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Gold 3 Is Incredibly Toxic


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> I agree. I think the amount of points should be calculated based on personal merit. For example, a player who earned a badge for damage, offense and most number of kills should earn more points (or lose less) depending on the situation.

the prob. is noone stomps. 2much controls, condi eats u faster than power builds, noone can hit a halfdead guy. i can easely do 20 kills with a deadeye and deal about 300k dmg, or can be top heal and top damage with a spellbreaker, just running 1v4 on mid. i think condies must be nerfed, this canserbuilds doing toomuch damage.


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You want a less toxic environment in ranked pvp then you need to report all of the intentional quitters and even say what's happening in map chat and get the other team to do it as well. By not doing anything you're just as bad as the ones rage quitting and the like. It's never going to get better unless you do something about it. I would even say you should do this in unranked. I mean it's for practice but I still see people rage quitting there as well and just sit at home base raging at their teammates or just giving up. I mean it's unranked why quit? It's PRACTICE go learn your class better and go learn how to deal with other classes.


And when it comes to players getting on alt accounts to do ranked (and intentionally quit) maybe ranked should have a lot more games in it before a new account can play it. Maybe even have one of the champion class titles.

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Its toxic cause its the easiest rating to tilt in. Im not saying gold people dont belong in gold. They do. Its just their pool of mmr gets poluted by allot of things. Heres why:


Its the borderline between somewhat decent players up in platinum 1+ and the "im just gonna run into 4man mid, ignore map mechanics cause someone else will do it, 3man a capped home and so on, false mmr cause class was op past season" players. Its that black and white in gw2. Players either know basics or dont and the borderline is gold3 these past seasons.


Then you have the "placement matches" players. If someone starts at 1200 mmr default virgin account he will get put mostly within gold 1 2 and 3 ratings mmr area of -200+200. Some classes are so strong they get boosted pretty fast out of 1200- rating cause they are hard to fight for silver- ppl. This player probably has played to rank20 in unranked and is now after aprox 10 matches in gold 1 2 or 3 on a class he barely touched. The placement system is that bad these days. Iv talked to numerous ppl that say somethin like "why is he hitting me through my block?" or "iv only played this game for 3 weeks" that were doing their placement or recently passed 20+ games in ranked..its that bad. Iv done 10 placement matches my self on my second account. Created a mesmer, made a burst zerker gs shatter weird build, did placements and got placed 1450 literally never touched mesmer in ranked before that. My main account is 1500-1650 range usualy. The game doesnt work well with the placement system imho. Now imagine gold 3 players gettin bombarded daily by this type of matches. Hard to not be salty.


Cause our population is gettin worse and we have a badly chosen/writen mmr system you get gold 3 players between 1400-1500 rating put in matches with -200 mmr or +200 mmr ppl. So some matches u face plats that reck you cause you do belong in gold 3 and some matches you get silvers that u need to carry to win but for what ever reason u cant manage that. You also face allot more duos if you are gold3 plat 1. Even tho they can be lower in rating they can still be allot stronger than teh matchup thinks, for ex a silver duo on ts can still destroy stuff pretty well. Or you have a plat or legendary duoing with somethin allot lower then him like a plat 2 and his gf is silver. They will get put in gold and the boyfriend will perform godmode to impress his female :tongue:


Take all this mess and put a true gold 3 player against it on daily basis and u cant really wonder why they get or are toxic hehe

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