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Updated: Comprehensive Ranger Elite Specialization Improvement Thread


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EDIT: i conpletely revamped the soulbeast section. Greetings and thx to @"Wondrouswall.7169" , most of the ideas are his and i took such a liking to them that i wanted to replace my old suggestions with this new ones.



As i stated in my other 2 parts so far (you can find the traits [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28656/comprehensive-core-ranger-specialization-improvement-thread/p1?new=1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28656/comprehensive-core-ranger-specialization-improvement-thread/p1?new=1") & the skills [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28776/comprehensive-core-ranger-skill-improvements#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28776/comprehensive-core-ranger-skill-improvements#latest") ), i will look at the Elite Specs of Ranger and give suggestions to generally improve on them. I will look at traits, Slot-Skills (Heal, Utility, Elite) and the weaponskills. I will try to stay as balanced as possible. Generally i will look at the mechanics and want to make them more engaging and streamlined. I will comment on my suggestion so there is a mutual understanding why i made the suggestion in the first place. I will start with traits and will then go to the Weapon and slot-skill changes. I will not look at core ranger mechanics or petskills. these will come later on.

Please stay constructive, good feedback is welcome.


# Druid


**Druid: Traits**

Druid has 3 distinct component which makes it difficult to handle in regards to changes. First part is support, second part is control and last part is tankiness/Avatar-Utility.

Note: I do not look into CAF generation or anything like that, so i will not comment on the first minor. This includes the CA skills. Anything else that does not find any mention here is considered ok IMO. I will list the whole trait Setup though to give an overview how i want to shuffle the traits arround.

I will change the Lines specifically into these three distinct lines: Glyph Focussed (CC oriented), support focussed (heal and buffs) and Competitive orientation.



1. Celestial being

2. Live Vicariously

3. Cultivated Synergy


No changes they are just swapped.

(You can give me feedback how strong this would be though, maybe would need some tweaks in competitive modes)


_Glyphs and CC Line:_



Verdant Etching:

Same effect as we know it but now an adept. I moved it to adept so it will not conflict with the new staff trait which will be a master. So you can still use the glyph and the staff trait at once.



Primal Echoes:

Trigger a Lesser Glyph of Equality (The Regular One) when weaponswaping.

Has the ICD of any normal weaponswap trait. (maybe differ in competitive mode)

It was a good trait but it was more an escape tool to daze someone before whispering away with staff. this way it can be used more universally.



Ancient Seeds:

As we know it.


So the idea about this line is for PvP or aggressive PvE usage. It gives some cleanses, some CC and some condis. but mainly it is for close combat use and aggressive play.


_Support Line:_



Natural Stride: Is now a party wide buff. Similar to spotter.

(you can give me feedback on that too, it was a spontanious idea and i thought a party wide movement buff would be nice for WvW and condi reduction is always something)

Maybe it could reduce condi duration overall so it has uses in condi heavy encounters in Pve but i dont know if this would be to strong, also here i would like to here some feedback.



Natural Mender:

New Staff Trait. Combines the effect of natural mender with a CD reduction of staff.

Makes staff automatically more potent



Grace of the Land:

As we know it.


All of these are altruistic traits that still have their benefits to the druid himself.


_Competitive Line:_



Druidic Clarity



Celestial Shadow



Lingering Light:

Blasting a field will now dmg and blind up to 5 foes and heal up to 5 allies.

Heal and blind stay at the same values i suppose.




Staff has a lacking N°2 and N°4. N°5 just could use some QoL otherwise no changes.


AA: dmg and heal wise its good IMO. the targeting is kinda off, improvement on this would be neat.


Astral Wisp: Still bind a Whisp to your target but the wisp now has a lightfield that damages up to 5 targets in the area and heals allies.

In addition to that your enemy is now caring a blastable field arround him which would play into lingering light. indifferent on duration and dmg, may be increased may be not.


Ancestral Grace: Nice, keep it.


Vine Surge:

I actually like the skillshot aspect of this skill, but the dmg is kinda meh and its hard to hit.

Simple improvement would be to just add 2 additional Vines. The skillshoot has now a conal shape/ three vine surge ground targets in a conal arrangement.

Behaviour of the vine will not change in any other regards.

