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Revert PvP Facet of Light Nerf

Exalted Quality.8534

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There's a lot of nerfs that, given the state of the meta today, could use some reverting.


Impossible Odds quickness removed (all game modes)

Surge of the Mists -50% damage (PvP)

The aforementioned Facet of Light nerf (PvP)

Precision Strike -33% damage (PvP)'

Precision Strike not tracking foes in stealth (all game modes)

Mutilate Defenses being changed to the useless Expose Defenses (all game modes)

Equilibrium (all game modes, straight up deletion, replaced by a far inferior trait)


I don't see the point of these PvP only nerfs continuing to remain especially considering the state of the class in PvP.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> Too many "revert this" threads guys. The only thing I want to be reverted for infuse the light is instant non-interruptable cast nerf though :3 But that's not going to happen and I'd rather see something fresh and new instead to be honest.


I agree that there are a lot of these. But at the same time, so many of these changes had no business being implemented.


Phase Traversal was successfully reverted.

Everyone told the team to not go through with the Mutilate Defenses change. That obviously didn't work.


I'm sure any player in their right mind would agree that the facet of light instacast is one of those few nerfs that was warranted. But the grand majority make no sense when looking at the state of the class right now.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> Phase Traversal was successfully reverted.



It was. However they way it was they could either

1) Revert that fix.

2) Leave it be thus blatantly confirming that revenant is less equal than the other profession. Especially if we consider the fact that there are lots of teleport/shadowstep abilities that work exactly like phase traversal and existed long before HoT release yet, for some reason, they decided to fix it all alone. Despite numerous changes and tweaks to this utility skill before.


They could also "fix" every similar ability in the game like this and I'd advocate for this instead of what we got because many classes and not just thieves rely on this questionable mechanics to shorten the gap between targets. Probably the best example would be WvW field where some classes abuses these blinks are simply unkillable in the hands of good player.


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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> There's a lot of nerfs that, given the state of the meta today, could use some reverting.


> Impossible Odds quickness removed (all game modes)

> Surge of the Mists -50% damage (PvP)

> The aforementioned Facet of Light nerf (PvP)

> Precision Strike -33% damage (PvP)'

> Precision Strike not tracking foes in stealth (all game modes)

> Mutilate Defenses being changed to the useless Expose Defenses (all game modes)

> Equilibrium (all game modes, straight up deletion, replaced by a far inferior trait)


> I don't see the point of these PvP only nerfs continuing to remain especially considering the state of the class in PvP.


Not to mention, some of those skills were nerfed multiple times before those most recent nerfs lol.


Also, dragon heal was nerfed more than just one time. In many different ways. The op mentions the least significant change.


I have gotten used to playing with what I feel is a worse tool set on average so if they change too much may be too many guaranteed wins. But that's what happened for some people when they rerolled from rev...

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