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Druid Playstyle PVE


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Hi all, I am trying to get my wife to play a druid ( she mains a ranger already ) but we used to play EQ together and she got petrified of healing anything after that. Im trying to convince her that its not like EQ where you have to click on the person and heal and stress about keeping them up. I also am telling her her surviability will go up playing a druid ( sugar coating ) but honestly i dont know. So whats it like? She can do a job well once she learns it, but cant adapt that fast without me explaining it through. We play PVE open world at the moment but want to move to dunegons/fractals soonish. Thanks!

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Yea I agree, healing/ support in GW2 feels very different than other MMOs (I never played EQ but compared to WoW, ESO). It might be different in more high-tier fractals or raids but because of how GW2 works there isn't much "blame the healer" mentality and even as a healer your role is pretty dynamic - keeping up buffs, removing conditions, maintaining some damage. Most of druids abilities will do all of the above pretty naturally with your Celestial Avatar form being your powerhouse "oh crap" healing. Plus you still have your pet running around. I play pretty casually at the moment so I don't know if any more experienced Druids have more input but its a fun, unique class especially if you enjoy support roles.

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It's actually alot of fun running support druid, it's not all that hard and has good self sustain and a very active healing style so it's definitely not boring

the biggest key is just positioning


1) In order to regenerate celestial avatar it's best to hang behind but close the dps allies. As celestial avatar regens by healing allies and staff auto heals all in it's beams path and also comboing your skill 5 (water feild) with your skill 3 (evade blast heal) also to use skill 2 where your Allies are.


2)she's in luck all of druids heals are aoe! So tell her just like spamming traps on an enemy but stead your spamming aoe heals on allies.


3) it's a very chill, instead of working about optimal dps rotations your just healing people chilling. And honestly most people are so greatful at having a druid in the comp that thet totally understand when your learning, since it's always a solid dps increase to the group. Firstly, the dps can stay dpsing due to the sustain. Secondly, all the buffs you give to the party bewteen core ranger spirits too glyohs and easy 25 stacks of might. Once she gets the hang of it she can actually carry groups through


Tell her to just grab some exotic magis gear and monk runes from AC and practice just focusing on healing, the dps variations should come later after she's mastered druid.



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Its not like healing in wow for example where without you someone can die in few seconds so you have to heal all the time. GW content is done so it can be completed without healer most of the time. Druid is not as much about healing as about buffs. Pick magi exotic gear, monk runes and i guess staff and axe/warhorn?? and you are ready. The trick is to go to celestial avatar whenever possible. If there is no healing required just do 2 and 4 to get might and then drop CA. Hope she will enjoy it. The basics are not as hard but that doesnt meant that its boring/easy to master. I am sure that if she manage to keep buffs 50% of the time most players will want to take her from you :D.


Also she can try it and if she doesnt like it just swap it back.


The healing is basicaly: I smash buttons at staff (you can just auto atack) i swap to warhorn and do 5th spell to give regen and then go to CA, smash 2 and 4 (and other spells if you need healing) and exit then swap back to staff. You can jsut camp staff and go to ca whenever possible and still get very good might uptime (maybe even 100%)

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