This way it has more AoE potential and a higher chance of hitting targets. Dmg could be increased if necessary.


Sublime Conversion:

For this i have a simple change: Make it a circular ground target.

Just to better protect allies from projectiles.




Atm i feel like there is only 1 glyph that truly is useful in all aspects which is Glyph of Equality, all other Glyphs feel very lackluster or just useless.

So i want to improve on these and the roles they play. I will not touch equality, as i said i like this skill as it is.

Additionally i think glyphs do not feel very accesible and are very rarely used in CAF so i just want to unsplit the CD of the different glyph forms, so you can use them indipendently from another. CD of the glyphs can also be ajusted indipendently from another ( and thus there could be PvE-PvP splits if needed)



I wanted to improve on its condition aspect, a better tie in with ancient seeds and just an overall dmg increase and AoE capabbility to make this the DMG glyph.



Does no longer apply poison, it will now apply 3 stacks of bleed instead, so it can stack with ancient seed bleeds.

In addition to that the Impact radius of the Glyph cascades outwards, so it will pulse 3 times after every pulse increasing its radius. Similar to "Feel the Burn" of tempest., but faster.

increase its raw dmg by a reasonable amount so it will be a decent AoE skill on power builds.



Keeps its effect but inherets the cascading character of the base form. So 3 healing cleansing waves with bigger radius after every pulse.

This gives better AoE cleanse and heal and gives more AF which prolonges the time in the avatar mode.



Good basic concept but i think the effects do actually exxactly the opposite of what they should do.

So i swap just the effects of the two glyph forms.

In CAF you want space from you and your target so you can reheal in peace and attack afterwards, so the push makes sense on CA.

In base form you would profit from pulling targets towards you and destroy them in melee range.

This change is mainly PvE oriented to be more aggressive against mobs, but it could be used for defensive tactics in competitive play.



This skill is mainly used in raid scenarios or other group content.

I do not often use this skill but its functionality is proven. Only thing i want to change is the CD of this glyph.

Because it is often used in group content and does not bring anything else to the table i want to reduce its CD to 12s (Maybe 15s if 12 is to low).

So you would have higher uptime of the glyph and more GotL spam together with verdant etching, which would just improve its overall performance in groups.


Glyph of Unity:

This Glyph has its issues and it is used most often just for gotL spam.

I wanted to Simplify its mechanic but also improve its performance overall.



Imbue yourself with a powerful field that heals allies everytime you deal dmg


Imbue Yourself with a powerful field that pulses dmg to foes everytime you heal yourself.


So i twisted the effects a bit and removed the teathers and replaced them with a field that just effects targets within it. It will just have a simple outline so there is no visual clutter in crowded scenarios.

This way the elite can be used as a AF generator outside CAF and works as a dmg tool in CAF. (It would may need an ICD similar to one wolf pack to prevent brutal abuse of CA N°4)

I would renamed it to GLYPH OF DUALITY so it would fit better the theme.


This was my part on druid, if there are any feedback what you liked or what you disliked, please elaborate so we can have a discussion over it.



# Soulbeast:




Beastmode has great versatility in its uses. Atm its swap in and out mechanic is most often used in PvP/WvW because the beastmode provides better burst but outside beastmode you have more utility. In PvE on the other hand you lose a lot of dmg when leaving beastmode this does especially fit all condition soulbeast builds.

So i will provide trait suggestions which offer different playstyles, including a trait that will offer faster reswapping into beastmode or keeping the bonusses from archetypes while outside Bmode etc.

I will not make stuff baseline here just to keep the spec as active as it is now and make the GM choices more interesting.



I want to distinct them more from each other. Atm there are 3 different archetypes that have vitality and i am not very fond of that.

I will change 2 Archetypes so they 1. fit better into their role and 2. are now more distinguished between eachother. the F3 abbilities are good IMO and do not need any change except 1.


Versatile Pets: Do give increased Boon-Duration and Condi-Duration. Both have the same value/give the same percentage, which will be a bit lower as the current concentration bonus for balance reasons, but not much. So there is no clear winner and this archetype can be used for condi and power builds alike. Both benefit from boonduration because of longer buff duration and power builds will benefit from longer cripple, chill etc duration if they use marksmanship and condi builds have obvious benefits from condi duration.


