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Warrior feels more like Reaper than Reaper itself


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Ever tried reaper these days?


It sucks.


Its meant to be a slow and hard hitting bruiser.


Well we got one of these 3 points: we are freakin slow.

But hard hitting? - NO

a bruiser? - NO


if reaper would be hard hitting, it would be on the same dmg lvl, that warrior is in nowadays


And if reaper was a bruiser, it would at least have some good defensive mechanics.



Warrior has both these things. Good defenses and awesome offenses. But to add, is also has great mobility, with relativly fast attacks.





Its really funny to see: most diskussion in profession forum has necro, but it gets the least changes, and changes it gets are most likely nerfs.


Should we just stop making suggestions for improvements? Then we get op as an warrior?

What are we supposed to do. Pla tell me Anet :(

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I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > Ever tried reaper these days?

> > >

> > > It sucks.

> >

> > Go play scrapper and tell me what you come back with. :)


> Well. I tried it in pvp. And i really liked it


Great. Play engineer instead of necro, because you only seem to have complaints about necro. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Umadusa.5874" said:

> I really don't understand all the salt about Reaper. It is tanky as hell and hits like a truck. It's all in how YOU build the character and use it's skills.


The OP is actually saying exactly the opposite of this???


You feel it is skill and build, what build are you using?


I would also like to see the OP build as well for comparison.

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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Umadusa.5874" said:

> > I really don't understand all the salt about Reaper. It is tanky as hell and hits like a truck. It's all in how YOU build the character and use it's skills.


> The OP is actually saying exactly the opposite of this???


> You feel it is skill and build, what build are you using?


> I would also like to see the OP build as well for comparison.


I was mostly reffering to pve. So both are full berserker.

But in pvp you can play full berserker warrior and you still will be way more tanky, than a necro with added vitality or/and toughness.

And if you take that def stats, you will loose dmg

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For PvE reaper does nice dmg and the slow skills dont really come into play much in open PvE. Because of slow attacks and hard hits you dont have high dps just high burst which hinders GS as a raid/t4 weapon.

For PvP you are probably to slow and you can be countered easily. You still do high burst but if you dont one shot, ppl can get away and heal the dmg off.

GS of reaper could use faster animations, on the first 2 AA attacks of shroud and GS and the gravedigger could use a shorter precast.

Death spiral would be nice as a gap closer teleport, so you can pressure better ppl and mobs, tgis would fit the unstoppable reaper theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Ever tried reaper these days?


> It sucks.


> Its meant to be a slow and hard hitting bruiser.


> Well we got one of these 3 points: we are freakin slow.

> But hard hitting? - NO

> a bruiser? - NO


> if reaper would be hard hitting, it would be on the same dmg lvl, that warrior is in nowadays

> .

> And if reaper was a bruiser, it would at least have some good defensive mechanics.



> Warrior has both these things. Good defenses and awesome offenses. But to add, is also has great mobility, with relativly fast attacks.





> Its really funny to see: most diskussion in profession forum has necro, but it gets the least changes, and changes it gets are most likely nerfs.


> Should we just stop making suggestions for improvements? Then we get op as an warrior?

> What are we supposed to do. Pla tell me Anet :(


When PoF came out, all the definitions of the classes changed. None are supposed to be what they originally were, it's all working as intended, don't worry everything is under control! There is NO NEED TO PANIC!


DON'T PANIC everybody KEEP CALM do all the things printed on your tatty CARRY ON merchandise!

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> @"Umadusa.5874" said:

> I really don't understand all the salt about Reaper. It is tanky as hell and hits like a truck. It's all in how YOU build the character and use it's skills.


I hit like a truck on tower lords ill give you that. Otherwise IDK... It's better in wvw than pvp i'll grant that but then again so must the other classes as well. So it essentially even itself out in the long run. *Also want that build.

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> @"Toll Booth Willie.6723" said:

> > @"Umadusa.5874" said:

> > I really don't understand all the salt about Reaper. It is tanky as hell and hits like a truck. It's all in how YOU build the character and use it's skills.


> I hit like a truck on tower lords ill give you that. Otherwise IDK... It's better in wvw than pvp i'll grant that but then again so must the other classes as well. So it essentially even itself out in the long run. *Also want that build.


This is what I use and have found stupid effective in almost all situations

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAR3dn0ICN2glbCubC0biFcBD6qFAWAxXxuYYUqH01CbA-jhCEABtpZoQlgQcBAO4gAElyPAeAAxpDI/9HS4IA0o6PAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAR3dn0ICN2glbCubC0biFcBD6qFAWAxXxuYYUqH01CbA-jhCEABtpZoQlgQcBAO4gAElyPAeAAxpDI/9HS4IA0o6PAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAR3dn0ICN2glbCubC0biFcBD6qFAWAxXxuYYUqH01CbA-jhCEABtpZoQlgQcBAO4gAElyPAeAAxpDI/9HS4IA0o6PAA-e")

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months


Funny you say that I know a particular one that still decapitates me for like nearly 10k crits. They still hit hard people just roll those core warrior passives. I think we will see more berserkers when the pvp changes kill some of core warriors passiveness.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months


> Funny you say that I know a particular one that still decapitates me for like nearly 10k crits. They still hit hard people just roll those core warrior passives. I think we will see more berserkers when the pvp changes kill some of core warriors passiveness.


