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What I really expect from ANet's trailers...


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I would like to see a new formula, not just some pics from the story and maps, but something much, much more. I mean if they want to release raid or fractal, they should show all the content one week before they release them.


Anet wasted a HUGE opportunity to do so in Daybreak trailer, yes, the trailer was far, far better than Season 3 ones, but if they wanted to make a great booooom in this release they should have shown it in the trailer.


I suggest follow the trail of WoW for example, just look at this TRAILER, showing all the content and nicely composed with the story. (



Daybreak was Joko's centric, and you showed it in the trailer, but wouldn't it be epic to also show how we enter to the old Istan and fight ALONGSIDE Joko in the fractal? Or something like: Dhuum has rose again, and the future of Tyria and the Mists is in your hand; and then put some lines of Dhuum or Desmina.


You know not everybody wants to make raids, or fractals, but the trailers showing the content and what is going to happen, I am sure would interest the community to at least try to make this wing, or at least make somebody ask about: what happened in the Mists, what happened to Dhuum, who is the Red Lady etc etc.


Put some great music, extend your trailers and show the content. Make the trailers A PART of a release, not something completely different.


I am still upset because of "The Head of the Snake" trailer, where all this epicness was given by Jennah's "Kryta'll not be broken, Divinity's Reach WILL NOT FALL", and IT WAS MISSING(!!!) in the episode!!!


I hope Daybreak's trailer is a good sign for changes and maybe ANet will finally value their work and SHOW it to make US proud, and make this Game proud, show that ANet's members AREN'T SHY to SHOW their content, and that would be a great start for successful advertising this beautiful Game.


Thanks for your time and see You in Game. :)




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