Supportive Pets: Increased outgoing healing. Deacreased incoming condition duration/dmg ( i am indecisive regarding duration or dmg, both would be fitting and useful).


NOTE: Increased outgoing healing includes the soulbeast so just for the record: THE "FIX" OF MARCH 2018 SHOULD BE REVERTED.


Stout Pets F3: Unflinching Fortitude: This skill should be instant. It has the effect similar to stone signet and dolyak stance and both of them are instant. For a "oh kitten button" this is a must.




Here comes the total overhaul part.

The traits have 3 distinct lines.

1. Defensive competitive

2. Swapbeast-Selfbuff

3. Condition-Stances


The columns themaelf all have similar functions except the GMs which will change the gameplay conpletely.


The Minors are here to give Sbeast just a useful buff for every build and the benefits of using the F skills.



Adept: Elevated Bond

Master: Live Fast

GM: Furious Strength (Now gives 10% bonus dmg and 10% condi duration)


Increased dmg of furious strength to benefit power builds and the condi duration to give Soulbeasts more room with gear.

All these traits could be used in all builds thus fitting minors.


_Competitive Line:_



Unstoppable Union:

Break stun and gain unblockable for a short duration next time you enter or leave beastmode.

Unblockable duration is now 3s instead of 4s because of higher access.

This trait is now a buff that will be consumed by pressing F5 and then gives said benefits. After an ICD it will reappear.

(I dont know if this is necessary, but i put it in just to be sure. I think the idea of a consumable buff seems rather elegant and gives track of the ICD. You can give me feedback on this.)



Second Skin:

Protection reduces incoming condition uration. Gain protection when gaining unblockable.


This has just overall usage with signets, WH and unstoppable union. Even some uses in Hybrid competitive builds with WS.



Eternal Bond: Swapping Pets resets the CD on Beastmode.

This would provide more fluid rotations especially in competitive modes.

It will also solve the petswap in beastmode problem in a way.

Main reason why i put an ICD on UU.


_Selfbuff Line:_



Fresh Reinforcements:

When entering beastmode copy the boons of your pet to you, when leaving copy your boons to your pet.

Just make it work both ways, otherwise not a big change.



Essence of Speed:

While affected be quickness your pet gains its archetype bonus. You gain 40% additional archetype bonus while under the effects of quickness.

(push the numbers guys it sounds strong but its reasonable).

This is just to give it a straight out bonus to all of the players which have high quickness uptime or playing group content. It benefits all kind if builds.



Twice as Vicious:

Retain the archetype bonus from your last pet you merged with for a short duration after leaving beastmode.

Duration: 10s

So if played right you always gain the stat bonus, which would benefit swap heavy builds.


_Stance-Condi Line:_



Predators Cunning:

Gain lesser Vulture Stance when entering or leaving beastmode.

Duration: 4s

Duration can be increased by GM-Trait.


This is just to provide nice condi dmg and selfbuff everytime you swap modes. Clever play leads to a steady stream if might and condi dmg.



Opressive Superiority:

Steal health when you apply poison. Gain increased dmg and condi duration against foes with a lesser health percentage than you.


This just straight up plays into eachother. Apply poison reduces heal of target, gives you health and you gain increased dmg and duration if you have a higher health percentage.



Leader of the Pack:

Stances Have higher duration.

Stances are shared with allies.


This one just stays as is. I did not mention the shortened duration for allies, but idc if this stays or not.



Stances are not bad in concept but are lacking in their execution. Some just need tweaks, others are good as they are and 1 particular is just straight out bad and needs a rework.

Overall change i make on stances is: Your pet automatically gains the unique buffs of the stance but not the boons (except you have NM). These bonusses will not be transfered to the soulbeast though when merging with the pet. (This would just lead to unbalanced stuff)


Bear Stance:

This stance has good utility but its base heal is lacking and its condi cleanse does only come gradually.

I will speed up the condi remove, i will not touch the heal per condition but increase the base heal a bit.

Increase the base heal for 10%. This will give a base heal of 5.5K. Just to give it a better use for better overall play quality.

The Intervall of condition removal has been changed. It will now only remove one condition per pulse but it will pulse every half a second instead of every second.

This will not change the potential heal but will accelerate the condition removal, so they have less time to tick.


