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LF NA PvE/instance guild


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I am a returning pre-HoT hardcore dungeon/fractal player. It's been a couple years and I'm trying to get back into the groove of GW2 with my partner by casually playing the game. I'm personally looking for a guild that needs people to join in their dungeon/fractal clears and my partner is looking for more people to be social with. We are west coast NA, but are always willing to join in the international community.


What I can offer:

* Knowledge and expertise of dungeons and fractals.

* A willingness to learn raids, even at a hardcore level. I haven't done any raids, but I will soon become interested in it.

* Always striving for self-improvement and willingness to help others improve as well.

* Respect for any and all people. I don't dabble in drama, nor do I allow myself to be the cause of it.

* Pride in my new guild. I will always go above and beyond to represent the guild in the most positive manner.


What I ask from my guild:

* Lax rep requirements. I'll always rep a guild when I am with them, but I am also an active WvW player.

* Discord for communications. It's apparently the thing people use now.

* An accepting community for my partner. She's still fairly new to the game, whereas I'd be considered a veteran. She plays casually and just wants to help people.

* A willingness to improve as a guild. I love to teach people, I also love to discuss new builds/strategies, and I also love when a guild works together to grow as a family.


I hope this doesn't sound like much, but I'm also bad at explaining things. Feel free to mail/whisper me in-game. Thanks in advance.


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