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We all know tiered raiding isn't going to be thing how ever perhaps they could take the area with the DPS dummy and create a proving grounds type place where in a clinical setting the game can teach you when to block, how to CC to avoid damage with blinds for example, how to use light fields, have a generic golem perform mechanics like you would find in a Raid or Fractal to get better and learn mechanics. Perhaps design it to gradually get more difficult so that solo players have accsses to their own hardcore content like ESOs Dragon Star Arena.


Something like this could train players how to be good in a setting that doesn't ruin Raid Runs with novice mistakes.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> LoL I just posting something similar to this in this thread:


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28888/legendary-armor-is-mia/p3


It just seems like something that would make everyone happy to a certain extent, hitting benchmarks doesn't mean anything if you are dying to mechanics, don't understand your utilities, can't understand combos. If they did this right then Pug Raids should accept a pinged achievement showing you have learned the ropes.

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> There are plenty of opportunities to practice this in the game, heck there are even dodge roll trainers. People don’t bother though, so why would they bother on golem?


All I'm suggesting is adding this stuff to the Special OPs Training Golem area, it seems people are concerned with Benchmarks while not getting proper tutorials while leveling, so putting something like this next to the DPS Dummy would be great I think for Raid trainers. Imagine being a commander and taking a group of Noobs (like me) to the Golem and in a lab environment get them used to one mechanic at a time while teaching them what the tells look like with out all the visual noise from the actual encounter. I've raided a few times and while everything looks awesome between the anxiety and all the flashing effects everywhere it takes a couple wipes to understand some rudimentary basics, could you imagine how much better it would be for every one if people could teach them selves or learn in a class with others while getting some sort of achievement certification showing they accomplished it, it would take so much guess work out picking up PUGs while opening people up to non META folks because they can prove they learned the mechanics. This way both camps get a little of what they want, Raiders keep Raids pristine with out dumbing it down, and Noobs can learn mechanics in a safe environemnt while having what accounts to a Degree to link on their Raiding Resume.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > There are plenty of opportunities to practice this in the game, heck there are even dodge roll trainers. People don’t bother though, so why would they bother on golem?


> All I'm suggesting is adding this stuff to the Special OPs Training Golem area, it seems people are concerned with Benchmarks while not getting proper tutorials while leveling, so putting something like this next to the DPS Dummy would be great I think for Raid trainers. Imagine being a commander and taking a group of Noobs (like me) to the Golem and in a lab environment get them used to one mechanic at a time while teaching them what the tells look like with out all the visual noise from the actual encounter. I've raided a few times and while everything looks awesome between the anxiety and all the flashing effects everywhere it takes a couple wipes to understand some rudimentary basics, could you imagine how much better it would be for every one if people could teach them selves or learn in a class with others while getting some sort of achievement certification showing they accomplished it, it would take so much guess work out picking up PUGs while opening people up to non META folks because they can prove they learned the mechanics. This way both camps get a little of what they want, Raiders keep Raids pristine with out dumbing it down, and Noobs can learn mechanics in a safe environemnt while having what accounts to a Degree to link on their Raiding Resume.


I think you're vastly overestimating the possible benefits and level of use should this become a thing. People are lazy and want rewards with minimum effort required, and a vast majority probably don't even bother to practice their rotations. I understand your reasoning and think the idea is nice in theory, but i dont see it having much use in reality.

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