Dolyak Stance:

Good Stance i like it.

Increase the duration for PvE only would be neat though (but this is more a desired wish than an ernest suggestion)


Moa Stance:

It is a good stance but it kinda gives inconsistent amounts of boons and it has a longer duration than even the elite.

I will bring all effects up to 8s ,but will reduce the overall duration of Moa stance down to 8s from 10s.

So protection is now 8s instead of 3s, fury is 8s instead of 6s, swiftness is 8s instead of 6s and regen stays at 8s.

Together with the increased Boon duration of the stance these will last actual 10.5s .

Overall durationaybe ajusted in competitive modes.


Griffon Stance:

This is the main culprit here that is basically worth to totally redesign.

I want to keep the evasion and endurance part and i give it a matching boon in addition to that.

New Effect: Gain endurance and evade attacks for a short duration. After the duration you gain vigor.

Griffon stance has an ammunition mechanic and has 2 charges.

20s to recharge a charge. (Maybe lower in PvE)

Evade Duration is 2s. Endurance gain is 50.

(This skill maybe really strong in competitive play so i hope 50 endurance is not to much)

It is now an active evasion tool that gives you endurance for more evasion and after the evade frame, in addition to that you can use that to party mitigate dmg with the GM.


One Wolf Pack:

(Personal Taste Note: I would call it Alpha Wolf Stance actually. Just sounds better, but this is also more a desire wish than an ernest suggestion.)

I like this stance and i like how it works.



Dagger itself is a solid dmg weapon but it has its flaws.

Dagger 2 is a great dmg tool but it does not bring any utility with it and its hardly distinguishable from the AA

Dagger 3 is decent but there are more so often situation where you just die mid air because you can be hit during the animation


My changes:

Double Arc: Improve animation so it is better distinguishable from the AA. Additionally id say that the base attack should apply heavy poison instead of heavy bleeds. And the pets attacks interupt enemy attacks the next two hits.

This is mainly to give it some tactical use and better synergy with predators cunning.


Instinctive Engage: During the leap you now evade attacks. Just some QoL/Improvement to use it as an aggressive tool even during enemy attacks.


## END


I hope you had a good read. Any constructive Feedback is welcome.

As i mentioned above, many ideas of the soulbeast traits are not mine, i modified some of them minorily and structured them on my own though.




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I can only really comment on the Soulbeast ideas so that's where I'll stay.

I like some of these suggestions for Soulbeast but... hmmm feels OP. At least without balance passes.


A lot of people have suggested pet swap in BM. I'm not sold on the idea. I would much rather have merge/unmerge count as petswap as far as traits are concerned. That could give a big incentive to go in and out of beastmode depending on build. Particularly with Fresh Reinforcements copying your boons to pet on unmerge (yes, that _needs_ to happen).


I totally agree that the minors should _all_ interact with the spec mechanic if possible. The things you can't change should at least always be useful.

Your version of Unstoppable Union would need an internal cooldown. Starting with pet out, you could break stuck on merge, wait one second, break on unmerge, repeat 8 seconds later. I think the quickest skill stunbreak is currently 20 seconds or so. So maybe a 16 second cooldown?


Good on ya for including many "You _and your pet_" suggestions. Sorely needed.

For your GM Unstoppable Union (Twice as Vicious?) would the stun on beast ability be a separate non-damaging hit? Would it thus consume Attack of Opportunity? Can pets get this buff too? Why not eh? 1/2 sec stun you think?


Good idea on adding a BM specific source of protection to Second Skin.

Eternal bond feels a bit effect-heavy. I can see adding the heal _or_ the pet merge on pet death but not sure about both.

For Leader of the Pack: drop the "on entering beastmode" part. With the changes you've made to beastmode, where you keep the archetype bonus on leaving BM, this bonus could be a powerful extension of that.


I don't think we really need more bonus stats like you suggest for Twice as Vicious. I think you could maybe just split your dagger suggestion in Predator's Cunning into its own trait here.


I'm really don't like the suggestion for oppressive superiority and vulture stance. Both are currently really good for both condi and power individually. The bonuses on the trait are, mmm, not exciting but pretty darn good. Power has more multihit moves in the toolset to make use of Vulture Stances might, while the poison benefits condi.

