. Because I'm forced to listen to Braham and the commander yap after the boss is dead, I never receive credit for the mission. Now I get to do it again and listen to Braham's fantastic dialogue. When do we get to kill Braham? Soon I hope.

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Had this again playing Living World 2 storyline, Echoes of the Past. Was trying to finish the quest but had the Connection Lost error before starting very last boss. Now have to play all over again. All prior missions in LW2 were great, I did get a lost connection at the end of Dragons Reach 2 but it appears the game completed as I received the credit, could it be that the devs may have put some fixes in place?

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> We have folks investigating this issue, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it. We're trying to determine what the commonality is between players that run into this issue. If you haven't already, please submit a bug when it happens so we can get more data points.


I've been told that Anet is telling people to use a VPN as a workaround for these disconnects; mine happens after Joko's taunting at the end of the story chapter "The Departing". Being as how this is-to my knowledge-an unsubstantiated rumor, can you:


1) Clarify that as of right now, this is one of Anet's possible solutions


2) State which particular 3rd party solution i.e. VPN Anet is saying we need to use to operate GW2?


3) If, as I've been told this is a true statement, what support and guarantees does Anet provide for this 3rd party fix (I would assume that Anet would assume responsibility for any 3rd party program which is not listed in the system requirements to run the game) should we continue to not only experiencing in-game issues but general issues with this speculative VPN?

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I thought to use Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 to capture packets during my run of The Departing. I didn't have any crashes (never had the issue), but I was able to isolate all packets related to the instance via the IP. I'd love to know if packet capture would be useful for arenanet in troubleshooting this problem, but at the same time I'm unable to filter out other network traffic from the .cap file. It's a privacy concern, for one, and two, arenanet doesn't need to see my network traffic for steam or outlook, to name a few.

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I tried to use the "keep moving/spam abilities" work around during post-EoS Joko dialogue and was able to exit the Mists. Bear in mind, I only tried this once because as I was coming back to life and Rytlock was talking, I got booted back to tue character select screen. I have not yet been able to try again.


Perhaps I'll be able to duplicate (and succeed?) this evening after work.


I'm not technical genius (if I can turn on a computer without it blowing up, that's a success in my book) but based on my experience with this issue and reading about other player experiences, I wonder if it's not somehow related to the logout due to inactivity feature. Which leads me to ask:


1) Is there a way to turn off this feature or extend that period before auto-logout?

2) I know it's a longshot but is there a way we may be able to skip the cutscenes where we are unable to interact (move/spam abilities) thus possibly preventing the "auto-logout"?

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Robj.6815" said:

> > 2) we are unable to interact (move/spam abilities) thus possibly preventing the "auto-logout"?


> Btw, just making sure, that you are still pressing your attack/jump button during movie scenes.


> Cause even tho you're unable to move it seems to keep the connection.


I just got through it. I took the precaution of putting my settings on low and actually spammed moving left and right as well as my jump button. Ironically, that seemed to almost skip the last cutscene where Rytlock os talking over your dead body. Thank all the kittens in Tyria I got through.


Onwards and upwards...or southwards to The Desolation!

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My wife and I have experienced a consistent crash during the LWS4 E3 where we are fighting Beastmaster Eronco (sp?). For the last 4 characters, sometime during the fight we disconnect, have to go to desktop and restart the client to restart the fight. This happens with the Joko fight as well but slightly less consistently.

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LW4 Ep4. LEGACY is bugged after you defeat the branded riftstalker npcs start to talk then screen goes black (like its going to a cutscene) and then I get a dc message to character select and lose all credit. and have to redo the instance trying for a thrid time, but it will most likely fail.


2 hours later... on 4rth try made it past Legacy.

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I would like to post an update about my account and the disconnects. I last posted a little under a month ago.

I was recently in a dungeon on a DIFFERENT computer from my home computer, on different internet, and on a different router (all of which have been suspect for this), and I still encountered the issue.

This is **not related to LW4**. This has happened to me consistently from the personal story up through Path of Fire (which I have slowly meandered through) AND now group dungeons and fractals.


**As for it not being 'replicable' **I might suggest that Anet ought to send someone WITH a player in a story instance and merely wait for it to happen. Or several of these players. I, with some level of reliability, get disconnected if I spent over half an hour in an instance. @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" I'm not sure why anet hasn't been open about what testing methods they've done, but this seems like a fairly persistent problem that warrants more effort than what we've been allowed to see.


I would _eagerly_ volunteer my time as someone who disconnects more and more frequently towards solving this issue. I am certain that other people in this thread feel similarly.

::Edit for tone and suggestion

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is sick. Ticket open for more then a week. No response.

- HoT : Hearts and minds, takes 40 mins waste of my time, again disconnected. For 3th time:Pffff

- Living season 2: Echoes of the past (Hidden Arena instance), 35 mins, again for 5th time NOPE, disconnected.


So gdm, I finished the instance, disconnected, and repeat??? This aint funny at all.

Make if you complete, then gdmn mark as complete and not disconnect.

At least on a ticket: RESPOND please. This is lame:Pfffff

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Today (October 1st) I have just completed "The Departing" twice. Each time i kill the eater of souls and listen to Joko and once Joko finishes i disconnect. Not sure i want to spend another hour doing it all over for it to happen again. Shame really as i was enjoying this story line.


Strange that it never happens during other game play only story lines.

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Getting this on Ossuary of the Unquiet Dead. Right after the unskippable cutscene after destroying all the urns, I end up with the movie reel over my character's head and then booted to character selection. The first time I actually got past that and defeated the boss but then movie reel disconnected after the end conversation. After a third attempt I'm really sick of doing this mission again (takes about 20-30 minutes every time). I've had it before on some previous missions but got around it by skipping all conversation and basically speedrunning it. Now it's basically ruined the whole game for me since I wanted to complete the personal story before moving on. Definitely not spending another penny until this issue is resolved or a workaround is found.


Tried game content streaming to max, tried client port 443, tried spamming character abilities and movement during the cutscene, nada. When I build up the motivation to run this mission a fourth time I'll try a VPN.


UK, Virgin Media, 144hz monitor, fullscreen windowed. IP of the instance was


Please add checkpoints or keep the instance alive for 5 mins so we can reconnect to it - this would help not only this case but any other case where someone might lose connection!



Tried it again with a VPN setup to an AWS instance in frankfurt, where the game servers seem to be based. The connection was lossy as anything, lots of lag, but that's probably more likely due to the VPN than the game. In any case it seemed to do the trick, got past the cutscenes and completed the mission. Probably what I'll do in the future is play missions without the VPN then switch to it as soon as I get a disconnect issue on one of them. If anyone is desperate and wants to give this a go, hit me up and I'll send the VPN access details.

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still happening in october still no work around... just add an option to continue where you left off shouldnt be that hard to code. it should just be a variable with container value for where you left off aka BASIC STUFF. I know this type of thing and I am FAILING my c# class. Again, no issues with anet, I love anet, I think anet is one of the best publishers in mmos, but this little issue is a serious flaw (that and legendary systems but ya know.... gw2 logic)

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I’ve also been suffering the same symptoms as many others on this discussion. Repeated frustrating disconnects at the end of long storyline missions, but fine stable connection for general gameplay. For example always disconnecting at the end of the last mission of A Crack in the Ice at the end of the unskipable cutscene.


Sharing my results to add to the data set: UK, Virgin Media


Thanks to others for suggesting trying a VPN. I tried using Bitdefender VPN (comes bundled with Bitdefender Internet Security). I set the VPN location to “Automatic” and completed the mission on the first attempt – no disconnect.


Looks like VPN may be the way to go for us on Virgin Media!

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