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LFG - Casual, Older and main communication through guild chat. :)


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Hi Megan, our guild, Tyrs Paladium is currently recruiting members as we are increasing our presence in GW2. We cater to an older crowd and understand real life responsibilities come first. We have a good mix of long time players and returning players so we should have someone in a similar to yours. We are most active evenings and weekends EST, but we have players from all over the US and timezones. We do use TeamSpeak for voice, but it is not required; its just very helpful when coordinating guild missions and fractals.


See this post here for additional details on the guild:

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27147/na-tyrs-tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27147/na-tyrs-tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27147/na-tyrs-tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild")


If it looks like we are a good fit, go to [tyrspaladium.shivtr.com](http://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com "tyrspaladium.shivtr.com") to complete the application.


You will need to create a Shiv forum account to gain access:

Click GW2 in the upper left to select the Guild Wars 2 Chapter

Click APPLY in the upper right

Complete the Application


We look forward to hearing from you!


-Auro, Officer Tyrs Paladium

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> @"MeganM.8276" said:

> Hi! I am a returning GW2 member. I was very active in the first few years of GW2, but have since been off and on with the game. I am a new mom, and usually play while my baby sleeps, hence the inability to do discord. Please let me know if your casual guild is recruiting!


Hey Megan,

Mi guild Through Thick and Thin [TTT] is recruiting new members.

There are no strict rules or requirements.

We are a cozy and friendly bunch about 45 members atm.

Most of us are on Vabbi EU server, but all players from EU servers are welcome.

We do alot of daily pvp , guild missions, pvp tournaments, and fun pve stuff like fractals.

If you are intressted please send me a pm here on the forum or feel free to contact me in game.


my IGN: Orguyo


Hope to hear from you soon, and welcome back :)

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> > @"MeganM.8276" said:

> > Hi! I am a returning GW2 member. I was very active in the first few years of GW2, but have since been off and on with the game. I am a new mom, and usually play while my baby sleeps, hence the inability to do discord. Please let me know if your casual guild is recruiting!


> Hey Megan,

> Mi guild Through Thick and Thin [TTT] is recruiting new members.

> There are no strict rules or requirements.

> We are a cozy and friendly bunch about 45 members atm.

> Most of us are on Vabbi EU server, but all players from EU servers are welcome.

> We do alot of daily pvp , guild missions, pvp tournaments, and fun pve stuff like fractals.

> If you are intressted please send me a pm here on the forum or feel free to contact me in game.


> my IGN: Orguyo


> Hope to hear from you soon, and welcome back :)


Hi! I am on a US server. Thanks though!

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