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So today in my 100frac

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> Also, while you use core Guardian by choice, Elite specs are called Elite for a reason. Firebrand offers a metric ton more support options than a core guardian (if you're going for support), and DH is a better power DPS than core Guardian. Sure you can straddle the line better. But for the most part nowadays people are using more focused buildds, so you might want to reconsider and picking to focus on either damage or support.


This is exactly why I like my build. I like to straddle the line. I play a lot of pug dungeons still. (Mainly just because I miss them and try to teach the newer player base the mechanics etc.) And a lot of lower class pug fracs. I join the group's with 2 thiefs, a necro and a ranger. To offer enough support/sustain to keep them at least alive to show them the mechanics; while still maintaining enough dps yo finish most fights solo.

I also know there are other elite skills (quickness and heals) that are better for other situations. I do switch between them. I was just pointing out that I can double pop virtues if that what i need. I like the invuln+instant heals stab from the virtue elite as a oh sh*t button for when I have to solo a boss after everyone else is dead or others are busy rezing. I can provide a lot of distraction time with my build.

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I highly doubt you'd be providing alot of support in zerker gear. Will be less support than firebrand in viper/grievings. Also you dont seem to know how much dps you're doing personally and how much dps you are losing out in order to 'support'. Given that you said zeal, radiance and virtues in full zerker gear, i'm guessing the dps is about 6k on single target bosses but you lack the support features of other lines like valor and honour and support stats. So i don't really see the benefit of losing a large amount of dps in order to support others better. Your guard is still gonna die horribly if you miss a dodge or block here and there.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Also, while you use core Guardian by choice, Elite specs are called Elite for a reason. Firebrand offers a metric ton more support options than a core guardian (if you're going for support), and DH is a better power DPS than core Guardian. Sure you can straddle the line better. But for the most part nowadays people are using more focused buildds, so you might want to reconsider and picking to focus on either damage or support.


On another note, firebrand does dps just fine compared to DH just with a more difficulty rotation. They can also provide alot of support options with the dps build minus the quickness. Just that they cant do dps and support at same time. The few times i've seen good FB in 100CM runs, they do much higher dps than the DH that ive seen.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Meanwhile as druid, I just rez people if they are in danger to wipe completely or if I know it won't down me as well. It's way better to sacrifice one player but secure scholar rune buff, might etc. for the other players. Since you don't need 5 people to get through a boss fight it's sometimes better to focus on dps and finish the frac instead of rezzing. It's not a general thing but as a veteran player you can estimate the outcome of the situation, especially if you have an inexperienced player with you.


> I make up on the fly who's worth ressing. I have even told people to ignore the downed healer and get the weaver up, because the healer didn't heal anyway, but the weaver did dps. If your dps meter tells you the dps player did little damage anyway, no need to waste time on ressing him.


Honestly, ressing shouldn't even be an issue. A failed res only means somebody didn't care to press 'F'. Last night a player asked not to /gg before Arkk so that we retain eligibility for LNHB. I have to tell you, I rarely see so efficient ressing. Literally instant. Because people prioritized the team over their own rotation. And we made it, despite some mistakes, including a failed bomb early in the fight.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > Meanwhile as druid, I just rez people if they are in danger to wipe completely or if I know it won't down me as well. It's way better to sacrifice one player but secure scholar rune buff, might etc. for the other players. Since you don't need 5 people to get through a boss fight it's sometimes better to focus on dps and finish the frac instead of rezzing. It's not a general thing but as a veteran player you can estimate the outcome of the situation, especially if you have an inexperienced player with you.

> >

> > I make up on the fly who's worth ressing. I have even told people to ignore the downed healer and get the weaver up, because the healer didn't heal anyway, but the weaver did dps. If your dps meter tells you the dps player did little damage anyway, no need to waste time on ressing him.


> Honestly, ressing shouldn't even be an issue. A failed res only means somebody didn't care to press 'F'. Last night a player asked not to /gg before Arkk so that we retain eligibility for LNHB. I have to tell you, I rarely see so efficient ressing. Literally instant. Because people prioritized the team over their own rotation. And we made it, despite some mistakes, including a failed bomb early in the fight.


Sorry, I forgot to add that the health is also factoring in. Yes, in most cases I go res immediately when someone is downed. If the boss's health bar is already so low that it's less risky to just go for the kill, I do that instead. I mostly play thief, and my main way of getting people up is rallying. It's just much faster for me to kill a trash mob than resurrecting. Of course, sometimes people don't tag the trash mob...Or if you simply know that player will be downed within the next 20 seconds again, there really is no point in wasting time. And yes, there are players who join runs they are not up to, and then keep dying. The options are keep wasting time to res them, ignore their corpse and carry, or kick and replace.

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Let me share my experience doing fractal 99cm. Yesterday we had a exciting start but a player had to go and so we advertised for a dps for the second half of the fractal. In came a core reverent, with 96 mastery and about 8k AP. To say that warning bells rang would be an understatement, but we gave the player a chance.


The result: topped at 1.5k dps acording to the meter (less than the druid) and fully died about 90s into the fight. During the fight I checked to see in case it was some kind of support buff builds, but alas no buffs was coming from that player. Not sure if they even had agony resistance. Did not reply to questions and got kicked a few moments later.


A few days ago, a dragon hunter with 4k ap joined with around 120 mastery points. We went in an the dps from that player was top dps during first boss. Run was smooth and later I asked if it was a second account and got a reply that indeed that was the case.


AP, build, meta, mastery points, title. All those are simply signs. It doesn't define a good player vs a bad player, but it make it easy to guess who is high risk. Thankfully today we got DPS meters so you can go in and test how it goes and later kick if indeed the suspicion turns out to be true.

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> I highly doubt you'd be providing alot of support in zerker gear. Will be less support than firebrand in viper/grievings. Also you dont seem to know how much dps you're doing personally and how much dps you are losing out in order to 'support'. Given that you said zeal, radiance and virtues in full zerker gear, i'm guessing the dps is about 6k on single target bosses but you lack the support features of other lines like valor and honour and support stats. So i don't really see the benefit of losing a large amount of dps in order to support others better. Your guard is still gonna die horribly if you miss a dodge or block here and there.


Would have to check myself, but i think he can pull off above 10k with that build. Virtues and Zeal are both optional/situational trait lines you take for Radiance DH, and both provide a good measure of damage, so taking both, while losing the DPS of traps will still allow for a good DPS if he focuses on it. But from what he's saying his kit is not loaded enough for decent DPS in terms of utilities and elites.> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > Also, while you use core Guardian by choice, Elite specs are called Elite for a reason. Firebrand offers a metric ton more support options than a core guardian (if you're going for support), and DH is a better power DPS than core Guardian. Sure you can straddle the line better. But for the most part nowadays people are using more focused buildds, so you might want to reconsider and picking to focus on either damage or support.


> On another note, firebrand does dps just fine compared to DH just with a more difficulty rotation. They can also provide alot of support options with the dps build minus the quickness. Just that they cant do dps and support at same time. The few times i've seen good FB in 100CM runs, they do much higher dps than the DH that ive seen.


Actually Firebrand has higher benchmarks than DH for single targets, but for fractals, usually power builds are more useful than condi builds for DPS. Even on ideal conditions (the golem benchmarks) the dps difference for a Firebrand and a DH on single targets is around 10-12%. I'm not saying FB isn't useful, or viable, just that in a lot of instances power damage is more desirable for fractals. But still it's a marginal advantage.



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