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GS Chrono build help


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Hi all,


Was hoping some fellow mesmers could help me out with the chronomancer.


Just recently switched from condi mirage to power chrono as I wanted to still do decent damage but also offer some utility to my PVE fractal group. That being said the only build I can manage that does decent damage is Dueling/Illusion/Chrono shatter which doesn't seem to offer much in the way of support.


I can see some great abilities in the Insp tree but it brings my dps down something fierce, Currently running GS as its the only ascended weapon i have for my mesmer atm, although happy to change if there is a better weapon.


Any build ideas or even some general gameplay tips would be most appreciated.

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> @"funbuket.1378" said:

> ... wow not even sure why i haven't been using that... Only reason I have the GS as my main weapon is that it is the only power weapon I have that is ascended. is there a better build using the sword/shield? or sword/sword?



I never liked using Sword/Sword and I've only seen it used in Raids for DPS builds, not sure if it is still viable after the Phantasm changes. GS is always my go to weapon, easy to use, ranged and most importantly looks cool. No matter what game mode you favor, open world will always take most of your time so GS is the way to go it's also the only burst source of power dmg that we have.

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I've mostly been open-worlding with a little WvW. In those instances, I'm having a fine time with Domination/Illusions/Mirage as well as Domination/Dueling/Chrono.


I found that Mirage has some pretty good clone generation for shattering, but without Dueling I felt like Chrono was really lacking in that department, especially if I'm being lazy and camping GS most of the time.


I'm definitely a "filthy casual" though, so I doubt I'd be very effective in high-level fractals or super competitive environments. For Open world PvE, my burst is strong enough to make me feel fast enough. In WvW I have enough escape/healing/defense to survive while still providing decent dps and bag-tagging. It's working so far... but would love to know some "more professional" builds. :-D

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> @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> Does it have to be Chrono with a GS or will mirage do?


> I also want to trade in my Condi for power and go rock a kitten greatsword. Best weapon skins in the game.


> Edit: I can’t say big-as?


Mirage Greatsword is far inferior to Chronomancer due to the lack of Chronophatasma (and Continuum Shift for even more Berserkers), while not offering much in terms of the Ambush attack.

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