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Internet Connection Error Code=0:0:0:0:101

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I have no problem playing the game I have a 600 Meg Down and 50 Meg Up but when I go to buy in game gold with diamonds I get this error message Internet Connection Error Code=0:0:0:0:101 I have submitted a ticket but never heard anything back, anyone else having these issues and did you resolve it if so how? I am new to the game and this is getting frustrating! [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/ujrbW "Screenshot")

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Did you submit an in-game (Bug) report, or use the web-form accessed via the 'Support' link above/below? You will only garner a response if using the 'Support' link.


To possibly alleviate the error, you can clear the GW2 cache; instructions found in the Knowledge Base, accessed via the 'Support' link and 'Search - Troubleshoot Trading Post'.


Good luck.

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