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Ordnance-Outpost-Event chain to destroy the blighted tree in the corpse grove....BUGGED

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I have only one more item to collect in this Nevermore I: Ravenswood Branch but have not been able to find this event to complete this collection for the Legendary Staff. Is there another way to obtain this item since I can never find the event? There really are very few folks I've seen whenever I have attempted to collect this item. I gather there is a meta event that needs to be at a level 4? Why is this item gated behind a meta event that rarely gets done these days?


Anyone have any ideas if Anet will adjust this?

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Get to VB just before daylight hits, and head to the Ordnance cave in the northwest. When day hits you will be right there to start the chain and can rope others in (create an LFG if need be, ask nicely in Map).


The hitch is that the penultimate event of the chain is *horrible* with scaling. Folks have to get up to a high plateau (via a mushroom), scavenge up tiny parts that only show up when you are near them and are very low spawn rate, and/or kill infinite hp frogs to get parts, then carry each piece one at a time back down to the collector, whose completion bar moves microscopically with each turn in. Even with a dedicated and willing group doing it, it often takes so long that the next part, setting bombs and fighting Diarmid in the blighted tree, often fails thanks to night fall even if people are actively working on it.


So you need to be sure the earlier parts of the chain are done super efficiently to have any real chance.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> http://dulfy.net/2015/11/09/gw2-hot-maps-timer-famme/

> Get to VB just before daylight hits, and head to the Ordnance cave in the northwest. When day hits you will be right there to start the chain and can rope others in (create an LFG if need be, ask nicely in Map).


> The hitch is that the penultimate event of the chain is *horrible* with scaling. Folks have to get up to a high plateau (via a mushroom), scavenge up tiny parts that only show up when you are near them and are very low spawn rate, and/or kill infinite hp frogs to get parts, then carry each piece one at a time back down to the collector, whose completion bar moves microscopically with each turn in. Even with a dedicated and willing group doing it, it often takes so long that the next part, setting bombs and fighting Diarmid in the blighted tree, often fails thanks to night fall even if people are actively working on it.


> So you need to be sure the earlier parts of the chain are done super efficiently to have any real chance.


You forgot the crappiest part.

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I must have, because I can't think of anything else in that event that sucks as much as gathering the parts. All the fights are doable (yes, even the stunlock frog and the spinning Diarmid and the massive amounts of mordrem snipers laying down lines of death while the bombs are set). But if you have enough people to ensure success in the fights, you have too many to get the parts collected because the collection bar scales up so much.

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Yes!! Same thing for me... :/


I've been hopping in and out of Verdant Brink for days, looking for a group to complete this part of the quest. And I've had no luck at all. I'm getting the sense that you need a dedicated map to complete many events prior to this one. And people just don't seem to be in this zone anymore.

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Its situations like this that I think Anet might want to revisit to adjust since the maps seem to be pretty empty for any of these types of events to succeed. Its even worse if you are trying for a single item drop for a Legendary that you NEED just to progress to the next collection level.


I would like to see an Anet posting here to help us out.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I must have, because I can't think of anything else in that event that sucks as much as gathering the parts. All the fights are doable (yes, even the stunlock frog and the spinning Diarmid and the massive amounts of mordrem snipers laying down lines of death while the bombs are set). But if you have enough people to ensure success in the fights, you have too many to get the parts collected because the collection bar scales up so much.


The part where the NPCs refuses to accept the bomb parts. -_-

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I just tried to give bomb parts to the npc and he refused to accept any that I tried to give him. They just landed at his feet and stayed there. Other folks there trying to get this had the same problem. Seems the event is bugged and no matter what we did it would not complete because of this stupid bomb part collections bug.

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> I just tried to give bomb parts to the npc and he refused to accept any that I tried to give him. They just landed at his feet and stayed there. Other folks there trying to get this had the same problem. Seems the event is bugged and no matter what we did it would not complete because of this stupid bomb part collections bug.


That can happen and it is extremely annoying but not actually broken. You just have to keep stuffing the bomb into his hands. Probably shouldn't be spamming the F key. Also you should be interacting with him to give the bombs not throwing them at him.

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There was no [F] key popup. I finally targeted him and got a circle radical to toss the item to him....it kept landing at his feet and never was accepted by the npc. If you walk up to him and click on him, then use the [F] key on your keyboard, the item just disappears and there is nothing showing he even accepted the item that way either. And when you try to hand the item to him by clicking on him for an interaction, nothing happens. Regardless of how its supposed to work, we should not have such a problem with a simple action.


In my opinion its broken and needs to be fixed. Poorly designed event is no excuse....if it does not work properly, Anet needs to fix it. This is totally unacceptable that we players have to fight with the game just to get it to work properly ....we have no control over the design.


The fact that it takes forever to do these parts also is ridiculous. Other events in the game operate where you can actually hand items over to the npc collecting them without a struggle. Why can't this one be setup like those? Many you can just toss using the target radical to get the item to the bucket icon without issue. Many others actually have you click on the npc where there is a line saying something like "here take this" and it works just fine. Some you have to do singularly as this seems to be setup, while others you can just go collect as many as you want then go back to the npc and hand them in.