Your suggestion really leans on the condi side and makes Vulture Stance only useful for power builds if you take the trait. :anguished:


I like the idea of some evasion on Griffon Stance. (I mean, how many times have those buggers flown around forever without taking damage XD) Perhaps though, you don't give a base endurance on activation but instead gain a smaller amount if you evade an attack while the 2sec stance is up? That should give plenty of endurance for a couple dodges at the end.


Thanks for the think. Your SB suggestions feel connected; if a bit OP at the moment.

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Not feelin' it with the Soulbeast suggestions; mainly the traits. I know in the early days, it _seemed_ like having effects on traits that proc on either enter into or exit out of BM should go both ways, but reading it across multiple traits - it's just not my cup of tea anymore. Others are too powerful, while some changes didn't seem necessary, and I'm not too fond of the traits shifted into minors.


I think I would almost prefer more stripped down lines, such as the top traits focus on entry bonuses, mid traits about conditions & stances, bottom traits about exit bonuses, and minors focus on using beast abilities with a minor tweak to trait interaction with other lines; but that's just me. Druid stuff's mostly solid, though.

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> @"Chrury.4627" said:

> I can only really comment on the Soulbeast ideas so that's where I'll stay.

> I like some of these suggestions for Soulbeast but... hmmm feels OP. At least without balance passes.


> A lot of people have suggested pet swap in BM. I'm not sold on the idea. I would much rather have merge/unmerge count as petswap as far as traits are concerned. That could give a big incentive to go in and out of beastmode depending on build. Particularly with Fresh Reinforcements copying your boons to pet on unmerge (yes, that _needs_ to happen).


> I totally agree that the minors should _all_ interact with the spec mechanic if possible. The things you can't change should at least always be useful.

> Your version of Unstoppable Union would need an internal cooldown. Starting with pet out, you could break stuck on merge, wait one second, break on unmerge, repeat 8 seconds later. I think the quickest skill stunbreak is currently 20 seconds or so. So maybe a 16 second cooldown?


> Good on ya for including many "You _and your pet_" suggestions. Sorely needed.

> For your GM Unstoppable Union (Twice as Vicious?) would the stun on beast ability be a separate non-damaging hit? Would it thus consume Attack of Opportunity? Can pets get this buff too? Why not eh? 1/2 sec stun you think?


> Good idea on adding a BM specific source of protection to Second Skin.

> Eternal bond feels a bit effect-heavy. I can see adding the heal _or_ the pet merge on pet death but not sure about both.

> For Leader of the Pack: drop the "on entering beastmode" part. With the changes you've made to beastmode, where you keep the archetype bonus on leaving BM, this bonus could be a powerful extension of that.


> I don't think we really need more bonus stats like you suggest for Twice as Vicious. I think you could maybe just split your dagger suggestion in Predator's Cunning into its own trait here.


> I'm really don't like the suggestion for oppressive superiority and vulture stance. Both are currently really good for both condi and power individually. The bonuses on the trait are, mmm, not exciting but pretty darn good. Power has more multihit moves in the toolset to make use of Vulture Stances might, while the poison benefits condi.

> Your suggestion really leans on the condi side and makes Vulture Stance only useful for power builds if you take the trait. :anguished:


> I like the idea of some evasion on Griffon Stance. (I mean, how many times have those buggers flown around forever without taking damage XD) Perhaps though, you don't give a base endurance on activation but instead gain a smaller amount if you evade an attack while the 2sec stance is up? That should give plenty of endurance for a couple dodges at the end.


> Thanks for the think. Your SB suggestions feel connected; if a bit OP at the moment.


The swap during beastmode doesnt seem OP to me. It will shqre the same CD as normal swap. So when you swap in Bm and unmerge afterwards it will still be on CD where you left it before unmerging. Its a simple solution and it would not mess up rotations because if petswap trait ICD.


Unstoppable Union would need a CD yes, i forgot to state that but i would keep it reasonable.


And the the shortest stunbreak in the game is 10s (Berserker E-Spec rage skill, or revenant legendswap traited).


Eternal Bond works basically the same way it does now, just in both directions. If you would go down in Bm you undmerge and gain health. If your pet would go down it will gain health and merges with you. I just added the heal to give it some use outside of dying and i removed the protection.


