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Living Story Season 1 replay Ideas

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First let me say I know how difficult making the LS1 replayable is and some parts of it has made it into fractals. So here are my ideas for parts of the first season.

: Marionette battle : Make it a world boss on the same timers and Tequatal and Triple...

Could easily have some Aetherblades return with a new airship and hoist the Marionette back to her feet, then the event could go on as it normally did during LS1. with the 5 lanes and map wide zapping.

As for the Lion's Arch events. We have some unused buildings and locations in LA that we could add a new portal to a waiting room (Think the Raid lobby). So the LA lobby is a instance that has another portal to past LA, where first up is escaping LA. Racing against time rescuing the people of Lion's Arch while working against the miasma, So as time runs out the players are kicked to the new lobby. Figure the Escape event repeats for about hour and half. Then it shifts to the Battle to Lion's Arch where players have 15/30 mins (give or take) to coordinate and battle the three knights.

The Breachmaker battle could be added after a successful " Battle for Lion's Arch" or even made into a tuned down fractal.

These are just my thoughts and ideas , feel free to share your own or discuss ideas

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