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Raid Reset Time


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Twilight Oasis Fractal made me realise something, to put it bluntly the weekly reset for Raids is a problem.

People complain about the difficulty of Twilight Oasis even now, but is it as hard as 99 or 100 CM?

No of course not, but the thing is people can do 99 and 100 CM on a daily basis so eventually "practice makes perfect".

Twilight Oasis however most people do only when it's 1of the 3 Daily Fractals thus gaining experience in it takes more time.

The Weekly Reset for Raids causes similar problem, even more so since many teams will just do the whole lot in one go and then wait for next reset.

But of course giving Raids a Daily Reset is not a good idea as the same teams that wait for reset will just start doing it daily now and demand 20 stacks LI to join them in next 6 months.

**However the Raids could function on a Daily Rotation.** What I mean by that is each day there will be a different Wing that will be doable, while the others will act as cleared instance just like when you kill a Raid Boss that Boss will remain gone for you whenever you re-enter that Wing before Reset.

So it would work like this:


Day 1 Spirit Vale

Day 2 Salvation Pass

Day 3 Stronghold of the Faithful

Day 4 Bastion of the Penitent

Day 5 Hall of Chains

Day 6 Spirit Vale

And so on


**Obviously it could not have been done back when there was only Spirit Vale, as every day would be Spirit Vale Daily, but today we have 5 wings which is enough for a daily rotation.**

But how does that help in any way? Well newcomers will have a more easy way to get into a Raid Wing they wish to do. What I mean is most teams will not accept newcomers, but even if they find a team that is ok with it chances are slim it will be for the Wing they want. However with the rotation everyone would be doing the same Wing on a particular day, so if someone wants to do, for example, Stronghold of the Faithful which would be Daily on say Friday they can wait till Friday as they know that will be the day all Raiders will be doing it.

Also there will be much more teams doing Raids in LFG now as there will no longer be teams who Raid once per week.

**And another thing is that "Elitists" may become more tolerable toward newcomers because they will no longer have the luxuy of having a whole Weeks time to search for someone "good enough", because if they don't finish the Daily Wing that day they will have to wait for next rotation rather than just "try again tomorrow."**






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Yeah, no...

You see, TO can be done every day, not just when it's the dailies.

Most people will do their Raids on 2-3 days, and then work on other content in the off-time.

I don't care that you're inconvenienced by whatever, but its not good practice to force people to play any given day to get to the content they want.

Not only that but this is ridiculously shortsighted. What would be your suggestion when there are 10 different wings? 2 week rotations?


Seriously, suggestions are a good thing, but do think before you post!

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Yeah, no...

> You see, TO can be done every day, not just when it's the dailies.

Not the point I was making.

> Most people will do their Raids on 2-3 days, and then work on other content in the off-time.

How do you know that? You know all Raiders or are you speaking for yourself?

> I don't care that you're inconvenienced by whatever, but its not good practice to force people to play any given day to get to the content they want.

ANET already does that.

> Not only that but this is ridiculously shortsighted. What would be your suggestion when there are 10 different wings? 2 week rotations?

Why not? Because you will have a weekly LI limit?


> Seriously, suggestions are a good thing, but do think before you post!


um, no I'll keep doing what I want.

As far as I know I don't need your permision to do anything.

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Thing is.. most ppl has limited play time. It's nice to play a bit and do other stuff after .. I am already skipping t4 somedays because it needs time put away daily to do. Whereas when it's reset weekly its one run a week for me or for some typical static group to be two or three runs a week. I pug my raid at reset. Few hours for full clear and the rest of the week I do what I like. It's less stress and pressure this way imo. That being said.. I don't hv objection to hv diff wing reset at diff time since I pug my raid anyway. But I prefer it this way.. anymore pressure to my quality of life .. I won't be bother doing raids. xD

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > Yeah, no...

> > You see, TO can be done every day, not just when it's the dailies.

> Not the point I was making.

Kinda is the comparison you're doing.


> > Most people will do their Raids on 2-3 days, and then work on other content in the off-time.

> How do you know that? You know all Raiders or are you speaking for yourself?

By doing raids and knowing raid guilds.


> > I don't care that you're inconvenienced by whatever, but its not good practice to force people to play any given day to get to the content they want.

> ANET already does that.

No they don't. They incentivise you to play on some days, but you can do it on any other days, you'll just not get the extra reward from the daily.


> > Not only that but this is ridiculously shortsighted. What would be your suggestion when there are 10 different wings? 2 week rotations?

> Why not? Because you will have a weekly LI limit?

We already have a weekly Li limit... The problem is, if you lock out wings per diem, people will be locked out of the wing if they can't make it.

> >

> > Seriously, suggestions are a good thing, but do think before you post!


> um, no I'll keep doing what I want.

> As far as I know I don't need your permision to do anything.

No, you'll just make a fool of yourself, but go ahead YOLO and TIDE pods away man.



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@"Rikimaru.7890" Have you wondered why 99cm and 100cm are played every day and Twilight Oasis isn't? It's only about rewards. It's not that people can't play it every day or several times a day, it's because they don't get rewarded enough for doing it. Only when it's a daily there are additional rewards that make people play it. Since this really is the only difference, rewards are the lever to make people play it more often, and the same goes for raids. If Anet wants players to do the same raid more than once per week, they just have to add rewards for doing it multiple times per week. And maybe the option to reset an instance so you don't have to find an opener when your group has already cleared the wing.

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