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I wanna have DPS!

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I've been trying to get started with raiding to help with gearing my characters up, and I'm trying to improve my dps. I see in the benchmarks that most classes are able to get 30k+ dps on the golem, but I can't seem to get anywhere remotely close to that! Right now I have a condition-damage berzerker and a power holosmith.


On my berzerker, I'm only in half viper/half rampager gear while I try to get ascended armors/weapons, so I've got that going against me. On my holosmith I have full berzerker exotics, so I'm missing out on the dps increase from an ascended weapon. From what I've read, the weapon is maybe 15% more dps tops, and the ascended armor is negligible, so I wouldn't expect it to make that big of a difference.


Right now, if I REALLY try hard and go to town, I can just barely hit 20k dps on both of these characters, using all of the buffs recommended on the qtfy site. I'm following the recommended rotations to the letter, and using all of the recommended skills as soon as possible and in the right order. Is there something I'm missing? Will an ascended weapon/armor help me get the extra 50% dps increase, or is there something else I'm doing wrong? I've been the bottom dps by a fair margin in all of the raid groups I've been in (usually just barely above the healers/chronomancers), so I want to work on it so I don't feel like dead weight.



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You don’t mention accessories. Do you have the appropriate ascended ones?


Nor do you mention Runes/Sigils - those are also important.


Lastly, your Warrior is going to lag behind without full Viper. Condi duration is very important when it comes to DPS as any condi build (which is why all of them are full Viper, pretty much).

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I have full ascended viper trinkets on my warrior, but I only have exotic berzerker trinkets on my engineer. For my runes/sigils, I'm using the ones that are recommended on the metabattle site. I use renegade runes and sigils of malice/geomancy on my warrior, and sigil or air/force and scholar runes on my engineer.

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Can be several things

1) food. All dps benchmarks are done with best in slot food/uti. And that will make a huge difference.

2) vuln. Make sure the golem have 25 stacks of vuln on when testing. Again huge difference.

3) Cancelling attacks. You generally want to make sure you uuse your attacks as soon as possible, but using them to quickly can cancel the attack you are in the middle of. This can pop the skill on cd and have you spend time on 90% of the animation. But without actually providid any dmg. So make sure you dont cancel attacks.

4) If its nono of these then its rotation. Only thing to do then is practice more

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First the condi duration. Vulne should be 25 stacks with so many players. Consistent full boons especially 25 might stacks (maybe moved too far from boon distribution?). The golem doesn't move unlike a raid boss that is possible to move out from condi war's ground aoe. Depending on the encounter.


Ps : Don't rely too much on those golem benchmark. I see the numbers as just a possibility, but hardly possible to produce the numbers on a *live target*.

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> @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > What is the condi duration shown when you hover the mouse above expertise stat in equipment page?


> My expertise stat is 443, and my condition duration is +36% (+70% for burning/bleeding).


It's just a rough estimation from me but with full vipers, you will probably just have a 20%+ increase for the previous readings.

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I'm not a good dps person either even with fully maxed gear.. I hv always been mid or back liner in mmo.. so I always go with support.. the only dps I can manage to be close enough bench mark without banging my head is soulbeast .. easiest rotation imo. bcos i mainly play support role, I hvnt invested enough time on other roles.. time and lifestyle doesn't make it easy for tht :p.

Maybe try support role if you find it hard..

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> @"Sephollos.4829" said:


> On my berzerker, I'm only in half viper/half rampager gear while I try to get ascended armors/weapons, so I've got that going against me.


The lack of viper is actually a big DPS loss. Condi duration is always the most important for condi classes. A 70% duration has a big difference compared to 100%.


>On my holosmith I have full berzerker exotics, so I'm missing out on the dps increase from an ascended weapon. From what I've read, the weapon is maybe 15% more dps tops, and the ascended armor is negligible, so I wouldn't expect it to make that big of a difference.


Full ascended gear gives you sth like 15% of increase, not just the weapon. Armor is as important as the weapons as armor gives you stats for DPS.



> Right now, if I REALLY try hard and go to town, I can just barely hit 20k dps on both of these characters, using all of the buffs recommended on the qtfy site. I'm following the recommended rotations to the letter, and using all of the recommended skills as soon as possible and in the right order. Is there something I'm missing? Will an ascended weapon/armor help me get the extra 50% dps increase, or is there something else I'm doing wrong? I've been the bottom dps by a fair margin in all of the raid groups I've been in (usually just barely above the healers/chronomancers), so I want to work on it so I don't feel like dead weight.



1. The quatify site is outdated at this point. The snow crows is currently a better resource.

2. You make no mention of food. All benchmarks are done with food.

3. Pre casting is also very important to get good benchmarks. Skills that the players in the benchmarks have prepared before they start hitting the golem. For example the holosmith always begins the benchmark with 50+% heat for the extra damage in the opening.

4. You are also missing stat infusions that you can have with ascended gear. These also give 1-2k damage.

5. Careful of skill cancels. In rotations you have to use skills as soon as possible but not so fast that you cancel the previous ones while you are casting them. Many heavy hitting skills on both classes have specifically high casting times and canceling them is easy with a big DPS loss. Especially in holosmith it is really easy to

cancel skills.

6. The golem also gets specific conditions on it depending on the class. That changes things a lot.

7. As others said. If you are absolutely sure you have every other thing covered then it is only a matter of practice.

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> @"Sigfodr.9576" said:

> Can be several things

> 1) food. All dps benchmarks are done with best in slot food/uti. And that will make a huge difference.

> 2) vuln. Make sure the golem have 25 stacks of vuln on when testing. Again huge difference.

> 3) Cancelling attacks. You generally want to make sure you uuse your attacks as soon as possible, but using them to quickly can cancel the attack you are in the middle of. This can pop the skill on cd and have you spend time on 90% of the animation. But without actually providid any dmg. So make sure you dont cancel attacks.

> 4) If its nono of these then its rotation. Only thing to do then is practice more


Let me correct you - food doesn't make a huge difference. It makes a few percent difference, while OP obviously is missing much more. Honestly, using food on the golem is a waste, especially if you're just starting.


My advice would be to first check combat setup (buffs, enhancements and conditions) and then focus on the rotation. Practice and pay attention to cancelling attacks. Doing a smooth rotation will bring you in the same ballpark as the benchmarks without food.

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