There’s no need to kill “anything” with core Warrior, thank you very much. Don’t drag us down with you, Necromancer.


You wouldn’t see any more Berserkers in PvP no matter how much you theoretically nerf Core anyway: the reason why Core is taken over Berserker(and often Spellbreaker) is that the extra fancy stuff those provide come at the cost of Burst power; both causes your F1’s to only count as level 1s meaning you need to hit three times to get full stacks of Berserker’s Power and Adrenal Health. Core, on the other hand, just needs one fully charged F1 hit.


That in a nutshell is the big trade off you need to consider as a Warrior in regards to your specializations.



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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:



> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

> >

> > Funny you say that I know a particular one that still decapitates me for like nearly 10k crits. They still hit hard people just roll those core warrior passives. I think we will see more berserkers when the pvp changes kill some of core warriors passiveness.


> There’s no need to kill “anything” with core Warrior, thank you very much. Don’t drag us down with you, Necromancer.


> You wouldn’t see any more Berserkers in PvP no matter how much you theoretically nerf Core anyway: the reason why Core is taken over Berserker(and often Spellbreaker) is that the extra fancy stuff those provide come at the cost of Burst power; both causes your F1’s to only count as level 1s meaning you need to hit three times to get full stacks of Berserker’s Power and Adrenal Health. Core, on the other hand, just needs one fully charged F1 hit.


> That in a nutshell is the big trade off you need to consider as a Warrior in regards to your specializations.


Im not dragging you down. WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT FROM?

Anet just decided you dont need as much free safety nets in your kits nore anyone else for that matter.

This patch wont hurt me all that much if at all because I roll reaper lol. We dont have anything like that that can save our buts ever 40 seconds when we screw up.


I dont see why not Berserker still hits hard not to mention with spellbreaker also getting toned down in its instant 6k hitting meditation and what not i think its fair to say that we could see some berserkers come back into the mix. Im still not sure how you got so worked up and offended by my short statement lol.


To be honest i dont know about all that burst stuff I see warriors using spell breaker and thats only 1 bar and the manage to get plenty of adrenal health stacks maybe you just dont know the mind games into landing your skills or you are one of the people who survives too heavily off the passives that are being toned down. Regardless its happening just deal with the nerf like everyone else has to.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> To be honest i dont know about all that burst stuff I see warriors using spell breaker and thats only 1 bar and the manage to get plenty of adrenal health stacks maybe you just dont know the mind games into landing your skills


Or maybe you should actually try playing Warrior before mouthing off?


Core: F1s scale with Adrenaline used.

Spellbreaker/Berserker: F1s count as level 1 regardless of Adrenaline used.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > To be honest i dont know about all that burst stuff I see warriors using spell breaker and thats only 1 bar and the manage to get plenty of adrenal health stacks maybe you just dont know the mind games into landing your skills


> Or maybe you should actually try playing Warrior before mouthing off?


> Core: F1s scale with Adrenaline used.

> Spellbreaker/Berserker: F1s count as level 1 regardless of Adrenaline used.





meaning they can still get multiple stacks with ease its not a big deal. I KNOW how it works for simplicity sake.

SB has 2 burst skills that can be used fairly often not hard to get stacks

Berserker still has the option to burst outside of berserker mode to get instant 3 stacks or it can burst rapidly in berseker mode provided you know what you are doing and know how to manage adrenaline gain.


You should even realize what you are talking about. Im talking about possible berserker coming back into the mix and you just get super offended for no reason. I didnt make the choices that anet is doing today ok. Understand that the nerfs are happening across all professions ideally its not really a nerf in this cases except to specs that are not using the heavy life saving passives that are being used.


Whats wrong with you.... The instant offensive and toxic reply was far from needed.


Im still trying to figure out how you just twisted this conversation all up and around and back again. You went way off topic from the post i originally made. Please chill your jimmies before i go reaper and chill em for you.


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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months


Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months


> Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

> And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime


sry to tell you, but if you get hit by warrior f1 axe then you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away (no srlsy it is super easy to evade in 1v1).

And just to be clear, only core warrior lvl 3 burst does more dmg than shroud 5 and has absolutely no cc attached to it.


