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LV 53. Any advice?

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> @"Ringlin.1863" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > In fact, some bags are worth more when opening on lower lvl chars, like lvl 52-53s... If you ever do silverwastes, bags of maserwork gear are the best examples of this.


> Thanks. What other bags fall into that category? It's hard for a new player to tell.


> And is there anything I should wait to open because it will be more valuable at 80? Not because of Magic Find, but simply because the items may better, or because they could yield Soulbound items unusable until then?


> > @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > Always salvage then sell materials.


> Ah, everything?


> Thanks for the other tips. But this one I'm finding tough:

> > Get started on dungeons now, its the best way to get FREE level 80 exotic armour and weapons.


> Dungeon runs are the least welcoming experience I've had in GW2. It's like a different player base. I've been kicked for not being 80, for not having the right gear, for who knows what. I started a Story group and put in the listing that as this was my first run, I'd watch the cutscenes... then I got kicked from my own group.


> Groups are hard to find during the day, and at peak times, many players seem to just want a speed run with other geared, level 80 players, even in Story mode (especially in Story mode)?


> I'll keep at it to experience the story of each one at least once, but after that, I may put off dungeons until I'm well geared.


> And even then, I won't kick newcomers.



Salvaging yeah, unless it is a level 80 rare or exotic item, then you can check its price on the TP first. Rares usually aren't worth much on the TP these days, because ecto prices have depreciated so much, but if you score one that's worth 60silver plus it may be worth selling it as you might not get 3 ecto's (20silver each) from salvaging it with lower magic find as your just starting out. For exotics its likely worth selling them too with lower magic find, although some of them are worthless (less than 80 silver) those you want to salvage. Always check your level 80 exotics, as you could get a precursor to a legendary worth 500+ gold. Everything else, salvage.


As for dungeons, well I'm sorry you've had a bad experience. I usually always have lower levels in the dungeons I have run and it's not bothered me. It would be an idea to have google handy so you can learn what to do if you get stuck though. You could try listing a LFG like "1st time" or "noobs only" or "training" or if you can learn the mechanics from a guide and wiki, you can post "all welcome, I know mechanics" or something like that.


There are some toxic people in the game, I've lead tonnes of raid training groups. Sometimes I've had toxic players that think they are amazing join and expect to complete the raid on the 1st run, then they instantly leave and cause others to become disheartened and leave too. Most of the time though, when people stay for 20 mins, everyone learns the mechanics, and we manage to clear it. Don't get disheartened because of toxic people, they're everywhere, sadly there's no screening to get them out of MMO's.

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> @"Ringlin.1863" said:

> That's helpful, thanks.


> > If you own Hot/PoF you can get ascended back/rings/accessory/amulet pretty easily and basically for free.


> Oh, that's good to know. What do I do? I just bought the expansions this weekend, looking forward to them.


If you are new, you will most likely need to unlock some maps (through buying story chapters with gems).


Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons and Sirens Landing will each some sort of ascended pieces, either back, rings, accessory or amulet.

You need Unbound Magic + a map specific currency to buy those ascended stuff.

You really only need the first three to get a full set of ascended stuff.

Pay attention to what you buy as rings and accessories are 'unique' which means you cannot equip two identical rings/accessories (unless you make it infused or attuned, but that's another thing and I'd recommend looking up on the wiki how to do it)

The 6 maps listed, you can choose stats only from core and HoT stat sets.


The new maps are coming out now: Isles of Istan and Windswept Haven (plus more to come in the future) will also (most likely) start offering ascended stuff for sale.

You those will likely need Volatile Magic + Map specific accessory to buy. I can't remember if Isles of Istan have any ascended stuff, but the newest map definitely offers a ring and an accessory you can buy.

As far as I know, those only offers stats from core stats and PoF stats.


Overall, I would say the PoF stats are less useful than the HoT ones (maybe with the exception of grieving stats). Therefore, I would recommend focusing on getting the HoT ascended stuff.

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Builds and gear. I was running around in blues and greens when I first hit level 80 for quite some time, I wish I knew how easy it is to get at least exotics. You can do dungeons, craft it, buy from karma merchants, find it or even buy it from the trading post! Just figure out what you want and go for it.


[Ascended gear can be converted to different stats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stat_changing "Ascended gear can be converted to different stats"). This is good to know because when you start crafting it or you open a chest you perhaps found in fractals and realize it was the wrong stats, do not worry, it can be solved.


[builds.](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "Builds.") Everyone has their own preference and mostly anything works. But if you do not want to figure out your own build and want someone else to do the thinking for you, metabattle is very good site. META is what a lot of people consider as the go-to builds for each game mode but is by no means mandatory. [QT](https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/builds/ "QT") is a good place for raid builds. They benchmark builds, trying to min-max it the damage and speed.

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