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Flabbergasted in PvP


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I guess it's just the initial growing pains of a balance patch mid season, but wow,

I play last night, Im feeling OP

I play this night, I am struggling to keep my head above water. Tonights run for me was just wild.


Necros are tougher than they've ever been.

Power Mesmer..... double u tee f - I can't get off ONE single lb 4? One root? Beats me to the point with ease and the power shatters /shaking my head

Combine it with the crazy shatters, getting knocked off point and getting floated mid fight--- hey here comes Mr Engi to bounce me around.

Id happily take back condi over this new mess they unleashed.


Gameplay is slowly being taken out of my hands if I can't even use weapon abilities.

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Just use some of the amazing amounts of stability Ranger has to counter all the CC play.. oh no wait you cant because the counter to cc is countered by the boon strip counter that they added as a counter to the counter of being able to counter peoples cc.







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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> Just use some of the amazing amounts of stability Ranger has to counter all the CC play.. oh no wait you cant because the counter to cc is countered by the boon strip counter that they added as a counter to the counter of being able to counter peoples cc.


> FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


> :headsplode:





lol, well I don't run with any stab :0



Probably. I really wish they would make it so you can't double up on the same profs in ranked games.

But I think they are running out of players.

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I don't know, I ran into all sorts of mesmers on my druid the past few days, haven't had much trouble, the clones get a bit confusing at times, but I can't say they have been much of an issue. Holo and deader dropping me 50% coming put of stealth... that's where the issue has been for me. Drop a spike trap once a mesmer is near you, wont lose many 1v1

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> @"Anaseth.5763" said:

> I don't know, I ran into all sorts of mesmers on my druid the past few days, haven't had much trouble, the clones get a bit confusing at times, but I can't say they have been much of an issue. Holo and deader dropping me 50% coming put of stealth... that's where the issue has been for me. Drop a spike trap once a mesmer is near you, wont lose many 1v1


You play lb or staff?

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Depends on team comp, if 2 thieves I go traps condi with sb and various other sets, one mesmer on sword wh and staff, 2 or more I go shout bow build..sorta. it honestly depends on whats on othsr team, but staff is so valuable to avoid shatters, same with sword evade, lightning reflex or whatever its called etc. I never play meta builds, Always mixing thing up

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> @"Anaseth.5763" said:

> Depends on team comp, if 2 thieves I go traps condi with sb and various other sets, one mesmer on sword wh and staff, 2 or more I go shout bow build..sorta. it honestly depends on whats on othsr team, but staff is so valuable to avoid shatters, same with sword evade, lightning reflex or whatever its called etc. I never play meta builds, Always mixing thing up


Yea in high rank play, you get to avoid shatters with staff 1 time. Then you die to the 2nd shatter/burst or give up the node to a mesmer that is at least of EQUAL skill level as you (a ranger). If they're of lower skill level which would be evident the first few seconds, then fire away!

Also, slotting spike trap in high rank play??? GFG really.

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Thx ender for that fantastic word in the title. Just increased my english vocabulary. ^^

Back on topic.

I myself didnt really participated in PvP for a while. Not even in the Hub arena.

So i cant say much except that it is probably hard to counter CC heavy builds or boon corrupt. We have not many anti CC cappabilities except a plethra of Stunbreaks which cant be equipped all at once and dont always serve a purpose in the build. Atm we are pidgeon holded into WS for condi cleanse, some additional cleanse on NM would free up some build variety.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> Power Mesmer..... double u tee f - I can't get off ONE single lb 4? One root? Beats me to the point with ease and the power shatters /shaking my head

> Combine it with the crazy shatters, getting knocked off point and getting floated mid fight---


Unfortunately Anet didn't nerfed (blanced) mesmer, they made it more powerful, at least power build one. I don't know in what direction they want to go with this kind of balance, but definitely they are not going in a good one.


PS: that's why till they will not nerf (balance) mesmer I am not agree with any modification (nerf) for druid. That's why I fight with everyone who want to nerf druid (even I play only Soulbeast).

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I dunno I'm climbing plat fine with soulbeast. You should be okay with druid enderz all you have to do is kite and stay on the edge of the point.



Couple things the new power mesmer stays on the edge of the point (easy tell) keep pressure on with sword 3 and lb/staff with refined toxins


Holo dodge torwards it


Necros shouldn't be an issue, if you can't dps them just chain cc for teamates to take out.


Other thing use sword and off hand dagger the dodges save a mofo like crazy in the power meta.


But judgeing from your comments from my other thread ya you shouldn't be dying as meta druid is just kit kite kite (in 2 seconds you should regain any health from bursted)! Get to the point were you die maybe 1 per match against a good comp

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> I honestly believe many of the games balance issues could be fixed with one simple thing.

> When a class becomes strong or op due to Anets 'balance'-no one team gets to double up on that.


> No double comps.


> No double Ranger

> No double mesmer

> No double Necro


> I know this isn't a new idea. But it's a good one.


Not everyone plays meta in ranked, some even play core ranger *Gasp* so good in theory but it wouldnt really work i reality. Soulbeast and druid play completely different roles so not allowing one to be on the team because the other is there is not going to solve the issue.


