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New ranger wanting to gear for raids


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I have seen on Snow Crows official site a lot of different gear sets for the ranger (i want to play druid, healer) so i thought that i should aim for the full harrier set that seems like the best for healing and a must on a lot of fights.

I've read on qtfy instead that the harrier set is overkill on healing and you can be fine with a full viper set for example, dealing more damage but healing enough for the group. Is it true ?


Also i would love to have the same gear (more or less) for fractals. Usually for t4 and CM's the ranger is required for heals and might sharing, so is harrier best ?

I honestly would love to craft the harrier set to play a "full heal build" everywhere, but i want to be also useful!

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I'd recommend Harriers when you're just starting out.


There _are_ better healing sets out there that also provide more than enough might, but Harriers is great because it has zero toughness. So you don't need to worry about taking tank aggro at certain raid bosses. You can build up more sets as you become more experienced and know when to switch, but Harriers is fantastic as a one-size-fits-all option.


Viper's Druid is more for experienced groups, so again you don't want that as your first set. The healing it offers is minimal so you need a good team that's able to deal with mechanics well to get good value out of it.

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