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PvP/WvW and PvE Skill Separation

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Has ArenaNet ever talked more about drastically changing the skill separation and balance for PvP/WvW and PvE? Drastically reworking how classes play out and do damage etc for each game mode?


I feel like for a game that has such different modes, and considering the constant forums and complaints about balance and damage etc. for PvP and WvW, that even if ArenaNet released a new set of specializations in the next expansion, if they released completely tailored skills and balances for PvP/WvW, there would be an overall much more positive response. Heck even if the skills did something completely different, not even if they just reduced duration, or longer recharge time, had the same animation but had a completely different effect, that would be fine too.


I feel like that kind of overhaul/tailored skill gameplay would be beneficial for both the PvE side of things and PvP/WvW side of things, you could have cool, crazy skills in PvE and completely different ones in PvP/WvW.


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I also think that too much separation of skills can be bad as well. Once you start having to re-learn entire skill sets per mode, it starts discouraging people from trying different modes, I'd like skills to still "feel" similar between modes, so what you learn in one, somewhat applies in the others.


And before someone starts: I do think separation of skills is a good thing, it was needed. Just don't make it too extreme that everything plays different in each mode.

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> @"MuscleBobBuffPants.1406" said:

> Has ArenaNet ever talked more about drastically changing the skill separation and balance for PvP/WvW and PvE? Drastically reworking how classes play out and do damage etc for each game mode?


> I feel like for a game that has such different modes, and considering the constant forums and complaints about balance and damage etc. for PvP and WvW, that even if ArenaNet released a new set of specializations in the next expansion, if they released completely tailored skills and balances for PvP/WvW, there would be an overall much more positive response. Heck even if the skills did something completely different, not even if they just reduced duration, or longer recharge time, had the same animation but had a completely different effect, that would be fine too.


The vast majority of balance of complaints on this forum/reddit are by players who think they are much better than they are. These players refuse to adapt to adversity and scapegoat every loss on "bad balance". These are players who see challenge as "bad design" and rather than improving their play, pen diatribes on the internet to soothe their wounded egos.

Should Arenanet really be catering to the cry-hards by massively overhauling systems?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"MuscleBobBuffPants.1406" said:

> > Has ArenaNet ever talked more about drastically changing the skill separation and balance for PvP/WvW and PvE? Drastically reworking how classes play out and do damage etc for each game mode?

> >

> > I feel like for a game that has such different modes, and considering the constant forums and complaints about balance and damage etc. for PvP and WvW, that even if ArenaNet released a new set of specializations in the next expansion, if they released completely tailored skills and balances for PvP/WvW, there would be an overall much more positive response. Heck even if the skills did something completely different, not even if they just reduced duration, or longer recharge time, had the same animation but had a completely different effect, that would be fine too.


> The vast majority of balance of complaints on this forum/reddit are by players who think they are much better than they are. These players refuse to adapt to adversity and scapegoat every loss on "bad balance". These are players who see challenge as "bad design" and rather than improving their play, pen diatribes on the internet to soothe their wounded egos.

> Should Arenanet really be catering to the cry-hards by massively overhauling systems?


Oh I dont completely disagree with you on that, I do think there might be too much bickering about it at times. But I do think it would be a good thing to seriously consider making it more separated since the game modes play out so differently. I think if the skills were really balanced and altered to fit the game mode, it would make everyone's experience more enjoyable, PvE, PvP and WvW.


> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> You're grouping sPvP and WvW together. Those should be separated too.


> What works in large scale combat is sometimes broken or not useful in small scale. And what is OP for small scale, might be useless in a large scale fight.


That is completely fair as well! I would honestly like to see like you said everything be balanced for its own game mode. I think its very difficult to balance skills across all modes and even when they separate skills, they only seem to change duration or recharge, which in my opinion, doesnt truly address the nuance of the mode and the skill.

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Yes. They have said over and over that skills and traits _must_ function the same in every game mode. CDs, damage/healing coefficients/condition stacks/amount of conversions etc may change, but the functionality must be the same. This way, you do not have to learn an entire new skill set for each game mode.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Yes. They have said over and over that skills and traits _must_ function the same in every game mode. CDs, damage/healing coefficients/condition stacks/amount of conversions etc may change, but the functionality must be the same. This way, you do not have to learn an entire new skill set for each game mode.


Ah, thats unfortunate! That seems tough to balance across all game modes! Do you know where specifically I can read more about them discussing it oriori? Like any podcasts or news articles where they talked more in detail about doing that specifically or skill separation and their philosophy regarding it? Much appreciated!

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