I added the bonus stat trait because it actually can lead to higher build varieties. Not all are optimal but it gives more experimental room and it would give newbies some really good options with some cheaper precision, condi gear.


It was my goal to give vulture stance a full on condi character. Ranger has many sources of might already many of which are in power lines.

I gave it condition duration because it fits the theme and is basically the condi equivalent of moa stance. With the trait you will actually have higher condi duration everytime you hit someone under 75% health every 15s and you will gain might with every hit every 1/4s.

Its mainly aimed for PvE end game and it will free up the gear choices a bit IMO.

It shoved the raw dmg bonus to unstoppable union, because power weapons have more CC options than condi weapons have, so i thought this way it would make more sense and both are distinct dmg traits.


The gaining endurance when evading an attack is actually a quiet good idea. It will reward smart play. I will change that.


Aaaand i totally forgot dagger didnt i ^^'


For the OPness i want to keep the mechanics. And tweak stuff with numbers. Like you said, some ICD will be needed and some other changes will need to have the % tweaked.


In the end these are mere suggestions eitherway, but i hope atleast they condider the mechanical change on the Beastmode i proposed.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> The swap during beastmode doesnt seem OP to me. It will shqre the same CD as normal swap. So when you swap in Bm and unmerge afterwards it will still be on CD where you left it before unmerging. Its a simple solution and it would not mess up rotations because if petswap trait ICD.



What "share the same CD as normal swap" do you talking about ? If you have 2 pets from the same family yes the CD for skill F3 it is sharable, but if you have pets from different family the CD is not sharable. So now if you have Supportive and Ferocious the F3 CD will not be sharable, this means from defensive /healing mode (let's say Jacaranda F2 and F3) you will go in offensive/damage mode (Smokescale F1,F2,F3) in a second, and after that you can swap again and benefit again for F2 at least (because of 20s CD only). Now you have like 20 sec difference if you go from Supportive>Ferocious>Supportive (plus the time you spent for using skills), with swap pet in BM this 20s will dissapear. How can you say this will not be OP ? And I am talking only about heal and dps .... but if you have Owl and Gazelle + GS skill 3? You'll be faster than thief and than any class ... Like I said before, don't get me wrong, I like the idea , but in the same time I don't want Soulbeast to become another OP class ... like Mesmer.

I am W3 player and Soulbeast is a beast there (only mesmer still are enoying) , since last weekend I startes to play sPVP too (I didn't play sPVP since 2 years ago, when I got a pause from GW2) and I can say with Nature/Survi/Soulbeast and proper Amulet and Rune , I can hold a point like a druid, also I can move very fast on the map due to the new buff on Owl, I do more damage than a Druid. I am sure I didn't met yet the best druid or best players, because in these 2 days I didn't get in Platinum yet, but still I wasn't beat by any druid, on the contrary I beat few and I get in time the point because they loose seconds every time when they go invisible after celestial form. I am not saying Soulbeast is great like Druid for holding point, but we are not far neither. So , if now atm I'll do a great job in sPVP too with a Soulbeast (in W3 I surpass all the time a Druid) , do you have any ideea how it will be with sawp in beastmode ? Definitely much better than Druid. Now due to those 10 sec CD we are exposed , and that's why we must be careful of our timing.



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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > The swap during beastmode doesnt seem OP to me. It will shqre the same CD as normal swap. So when you swap in Bm and unmerge afterwards it will still be on CD where you left it before unmerging. Its a simple solution and it would not mess up rotations because if petswap trait ICD.

> >


> What "share the same CD as normal swap" do you talking about ? If you have 2 pets from the same family yes the CD for skill F3 it is sharable, but if you have pets from different family the CD is not sharable. So now if you have Supportive and Ferocious the F3 CD will not be sharable, this means from defensive /healing mode (let's say Jacaranda F2 and F3) you will go in offensive/damage mode (Smokescale F1,F2,F3) in a second, and after that you can swap again and benefit again for F2 at least (because of 20s CD only). Now you have like 20 sec difference if you go from Supportive>Ferocious>Supportive (plus the time you spent for using skills), with swap pet in BM this 20s will dissapear. How can you say this will not be OP ? And I am talking only about heal and dps .... but if you have Owl and Gazelle + GS skill 3? You'll be faster than thief and than any class ... Like I said before, don't get me wrong, I like the idea , but in the same time I don't want Soulbeast to become another OP class ... like Mesmer.