I think its a bad idea, especially when anet should be going for build diversity in pvp.

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> @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > I honestly believe many of the games balance issues could be fixed with one simple thing.

> > When a class becomes strong or op due to Anets 'balance'-no one team gets to double up on that.

> >

> > No double comps.

> >

> > No double Ranger

> > No double mesmer

> > No double Necro

> >

> > I know this isn't a new idea. But it's a good one.


> Not everyone plays meta in ranked, some even play core ranger *Gasp* so good in theory but it wouldnt really work i reality. Soulbeast and druid play completely different roles so not allowing one to be on the team because the other is there is not going to solve the issue.


> I think its a bad idea, especially when anet should be going for build diversity in pvp.


Berserker core ranger here! Currently stuck in plat and I seem to not be able to climb at the moment. But I find it more than viable for solo queue. Might just be that it is my cup of tea, but the survival actually isnt that bad :)

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> @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > I honestly believe many of the games balance issues could be fixed with one simple thing.

> > When a class becomes strong or op due to Anets 'balance'-no one team gets to double up on that.

> >

> > No double comps.

> >

> > No double Ranger

> > No double mesmer

> > No double Necro

> >

> > I know this isn't a new idea. But it's a good one.


> Not everyone plays meta in ranked, some even play core ranger *Gasp* so good in theory but it wouldnt really work i reality. Soulbeast and druid play completely different roles so not allowing one to be on the team because the other is there is not going to solve the issue.


> I think its a bad idea, especially when anet should be going for build diversity in pvp.


Build diversity good in theory, bad in reality.


It would still fix the problem. Doesn't really matter if you can have 2 kinds of necros, 2 kinds of ranger builds--- does not matter.

It does not matter to the argument.


You know how many games I've been in that have straight been ruined by double necro on the other team and NO necro on our team?


Stop people from double que'ing and bam---there will be no Double Overpowered Duplicate Builds.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> Stop people from double que'ing and bam---there will be no Double Overpowered Duplicate Builds.


The idea is good, but never happen, because if now the queue is pretty long, depend of the time when you play, with this idea the queue could go till 10 times longer.

Now they try to balance somehow the team due to the rank etc ... to bring another kind of criteria ... I don't know. What do you do with 2 friends who like both necro and they want to play in the same team ?


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > Stop people from double que'ing and bam---there will be no Double Overpowered Duplicate Builds.


> The idea is good, but never happen, because if now the queue is pretty long, depend of the time when you play, with this idea the queue could go till 10 times longer.

> Now they try to balance somehow the team due to the rank etc ... to bring another kind of criteria ... I don't know. What do you do with 2 friends who like both necro and they want to play in the same team ?



I don't care about those two people :pensive:


I know it won't happen. There aren't enough people playing the game.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> I don't care about those two people :pensive:


You should, because this game is not only for solo players ;) . That's why every time when someone comes with an idea, I ask him to thing from all 3 POV (PVE, sPVP and WvW), also he must have in mind that this game is not single player, and are many ppl who play with their friends.

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> @"zalt.8937" said:

> > @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > I honestly believe many of the games balance issues could be fixed with one simple thing.

> > > When a class becomes strong or op due to Anets 'balance'-no one team gets to double up on that.

> > >

> > > No double comps.

> > >

> > > No double Ranger

> > > No double mesmer

> > > No double Necro

> > >

> > > I know this isn't a new idea. But it's a good one.

> >

> > Not everyone plays meta in ranked, some even play core ranger *Gasp* so good in theory but it wouldnt really work i reality. Soulbeast and druid play completely different roles so not allowing one to be on the team because the other is there is not going to solve the issue.

> >

> > I think its a bad idea, especially when anet should be going for build diversity in pvp.


> Berserker core ranger here! Currently stuck in plat and I seem to not be able to climb at the moment. But I find it more than viable for solo queue. Might just be that it is my cup of tea, but the survival actually isnt that bad :)


Awesome!!! Me too, its just so deep set in my motor plans and feels good killing meta with non meta. I like the weapon set better than the bloop bloop bloop noise of the druid staff, drives me bananas.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > I don't care about those two people :pensive:


> You should, because this game is not only for solo players ;) . That's why every time when someone comes with an idea, I ask him to thing from all 3 POV (PVE, sPVP and WvW), also he must have in mind that this game is not single player, and are many ppl who play with their friends.


I dont care about those two players in light of the rest of the playerbase.


2 of any class on one team in a match is just not good.


If it's a op fotm class = not good.


If the class sucks = well dmn, thats not good either.

either way it's a loss

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I'm no meta-worshipper by any stretch, but the druid meta is solid, and seems to work fine against the mesmers I see in plat 1/plat 2. CA 5 gives stab and erases clones, and between sword dodges and staff 3, I can avoid getting locked down after the first cleanse. Not to mention SoS and SoR for extra help with pressure.


This isn't to say that soulbeast or core can't do fine on a team; you just have to realize you're fulfilling a different role, which happens to put a bit more pressure on the rest of your team to be able to rotate properly and make other judgments. Meta druid gives up the ability to notch fast kills in exchange for the ability to troll a node endlessly, which in my experience helps carry weaker teams better than making kills.

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