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GW2 Ranger Pets....bad


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last test VS new mez

Zero hit at any time ever

No matter what

he can negate pet 100% of the time, forever, I assume

2 mins anyway ( actually went longer, 3 perhaps)


beastmastery is useless (like traps,guess why nobody uses it?)

it just does not do enough or anything good

I got a few messages "try Sickem"

I have

100% useless. ANY thief that is not high/drunk can out run anyone else( or just remove reveal now) new elite OR just dodge non stop OR blink away the measly useless 6 seconds.The dps boost would be great !....if they actually ever hit anything ( see above tests)

pets are mostly useless

3 messages"try the new deer looking pet, OP! hits like a truck" (in pvE)

Well in wvw and easy mode spvp that pet is a total joke that nobody uses. Soooo slow it is a crime, always misses then looooong cooldown

ask ANY ranger


We dont want Op / or pets that just solo everyone

Just usefull, with decent movement speed

Again, like traps nobody uses beastmastery or counts on pets, because they are 100% useless

perhaps fixing BM /pets is not possible or would take too much time...hence Soulbeast

2 birds, 1 stone



done here

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Wait, he's actually trying to use the pet for damage in PvP?


This is not really a problem with pets, more like, not knowing wtf you're doing.

Here's a few tips: There's a lot of **ranged pets**, there's a lot of **crowd control pets**. Those are the choices for pvp.

Using a lynx in pvp (or anywhere pretty much) is asking to lose.

Complaining about pets because you didn't learn how to use them effectively isn't really proper feedback. Maybe ask for help learning how to pick which pets, or look for guides?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Wait, he's actually trying to use the pet for damage in PvP?


> This is not really a problem with pets, more like, not knowing kitten you're doing.

> Here's a few tips: There's a lot of **ranged pets**, there's a lot of **crowd control pets**. Those are the choices for pvp.

> Using a lynx in pvp (or anywhere pretty much) is asking to lose.

> Complaining about pets because you didn't learn how to use them effectively isn't really proper feedback. Maybe ask for help learning how to pick which pets, or look for guides?


You did not read or understand this post, clearly.


At least read, think, then troll.

This guy has never once wvw I can see

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Now I'm not saying pets couldn't use some love. But your tests, @FASTCAR.7831, are not indicative of actual gameplay. I know you know this.


1: You're not attacking. So you aren't CCing, baiting out dodges, or even removing the OOC movement speed.

2: Your opponents are not attacking. It is really easy to avoid damage from a melee source _if that is the only thing you want to do_. Even in Dark Souls and Bloodborne, you can easily avoid the attacks of most of not all of the mobs and bosses.

Attacking lets you deal damage but also makes it easier for you to _take_ damage.


You have to work _with_ the pet.

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > Wait, he's actually trying to use the pet for damage in PvP?

> > LOL

> > This is not really a problem with pets, more like, not knowing kitten you're doing.

> > Here's a few tips: There's a lot of **ranged pets**, there's a lot of **crowd control pets**. Those are the choices for pvp.

> > Using a lynx in pvp (or anywhere pretty much) is asking to lose.

> > Complaining about pets because you didn't learn how to use them effectively isn't really proper feedback. Maybe ask for help learning how to pick which pets, or look for guides?


> You did not read or understand this post, clearly.

> Wow

> At least read, think, then troll.

> This guy has never once wvw I can see


Actually i did, and i probably have more ranger time on WvW than you...

In WvW i used to take Carrion Devourer (Ranged poison cloud) and Wolf (AoE Fear). And that's it, used the pets for those two skills, because that's how you use pets in pvp, as that utility.

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Never felt like pets are doing that bad as you describe.Buffing pets would help mainly tank druids/rangers,i would instead let em share stats,at least some of it.So full zerk ranger would have more dps oriented pets,stat vise,or condie ranger would have condie pets etc.... .

As for pets not useable in zerg,that is kinda understandable,what do you await,like you send a pet on zerg and its gonna be invulnerable and kill its target?You can go soulbeast,or stow em,put on passive or just keep recalling it.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > Wait, he's actually trying to use the pet for damage in PvP?

> > > LOL

> > > This is not really a problem with pets, more like, not knowing kitten you're doing.

> > > Here's a few tips: There's a lot of **ranged pets**, there's a lot of **crowd control pets**. Those are the choices for pvp.

> > > Using a lynx in pvp (or anywhere pretty much) is asking to lose.

> > > Complaining about pets because you didn't learn how to use them effectively isn't really proper feedback. Maybe ask for help learning how to pick which pets, or look for guides?

> >

> > You did not read or understand this post, clearly.

> > Wow

> > At least read, think, then troll.

> > This guy has never once wvw I can see


> Actually i did, and i probably have more ranger time on WvW than you...

> In WvW i used to take Carrion Devourer (Ranged poison cloud) and Wolf (AoE Fear). And that's it, used the pets for those two skills, because that's how you use pets in pvp, as that utility.


Cool, I have11,009 hours on this druid for 2012 days

How many more then me do u have?

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> @"KaporHabakuk.6219" said:

> Never felt like pets are doing that bad as you describe.Buffing pets would help mainly tank druids/rangers,i would instead let em share stats,at least some of it.So full zerk ranger would have more dps oriented pets,stat vise,or condie ranger would have condie pets etc.... .

> As for pets not useable in zerg,that is kinda understandable,what do you await,like you send a pet on zerg and its gonna be invulnerable and kill its target?You can go soulbeast,or stow em,put on passive or just keep recalling it.


Again, NOT asking for super high dps pet ( allthought most would not mind)

Just a speed increase of movement.

