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Ruthless Legend Pvp Build.


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Illusions- Top-Bottom-MId


Chrono- MId Mid MId

Scepter-Shield/Staff (torch may also work) Sages Amulet

skill-Well Blink Sig Illusions Mirror Images Moa


Build works much like the old meta build but with the new changes you have to time your burst a little better since phantasms do not shatter. The Power of the build partly is in 2x moa and Mirror images so use it wisely and quickness make dishing damage fairly easy.

Similar to the build I took to top 100 last season and seems to be playing well this season even with the changes

(disclaimer**Im actually a bad player but this build covers player skill weaknesses unlike other meta builds**)

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Energy Doom and A boon rip and doom. May try Intelligence sigil instead of the boon rip soon. Sages Amulet

Last season I exclusively played scepter torch and ended pretty well. The great thing about the scepter is it relies on the block and channel to deal damage which are almost fool proof to land and usually ends up putting more dmg on target than sword. although the extra dmg and stealth on torch still may be better idk yet. over shield

Most mesmers dont like to admit but with chrono our skill floor and ceiling are very close to each other and shatter builds put them even closer since there's no real need to target or position, Just kite shatter block block MOA

This build just takes advantage of the ease the shatter playstyle brings and is easy to climb with. IMO

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