This particular event is not functioning period.

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You need to initiate action for that event chain, otherwise you'll not get it done. When I was at that part, I tagged up as mentor and simply started myself, announcing it in map chat regularly. The first time it didn't work out well, I had 2 people joining only for parts. I did the three towers at the beginning alone, I also remember doing the parts collection alone, and the whole thing took so long that the day was over when the last part was triggered. Suddenly, when I announced that the blighting tree part needs more people, we were a dozen or so. We couldn't finish the last event because we ran out of time. People didn't want to do the labour that was required to get to the last stage, but suddenly had time to join for it ^^


A day later I had more luck and other players also needed the item for Nevermore.


If you just pop into the map and see if someone else started, you'll never succeed.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Re: giving salvage to the NPC - I found that it didn't work if I stood too close to him. Backing up a bit usually helped!


How thoroughly have you tested that theory? I am pretty sure I've stood at the same spot and just pressed F every couple seconds and he will take it eventually.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > Re: giving salvage to the NPC - I found that it didn't work if I stood too close to him. Backing up a bit usually helped!


> How thoroughly have you tested that theory? I am pretty sure I've stood at the same spot and just pressed F every couple seconds and he will take it eventually.


Oh not thoroughly at all! It was only an observation I did when I was doing the event a while ago, meant as "hey, you can try this!" for anyone struggling.


There is definitly both scaling/balance issues with the chain *and* some straight up glitches/bugs.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Re: giving salvage to the NPC - I found that it didn't work if I stood too close to him. Backing up a bit usually helped!


Yea, no, I tried that and every other stance I could think of from standing on top of him to being about 1/4 across the meadow to toss it with the target radical that appears when you press "1" on your bar. I even tried just using my [F] key to see if that would work, but the item never left my bar. I also tried talking to him to see if he had the "here are more" type of message. Nothing worked.


As for the entire setup, it really needs to be revisited by Anet. Since so many are having similar issues, not only with the entire chain event, but getting that last event to even trigger ---with enough time to finish it --- just to trigger the Blight event, really is **not working **at all well.


When this area was new to players it was really easy because there were swarms of players all over the place..........this is not the case today. Events like this where you need the very last portion of a long event chain to trigger just for 1 single drop for a legendary, need to have an alternative to at least trigger the Blight event independently if there are not enough folks around.


In asking some of my guild mates they said the same thing....this event is not working well, especially when you have so few folks that need that last Blight event for the Nevermore drop.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> You need to initiate action for that event chain, otherwise you'll not get it done. When I was at that part, I tagged up as mentor and simply started myself, announcing it in map chat regularly. The first time it didn't work out well, I had 2 people joining only for parts. I did the three towers at the beginning alone, I also remember doing the parts collection alone, and the whole thing took so long that the day was over when the last part was triggered. Suddenly, when I announced that the blighting tree part needs more people, we were a dozen or so. We couldn't finish the last event because we ran out of time. People didn't want to do the labour that was required to get to the last stage, but suddenly had time to join for it ^^


> A day later I had more luck and other players also needed the item for Nevermore.


> If you just pop into the map and see if someone else started, you'll never succeed.


As for your suggestion, when I got into the map last night, the event already was triggered by some other players. So I dropped in to help ..........there were only 5 of us altogether. Not only that, but from what they were saying, the npc was bugged, that bomb part failed. As hard as we tried, we ran out of time completely too.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> It's the Ordnance-Outpost-Eventchain in Verdant Brink during daytime. Just put yourself up in LFG and you'll find people.


I've already tried that....no luck. However, last night I managed to pop into the map just as others were doing the bomb event, so as I stated above, I joined in but found out they were frustrated because the npc was not accepting any parts for this bomb. Even though we all tried to get parts to him, the event failed and **not for lack of trying.**

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> http://dulfy.net/2015/11/09/gw2-hot-maps-timer-famme/

> Get to VB just before daylight hits, and head to the Ordnance cave in the northwest. When day hits you will be right there to start the chain and can rope others in (create an LFG if need be, ask nicely in Map).


> The hitch is that the penultimate event of the chain is *horrible* with scaling. Folks have to get up to a high plateau (via a mushroom), scavenge up tiny parts that only show up when you are near them and are very low spawn rate, and/or kill infinite hp frogs to get parts, then carry each piece one at a time back down to the collector, whose completion bar moves microscopically with each turn in. Even with a dedicated and willing group doing it, it often takes so long that the next part, setting bombs and fighting Diarmid in the blighted tree, often fails thanks to night fall even if people are actively working on it.


> So you need to be sure the earlier parts of the chain are done super efficiently to have any real chance.


This is a real shame...an entire event so bogged down with squirrelly mechanics that its a hit-or-miss, really needs to be revamped. Anet does need to look into this mess.

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Oh right forgot there is also another bug. That bomb collection event can also be up AFTER the entire Ordnance chain has already completed.


> Anet? Are you listening? >>>> Hello? Anyone there, Anet? {crickets chirping}


If it doesn't effect the gem store or the economy, it won't be fixed until someone is really *really* bored. This problem has been around basically since Nevermore was released.

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