Again, a guy in full platemail with 5-9 full bags and 4 weps should not out run a Lynx...that runs 50 MPH

In game wvw nobody cares or pays attention to pets.They are harmless and easily juked

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Um . . . a pet is part of a ranger's DPS. In some cases, it is the main source of damage for that class. This makes rangers what they are. If you want to do away with the pets? Fine. But you better increase ranger DPS as well.


Something I kind of hoped for. I'm most likely in the minority, but I still hope for them to redo pets so that they no longer attack/deal damage, are immune to all damage, have only 1 F-skill that provides a utility, and are still susceptible to CC with their HP bar replaced with a defiance bar that varies depending on species. Then give Ranger a DPS increase back.


But, alas. I'm in the minority.

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as far as GW2 is concerned a Ranger without a pet just isn't a Ranger, you might as well play another class for that feel. I disagree with the OPs statement about beastmastery. There's a lot in this game that requires trade-offs, higher pet stats means "lower" ranger damage. Pet's do need to have their attack ranges adjusted or something so that they hit more often. Right now pets are unpredictable. If they can do something to make them more predictable then we can get a true gauge of what a pet adds to DPS.

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How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.


Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.


> Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.


I laugh when I hear stuff like this.Some guy crys about ranger pets or Mez clones.

it is a pet class, part of the mechanic.Not a "crutch"


As dumb as "That warrior relies on his sword as crutch, w/o it he would be useless"

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> @"Azione.5913" said:

> Can someone explain to me why pets won't get within range before using their special ability? For example, If I use the Lync's Rending Pounce to "leap at a foe and make them bleed" he will literally jump from his current location even if the targeted enemy is 1600 distance away? I don't understand. Is this a bug, or do I literally have to hold off on activating the skill until I see that my pet is within range?


As I stated, pet mechanics are just terrible

Had that happen a zillion times


Someone will tell you to learn to play

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> @"Cyrini.1256" said:

> Well this thread just turned me off the idea of focusing more on my southeast ? is it really that bad? I've not been playing it much so I hadn't really noticed how much or little the pets were doing.


No it isn't... OP claims he's been playing Ranger for 5 hours daily since launch, and yet uses lynx in WvW... Sure...

Soulbeast in fact actually negates all of the OP's claims since you can (and will for most of the time) incorporate the pet in your character instead of using it as a separate entity.> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.

> >

> > Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.


> I laugh when I hear stuff like this.Some guy crys about ranger pets or Mez clones.

> it is a pet class, part of the mechanic.Not a "crutch"


> As dumb as "That warrior relies on his sword as crutch, w/o it he would be useless"


It isn't a crutch, but that's what the OP wants to turn Ranger into.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.


> Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.

I don't think you fully understand the implications of what you're asking for, considering most of the pets people actually use are already fairly mediocre in stats (_especially_ the smokescale, which is basically just a bear stats-wise) and get by mostly on having well-designed skills.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.

> >

> > Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.

> I don't think you fully understand the implications of what you're asking for, considering most of the pets people actually use are already fairly mediocre in stats (_especially_ the smokescale, which is basically just a bear stats-wise) and get by mostly on having well-designed skills.


True,still i bet you would notice the difference on smokescale with extra 1k power,prec and fero,and less toughness/vitality ofc :)

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.

> >

> > Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.


> I laugh when I hear stuff like this.Some guy crys about ranger pets or Mez clones.

> it is a pet class, part of the mechanic.Not a "crutch"


> As dumb as "That warrior relies on his sword as crutch, w/o it he would be useless"


You must be one of those newer players who relies on such a crutch.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Cyrini.1256" said:

> > Well this thread just turned me off the idea of focusing more on my southeast ? is it really that bad? I've not been playing it much so I hadn't really noticed how much or little the pets were doing.


> No it isn't... OP claims he's been playing Ranger for 5 hours daily since launch, and yet uses lynx in WvW... Sure...

> Soulbeast in fact actually negates all of the OP's claims since you can (and will for most of the time) incorporate the pet in your character instead of using it as a separate entity.> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > How many people's entire builds and playstyles would be ruined if pets stats were scaled off of the player's stats? As in, if the player was in zerker gear, the pets would do zerker damage - or perhaps 1.5x the damage they currently do. If the player is in say...Minstrel's or Nomad's gear, then the pet would do 1/4 of the damage they currently do.

> > >

> > > Maybe the bunker "roaming" druids would finally have to learn how to fight without their crutch.

> >

> > I laugh when I hear stuff like this.Some guy crys about ranger pets or Mez clones.

> > it is a pet class, part of the mechanic.Not a "crutch"

> >

> > As dumb as "That warrior relies on his sword as crutch, w/o it he would be useless"


> It isn't a crutch, but that's what the OP wants to turn Ranger into.


Every word you said, and assume is 100% wrong

I said I TESTED lynx'

My god,read before you troll

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> All I'm hearing is that playing a full tank build and not actually doing anything to make the pet work is resulting in crying about not being able to deal damage.


> Revolutionary concept, I know, but maybe building for damage will let you kill people.


Another one, read

This is about MOVEMENT speed

And pathing

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > All I'm hearing is that playing a full tank build and not actually doing anything to make the pet work is resulting in crying about not being able to deal damage.

> >

> > Revolutionary concept, I know, but maybe building for damage will let you kill people.


> Another one, read

> This is about MOVEMENT speed

> And pathing


If only there was some kind of ability or trait that allowed pets to force all nearby foes to path into them and effectively stop doing anything to be hit, or if there was some kind of chain immobilize available to the druid, some kind of long-lasting stun, or some ability that gives the pet superspeed.


Oh, wait a minute, they have all four!

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