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low fps after patch at 10 fps max in an nvidia 1070

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Nvidia 1070 and 7700hq laptop.


I used to play wvw with 20fps in full with two zergs clashing, easily reach over 60 fps in lion arch or busier maps.


After patch i get 10 fps in every single instance of the game, even in empty maps.


I need a solution here and now, it can't be possible you need a desktop now to play this game.

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I've definitely seen a few people mentioning this and I'm having issues too. I wouldn't say I have the newest PC ever but still I didn't have this many issues in the HOT era. Just in the last week, I've had lower fps, and stuttering which really bugs me a LOT, in fact I actually don't use the newest nvidia drivers because every newer one than the set I use now adds stuttering to everything....


Anyway, more to the point I'm also having this issue. I'm running 8gb, a GTX 970 and an AMD Phenom IIX4 955. In the HOT era I wasn't getting this stuttering (although maybe in REALLY major events like dragon's stand) and on average in the newest zones I was keeping my fps stable between 30-60 fps. Since POF, I haven't done a lot outside of POF so I don't know if it's the zones or the whole game but I've been getting definite lower fps and stuttering a lot.


Now I know in some MMOs an expansion is a MAJOR overhaul and not just a couple system overhauls and some zones although those two super common to change in all of them. Like I can name at least two MMO expansions I played in the past where an expansion either overhauled the whole world, or the world and not the players, or the player models themselves to vastly higher resolutions than their old versions. Now GW2's always looked good and I don't doubt that it continues to do so but I wouldn't say it's visual fidelity is better than it used to be at a technical level as far as I know.


Now that being said, I had the video speed discussed above in the HOT era. Since playing on the POF maps, I now get stuttering my average fps out running a field is absolutely lower there is no doubt about it even if it's a playable fps it's often not stable and while I'm a heavy PC gamer and I love a stable 60 fps when possible, I would take a stable 30, over a jump 20-60 bouncing any day of the week. In my case I started playing around trying to stabilize the fps or stop the stuttering and while I've left these settings on because they might slightly help, I don't think they vastly are.


On my HOT setup, I had the LOD Distance set to Ultra, I am trying Medium now because these zones do have a LOT of open space without geometry blocking your view of things often. I also tried enabling Windows' "Game Mode," furthermore, I also had the windows/xbox game bar's instant replay buffer running before. So to sum it up, I had the replay buff on, LOD on ultra, game mode OFF, and HOT still ran better than POF. I definitely think something is a tad off here. Possibly a memory leak even would not surprise me. The game used to run for me using an average of 1500-1800mb RAM at any time, but I've noticed it going up over 2gb fairly often, sometimes up to 2.4gb, which I have the memory I don't mind, but this is unusual behavior compared to how I've seen it in the past which makes me wonder if it's leaking.


Also, I've noticed that since POF launched that exiting the game seems to take unusually large amount of time. Long enough that Windows tends to put the white filter over it like it's going to crash, I can wait it out for a while, or I can force it to crash, but it usually takes a good while to quit! Now gw2 had been doing this for a time, up until a month or two ago to me then it stopped, and I was happy because they seemed to have fixed it, I was actually getting back to Windows faster. When you leave with it crashing like this it usually generates a crash report and what not and slows the PC up a bit for a while which is irritating.


I think the exiting part of this taking a while and potentially crashing is possibly of note, because the game uses CoherentUI to render the trading post meaning it has that browser library loaded at any given time. I find this significant, because this isn't the only MMO I've played using that in itself. That other MMO had actually had Coherent crashing itself on exit for a very long time. They only recently fixed it themselves, and until then I also had that crashing on exit wasting up time for crash report generations. So I almost wonder if the browser isn't involved somehow, but if it is I'm sure that's not all of it.

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> @Artair.1687 said:

> Also, I've noticed that since POF launched that exiting the game seems to take unusually large amount of time. Long enough that Windows tends to put the white filter over it like it's going to crash, I can wait it out for a while, or I can force it to crash, but it usually takes a good while to quit!


Yup, seeing that here as well.


Also I'd like to add that the game is responsive until it starts to do something and then for 20s you're stuck. It doesn't matter what map it is - POF or HOT or vanilla, nor how many players are there; it happens in the home instance. Today it happened twice during the raid, where on Matthias I killed the party because I've gotten the poison. Trying to delete the cache, maybe it will help.


edit: nope - didn't help

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Oh yeah I wanted to come back and also note that I don't have an SSD (not that it should be required to play) but I did defrag the gw2.dat. I've had this installation since the game came out, so this is actually the same data file that's been getting updated for like 5 years now, even after defragging it to get the file contiguous on the drive it's still doing it so I don't think that was even an issue

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It is really strange. Once again seems GW2 is more CPU and disk heavy rather than GPU.


I have rather potato PC that is 4 year old and have only frame issues (10-20) in Amnoon during Casino Blitz with 50+ mounts around. Most of other new zoned keeping around 30-50. Core Tyria seems to be fine. Not gone to WvW yet tho.


My spec:

Geforce GTX 760 (lol)

i5-3570K @ 3.40Ghz (not overclocked)

16 GB RAM DDR3 1866MHz (corsair vengeance)

GW2 installed on system SSD with 500 Mb/s-ish speeds

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I also have unusually low fps.

I dont know my computers spec cuz im writing on my phone and im not good with computers. But i can usually run on highest setting and not lose any fps. Only at big events like dragons stand i have to turn down all the settings and during Tarir its enough to turn off the shadows and lower the character model. Other than that i can be in the HoT maps with the graphic settings on max without any problem.

But in the PoF maps i have to turn down to lowest settings every now and then and still having really low fps, especially in Amnoon. With full settings in Amnoon (no other people around) im having 7-10 fps and turning the settings down to lowest doesnt help much, 17-20 fps.

This really annoys me. Is it supposed to be like this or is thete something wrong?

Ive also seen other people complain about this when i was in a bounty squad.

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