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Dhuum timers


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Hi everyone!

One day i woke up and decided to do dhuum with some pugs. it was a disaster. i got so angry that i made an excel sheet with all the timers for the encounter.

Obviously i didn't know where to put it so here you have it. You can download the file with this link: [https://puu.sh/znMCF/27e9a61b50.xlsx](https://puu.sh/znMCF/27e9a61b50.xlsx "https://puu.sh/znMCF/27e9a61b50.xlsx")


If you are doing Dhuum please memorize it. I don't enjoy being triggered.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I would guess most people are unable to learn all those timers and rely on other ways to find out if a mechanic is about to happen. I know i do not even look at the timer during boss fights unless dps is really low and I am worried about hitting enrage timer


I did it mainly so the greens know where to go and when.

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I just write the times and corresponding reapers in the search bar of my friendlist and drag the list in the lower right corner of my screen so I can see the times quickly. Don't even have to memorize them, just need to remember to copy paste them in the bar again after a wipe but makes the life a lot easier anyway

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