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Suggestion: Change the ugly green aura when merged


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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> Could we please change this into something like a Rev Facet? A green facet when merged? The current aura just kills the Fashion Wars!


Made a similar suggestion in this thread: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28176/soulbeast-green-aura#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28176/soulbeast-green-aura#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28176/soulbeast-green-aura#latest")

![](https://i.imgur.com/PW00oTB.png "")




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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"schmots.6803" said:

> > My ranger is a sylvari so it fits me perfect.


> Same for me :D ;) ...


Well, so is mine, but it doesn't work at all (let alone when using Winter's Presence) :


![](https://i.imgur.com/m9mR0tq.png "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/wpgBcMq.png "")


So, it's "go green (maybe yellow/brown) or go home" :/ .

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> @"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:

> Well, so is mine, but it doesn't work at all (let alone when using Winter's Presence) :


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/m9mR0tq.png "")


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/wpgBcMq.png "")


> So, it's "go green (maybe yellow/brown) or go home" :/ .


So Fuzzy Pop, maybe you are Sylvari, maybe you are a ranger, but your character doesn't seems to be what a Sylvari or a ranger is suppose to be. Your armor skin, colors etc looks more like Harley Quinn from Death Squad, than a ranger.No offence, but you can't dress like a robot and want to look like a puffy puppy ;) .

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> So Fuzzy Pop, maybe you are Sylvari, maybe you are a ranger, but your character doesn't seems to be what a Sylvari or a ranger is suppose to be. Your armor skin, colors etc looks more like Harley Quinn from Death Squad, than a ranger.No offence, but you can't dress like a robot and want to look like a puffy puppy ;) .


No offence taken :)

“Supposed to be”? I didn’t realize there were rules to Fashion Wars. So in order to dress the way I like I must play not only a different race but also a different class? Fun :p

Anyway, to each their own. I wish they would _at least_ give us the option to turn it off client-side.


Doesn’t really matter though, we know full well Anet won’t change it at this point. Especially since they’d already toned it down a lil’ bit shortly after release.

Guess I’ll just have to accept that I’m now a walking fart cloud with a swirling diarrhea ribbon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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> @"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:

> No offence taken :)

I am glad :)

> “Supposed to be”? I didn’t realize there were rules to Fashion Wars. So in order to dress the way I like I must play not only a different race but also a different class? Fun :p

Usual , we have a value system, a reference system for everything like food, clothing, design, good, bad, good etc ... In this general/usual reference system a race/class is represented by a value/type/mode, something what make you thinking that "that is a ranger", let's say it's like when you see on a cover a humanoid with a bow in hand you will know (or your first thought about) is a ranger and not an elementalist. That's why I said your character look doesn't fit with usual/general (at least Anet first proposal) ranger. Ofc doesn't exist rules for Fashion, it's up to you how, what or when to wear something, but when Anet put that green aura on Soulbeast, they thoughts were that rangers are in communion with nature (wood = green) and like in many movies/animations creatures in communion with nature are usual represented by green/brown colors.

Probably if this aura was pink/red color , would fits better with your costume/look ;) .

At least this is my opinion.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> Ofc doesn't exist rules for Fashion, it's up to you how, what or when to wear something, but when Anet put that green aura on Soulbeast, they thoughts were that rangers are in communion with nature (wood = green) and like in many movies/animations creatures in communion with nature are usual represented by green/brown colors.


Fair enough, I agree :+1:


> Probably if this aura was pink/red color , would fits better with your costume/look ;) .


Sure, until I decide to change up my look (it happens). That’s why I’d rather it be a floor decal like the herald facet, so it doesn’t obscure the character and anyone could use any color scheme they like. Plus I’m kinda biased since green is not exactly my favorite color ;) .

But honestly, I’m not all _that_ invested in this whole debate, just thought I’d chime in since this is like the 4th-ish recent post on this subject. It is what it is, I suppose.

Cheers :) .

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> @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> I wish the delete Soulbeast made me hate my main witch is ranger , after switching Mains slowly I stopped played this game sad hopefully next expansion ireno won’t be in charge for ranger espec


Why tf would you hate ranger because of an elite, just play core or druid. No one is telling you to play soulbeast

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> @"Sila.6748" said:

> I built my ranger entirely around the aura because I loved it so much, and wished my mesmer had something similar to it too.

> https://vgy.me/sEnjiZ.jpg



Like you, Sila, I love the Soulbeast aura!

I :heart: its *LOOK*

I :heart: its *SOUNDS*

I DIG it A LOT :sunglasses:


With the above said, I do understand that some folks don't really like it (or even hate it), so perhaps there could be an option to disable the SoulB's aura... at least in PvE. (In competitive play, auras are useful ways to distinguish a player's class/spec, so I'd leave them in those game modes.)


Just my 2 copper's worth :wink:

Cheers! :smile:



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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> People who like the aura generally like it because it looks good on their character. However, that's the issue, you need to match your colour choices accordingly.

Eh, I don’t wear green armor. In fact, I don’t really see a need to. It’s an aura of power, not your clothes...

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The whole idea about fashion wars is making your character look the way you want it to look. I shouldn't have to change my armor colors to match the aura if I didn't want the aura to begin with.


At least make it like a ground hologram like the Revanent has.

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