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Legendary armor is MIA

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There is a wrong assumption in the recent posts of this thread. Most people here are not arguing that raids should become easier, but that they should have tiers like fractals. The fact that lower tiers of fractals exist does not change the difficulty of T4 fractals or challenge modes. In the same way, more tiers for raids would not change anything for the mechanics of max tier raids. I wouldn't even want your precious legendary armor to be obtainable without doing max tier raids.


Maybe some people believe that the difficulty of raids stems from the lack of tiers? Like, that you cannot prepare for them is what makes them difficult, not the mechanics themselves? That could be true, but would be a really poor excuse. Are you fearing that with tiers, much more players would enter the "raid community" and everybody would realize that raiding isn't really that difficult as they believed all the time? That it was only preceived as difficult because you had to step in right away without real training, and because of a community that acts like they are difficult, with its 150LI requirement for a simple Cairn kill?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > Except there is and I explicitly said what it is.


> Who became famous because of raid skins?


Dude, with all due respect, what the actual fuck?


> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> There is a wrong assumption in the recent posts of this thread. Most people here are not arguing that raids should become easier, but that they should have tiers like fractals. The fact that lower tiers of fractals exist does not change the difficulty of T4 fractals or challenge modes. In the same way, more tiers for raids would not change anything for the mechanics of max tier raids. I wouldn't even want your precious legendary armor to be obtainable without doing max tier raids.


> Maybe some people believe that the difficulty of raids stems from the lack of tiers? Like, that you cannot prepare for them is what makes them difficult, not the mechanics themselves? That could be true, but would be a really poor excuse. Are you fearing that with tiers, much more players would enter the "raid community" and everybody would realize that raiding isn't really that difficult as they believed all the time? That it was only preceived as difficult because you had to step in right away without real training, and because of a community that acts like they are difficult, with its 150LI requirement for a simple Cairn kill?


Nope, like I explained over and over and over again, tiered difficulty already exists in the game. It doesn't matter in the slightest it is in FotM and not in raids. Adding one in raids won't change one thing. People won't magically start to raid because of that. And people won't magically learn how to raid because of that. Because in order to learn how to raid, you **have to raid**. Not on easy mode, on the actual one. You won't learn anything useful in an easy mode raid that you can't learn in FotM right now. That's my whole point - that adding raid tiers is an exercise in futility because it accomplishes nothing.


And please get this right - the above isn't an opinion, it is a fact. It is something I have experienced personally and seen in others over and over and over again. No amount of easy mode playing can prepare you for the actual challenge, because there everything is different. Those mechanics that you could slack through and ignore? They now wipe you, so you have to figure out from scratch how to deal with them. Your neat and tidy strategy that works? You can throw that away, because it relies on assumptions which are no longer valid.


You can observe these same phenomena happening all the time, with every new CM, both in fractals and raids. Regardless of how smooth you're clearing the normal mode. Even the easy challenge motes force you to change and adapt your strategy. The harder ones, you start training from scratch. And because "challenge" is subjective, this translates directly to people who find normal raids too hard. It doesn't matter if they play one easy mode or five tiers of it. Once they go to the actual difficulty, they'd still fail and need to figure out how to beat it. And they would still give up.

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