I always find it amusing how you've got the strongest meta spec in wvw and pvp with scourge and still complain that you can't play reaper. Reaper is still playable, the only downside it has that it gets kited like a melee class and that some PoF specs are too overpowered (mirage, scourge, firebrand).


Just compare reaper to the berserker spec of warrior. Berserker has been dead since a long time in both wvw and pvp and noone is crying about it because warrior still has one more viable build to play. Berserker won't even scratch reaper in a 1v1 and that should tell you something.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

> >

> > Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

> > And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime


> sry to tell you, but if you get hit by warrior f1 axe then you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away (no srlsy it is super easy to evade in 1v1).

> And just to be clear, only core warrior lvl 3 burst does more dmg than shroud 5 and has absolutely no cc attached to it.


> I always find it amusing how you've got the strongest meta spec in wvw and pvp with scourge and still complain that you can't play reaper. Reaper is still playable, the only downside it has that it gets kited like a melee class and that some PoF specs are too overpowered (mirage, scourge, firebrand).


> Just compare reaper to the berserker spec of warrior. Berserker has been dead since a long time in both wvw and pvp and noone is crying about it because warrior still has one more viable build to play. Berserker won't even scratch reaper in a 1v1 and that should tell you something.


Sure, that explains, why f1 of spellbreaker hit me for almost 10k dmg.

And if you look closely, f1 axe doesnt have any casttime at all. Casttime is just the distance traveled by the leap. And you know, if you cast it at rlly close range, there is not much distance to travel.


As necro you can either evade all these warrior stuns and eat the f1. Or you eat a stun, then take f1, if you are out of stunbreaks.


And if you cant land a single hit as berserker on reaper, you should maybe play reaper for one time. Like 15 minutes and you know all the weak spots, and there arw many of them:


Poor stunbreaks, no evades, no invuln, almost no mobility, bad condiremoval.

Exactly 2 dodges and thats it. If you use your shroud too much for dmg mitigation, you wont be able to kill anyone.


As necro you have to be pretty specific in what you pick as utility skills.

But you cannot cover heavy condi-pressure and heavy power-pressure at the same time.


Sure. Maybe in spvp, that matchup is okay or in favor of necromancer. But in roaming/wvw. Well if you loose against a reaper with any warrior profession, you either played against a really really really good necro, or you just did some awful mistakes



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > > > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > > > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > > > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

> > >

> > > Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

> > > And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime

> >

> > sry to tell you, but if you get hit by warrior f1 axe then you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away (no srlsy it is super easy to evade in 1v1).

> > And just to be clear, only core warrior lvl 3 burst does more dmg than shroud 5 and has absolutely no cc attached to it.

> >

> > I always find it amusing how you've got the strongest meta spec in wvw and pvp with scourge and still complain that you can't play reaper. Reaper is still playable, the only downside it has that it gets kited like a melee class and that some PoF specs are too overpowered (mirage, scourge, firebrand).

> >

> > Just compare reaper to the berserker spec of warrior. Berserker has been dead since a long time in both wvw and pvp and noone is crying about it because warrior still has one more viable build to play. Berserker won't even scratch reaper in a 1v1 and that should tell you something.


> Sure, that explains, why f1 of spellbreaker hit me for almost 10k dmg.

> And if you look closely, f1 axe doesnt have any casttime at all. Casttime is just the distance traveled by the leap. And you know, if you cast it at rlly close range, there is not much distance to travel.


> As necro you can either evade all these warrior stuns and eat the f1. Or you eat a stun, then take f1, if you are out of stunbreaks.


> And if you cant land a single hit as berserker on reaper, you should maybe play reaper for one time. Like 15 minutes and you know all the weak spots, and there arw many of them:


> Poor stunbreaks, no evades, no invuln, almost no mobility, bad condiremoval.

> Exactly 2 dodges and thats it. If you use your shroud too much for dmg mitigation, you wont be able to kill anyone.


> As necro you have to be pretty specific in what you pick as utility skills.

> But you cannot cover heavy condi-pressure and heavy power-pressure at the same time.


> Sure. Maybe in spvp, that matchup is okay or in favor of necromancer. But in roaming/wvw. Well if you loose against a reaper with any warrior profession, you either played against a really really really good necro, or you just did some awful mistakes




axe f1 animation is always the same regardless of distance travelled, you'd know that if you ever played it for yourself. And so what that warrior does have cc? Reaper has perma chill and blind and weakness and fear and also has hard cc.


You also have to take specific skills as warrior if you 1v1 against power or condi heavy builds, like holo or scourge, one takes eb and the other take bs.


You even admit that you can play as reaper vs warrior in pvp and i am sry to break it for you but warrior is also quite bad for wvw roaming, at least when facing good players, because you will never catch or beat a mesmer or a thief or a druid (yes marauder druid) and don't get even started on running away when there are multible enemies and your are not in rush distance to your next keep or tower.


And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.

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