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Do you think there should be a Revenant rework in the near future?


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If you think so then detail what you would change and why?


*spoiler* (will contain personal opinions, opinions that may not be shared by others) Viewer's Discretion is advised.


Personally, I think its time for a change. Obviously, a change for the better, a change that would bring more versatility to the Rev class which would hopefully make it a more fun class to play. I use to main Rev back in HoT and run around with my little hammer and have so much fun. However, with all the new elite spec's I feel like we as a gaming community have been spoiled with choice and versatility of other classes. Unfortunately, when the old classes changed and got better (some worse) Core Rev pretty much stayed the same in my opinion.


I currently now am going more healer than dps, sporting a minstrels ventari build I made. Is it fun? absolutely...that is when there aren't 1000 condi scourges running around WVW covering miles of land in way too many conditions to clear or heal through. Don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal to the Scourge. Hell, I use to main a necro and reaper back in the day, but the condition damage pressure in this game is out of control. (but that's a topic for another day)


This is just a personal small list of things id like to see changed. (take it or leave it, I don't care)

1. Add the ability to have more than just the default utilities in stance, other wise game play gets super repetitive and limits the player

2. Add more options for condition removal, on ventari there are no stun breaks or condition removal. (well there is one, but it barely works half the time)

3. Add more weapons and versatility to the class

4. This one is just a possibly misinformed observation, but I hardly ever seen any renegades in wvw, pve or pvp. Is there just something fundamentally wrong with the class or is it just really weak? Personally, I wouldn't ever use a short bow when the long bow is a superior weapon in most cases. So Is it just like a watered down version of condi ranger? I'm actually asking.

5. Increase ranges from 900 to 1200 on several skills, also increase Ventari tablet heal radius from (whatever range it has now) to a large size.

6. I would like to see the tablet cleanse conditions passively every 3 or 4 seconds or something. The tablet regen and heals are sufficient enough.

7. I read in the forums of a idea from a few people before me of a cool idea for switching stances, make it similar to how the Elementalist swaps stances. Personally, as a healer I don't really need to change weapons, so I wouldn't mind losing the ability to swap weapons so I could have better access to all skills.


Those are just a few of my and other peoples ideas I have read through the forums. Now, this being said, these are just opinions after all. So there is no need to be rude, or be a dick if you feel a different way. On the other hand I would love to hear from the veterans here and hear what they think of some of the ideas.



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