> I am W3 player and Soulbeast is a beast there (only mesmer still are enoying) , since last weekend I startes to play sPVP too (I didn't play sPVP since 2 years ago, when I got a pause from GW2) and I can say with Nature/Survi/Soulbeast and proper Amulet and Rune , I can hold a point like a druid, also I can move very fast on the map due to the new buff on Owl, I do more damage than a Druid. I am sure I didn't met yet the best druid or best players, because in these 2 days I didn't get in Platinum yet, but still I wasn't beat by any druid, on the contrary I beat few and I get in time the point because they loose seconds every time when they go invisible after celestial form. I am not saying Soulbeast is great like Druid for holding point, but we are not far neither. So , if now atm I'll do a great job in sPVP too with a Soulbeast (in W3 I surpass all the time a Druid) , do you have any ideea how it will be with sawp in beastmode ? Definitely much better than Druid. Now due to those 10 sec CD we are exposed , and that's why we must be careful of our timing.




I talk about the swap. So you press f4 you swap pets in beastmode. If you would go out of beastmode the petswap still would be on CD. Lets say you use F3 swap use F3 again and then leave beastmode so your pet can do some dmg. You can enter beastmode in 10s but you can only swap in beastmode in 20s because petswap is still on CD.

So shares a CD means not just simply it has the same it means that at any point in time they have the same time remaining until you use them again

Basically its the same skill that does not change but is available in both modes.


You will not be OP. Mobility would increase with the right choice yes. Survivability would increase yes. But all OPness depends on the numbers in the end.

All F3 cast times are well telegraphed (except the stunbreak) which are interupptable. The potency could be matched on with tweakes if necessary.

And you are not unstoppable during these 20s Petswap is on CD. It will give you an edge if it is Off CD but doesnt change a thing during its CD. The only thing you can do is go out of beastmode or use the petskills which give you utility but not OPness.





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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> I talk about the swap. So you press f4 you swap pets in beastmode. If you would go out of beastmode the petswap still would be on CD. Lets say you use F3 swap use F3 again and then leave beastmode so your pet can do some dmg. You can enter beastmode in 10s but you can only swap in beastmode in 20s because petswap is still on CD.

> So shares a CD means not just simply it has the same it means that at any point in time they have the same time remaining until you use them again

> Basically its the same skill that does not change but is available in both modes.


> You will not be OP. Mobility would increase with the right choice yes. Survivability would increase yes. But all OPness depends on the numbers in the end.

> All F3 cast times are well telegraphed (except the stunbreak) which are interupptable. The potency could be matched on with tweakes if necessary.

> And you are not unstoppable during these 20s Petswap is on CD. It will give you an edge if it is Off CD but doesnt change a thing during its CD. The only thing you can do is go out of beastmode or use the petskills which give you utility but not OPness.



I don't know, from my POV even your way of swaping will be OP, but maybe I am wrong.


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > I talk about the swap. So you press f4 you swap pets in beastmode. If you would go out of beastmode the petswap still would be on CD. Lets say you use F3 swap use F3 again and then leave beastmode so your pet can do some dmg. You can enter beastmode in 10s but you can only swap in beastmode in 20s because petswap is still on CD.

> > So shares a CD means not just simply it has the same it means that at any point in time they have the same time remaining until you use them again

> > Basically its the same skill that does not change but is available in both modes.

> >

> > You will not be OP. Mobility would increase with the right choice yes. Survivability would increase yes. But all OPness depends on the numbers in the end.

> > All F3 cast times are well telegraphed (except the stunbreak) which are interupptable. The potency could be matched on with tweakes if necessary.

> > And you are not unstoppable during these 20s Petswap is on CD. It will give you an edge if it is Off CD but doesnt change a thing during its CD. The only thing you can do is go out of beastmode or use the petskills which give you utility but not OPness.

> >


> I don't know, from my POV even your way of swaping will be OP, but maybe I am wrong.



In the end all would need testing and tweaking.

It would bump up the combat engagement a lot atleast. Everything else is just hypothetical and debatable. No one is wrong or right arm, its all opinion and ideas.

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