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So with bad balance and bad matchmaking PVP is basically just bad all around.


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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> Why do you want to love it? It's just not meant to be. Don't force yourself to stay in a toxic relationship. Get out there and find your pvp soulmate. By the way, have you met Overwatch...? ;)


Overwatch? do you mean that game where they've banned 500k players and it still remains as one of the most toxic gaming environments?

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > Why do you want to love it? It's just not meant to be. Don't force yourself to stay in a toxic relationship. Get out there and find your pvp soulmate. By the way, have you met Overwatch...? ;)


> Overwatch? do you mean that game where they've banned 500k players and it still remains as one of the most toxic gaming environments?


At least they are banning people unlike here where hacking is the optimal way of playing the game and wintrading counts as endgame content.

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I love PvP in this game, I have all 9 Professions and I play with all and I have fun.... I don't have any problem with matchmaking in my ranked games, It's the same as other games. And I never see a hacker (one that you can easily see, like flying) or wintrading (I'm not saying it does not have hacker or something like that, like all games, yes, it has, but it's not as common as some people keep saying to use as guilty of their rank). Balancing has problems like any mmorpg or game with class. Always have patches to change things so I do not see problems (with exception of Ele and Rev at the time, all other Professions I see being quite used and having their role).


I think that just like all games, a lot of people cry too much and do not know how to lose so they always blame other things instead of trying to improve.


obs: the only one that have some reason to cry is people like me living in Brazil and playing with ping 200+ while fight against people with ping 20, but I do not cry for it. Sorry for my english on any mistake.

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I think what makes the PvP SEEM so bad is the experience Anet has accidentally (deliberately?) created surrounding the game. It's an MMO designed with a lot of different game modes, so balance will NEVER be perfect. But they created this solo-q ranking system based on **wins alone** that just FEELS terrible. And then they created map after map that are ALL 5-man conquest modes, instead of taking a more "battleground" mode like we see in WoW (random queueing into a bunch of different and cool maps). And yes, matchmaking is rough because with a lower population you either have super long wait times or you have matchmaking.


All this combined have compounded the "balance" problems. Now, just throw into a pinch of balance coming only ever 3 months and you've got yourself a bad PvP experience that could otherwise be pretty decent.

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The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing, yeah everybody wants to win because it feels good, but it's impossible to always win so just accept the fact and stop caring.


I had the most awesome and fought games ever when i was in silver, in plat people are so garbage and toxic and act and talk like pros when they do more mistakes than bronze players.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing, yeah everybody wants to win because it feels good, but it's impossible to always win so just accept the fact and stop caring.


> I had the most awesome and fought games ever when i was in silver, in plat people are so garbage and toxic and act and talk like pros when they do more mistakes than bronze players.


Couldn't agree more bro. I'd say seasons 1- part of 5 were not as toxic as it is now. Back then hackers, botters, extreme tryhards, and pve hunters weren't as bad as now. With a stale game environment on top of a major lack of caring on the ones who run the game takes us to where we are now. This was the fate of gw1, botters became a means to farm pvp for rewards and they didn't care about it since gw2 was in the works and they just gave up like it seems they have now.


By now it would be way too time consuming to actually fix pvp in gw2 because they picked the wrong path for the game mode and other choices just to continue down it blindly. At this point i played to try seasons 1-6 but season 7 and the toxic level drove me away. nothing like losing because of a afk, bot, pve reward hunter, match manipulator, or a good old hacker. I'll stick to the untoxic unranked area where i found my fun all awhile the trash plays the trash to be on the cheaterboard.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing


You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.



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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing


> You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.




pretty much this, some players enjoy it being competitive and not just full out casual

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing

> >

> > You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.

> >

> >


> pretty much this, some players enjoy it being competitive and not just full out casual


That's why there SHOULD be two modes. There should be pre-made queues that's actually competitive and then a solo-q (or "casual queue" if that helps) for the majority of players who just want to enjoy some unpredictable and fun PvP. The current RANKED MODE is about the furthest thing from "competitive" that I've seen. It's the opposite of competitive. In what sport would anyone genuinely enjoy being randomly placed on a team of strangers, with varying degrees of knowledge and skill, and no great ways to communicate... and then YOUR salary was dependent on the play of the rest of your team.


And THAT'S the problem. Anet tried to make "solo-q ranked mode" a competitive place when that would NEVER happen. Instead, they should have kept conquest as the "arena" for GW2 (pre-made teams only and very good rewards for those wanting a real challenge) and then solo-q / unranked should have been more like battlegrounds in WoW -- many different maps and modes and 5v5 and 8v8 and 10v10 and 15v15, etc. Capture the flags and deathmatches and 5-node maps, etc.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing


> You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.




I never play to lose, it does not make sense to play to lose, so I always do my best to try to win. But it is impossible to always win, so when I lose, does it help to blame others? blame the game? blame the matchmaking or anything else? get irritated? no, it does not solve, on the contrary, it will only irritate the person and it will not be fun. So all you can do is try to play better and have fun playing and always trying to win the most. Who plays well increases the chances of carrying and one day always reaches the rank it deserves.


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When i played ranked i played to win but now with the trashy toxic environment that is ranked i can't. These days if you actually think you have a chance vs the hackers and match manipulators while thinking you can get to the top 10 without wintrading you are dreaming. You will give yourself a heart attack from the stress and pure annoyance. Ranked pvp is dead in gw2 and has been for about 5 seasons now. All thats left actually trying are the bottom barrel tryhards. most actual pvpers gave up by moving to unranked, not caring and just playing, or hit other games.


Only the unwise or naive players think ranked is actually competitive these days lol.

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> @"Wesley.5694" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing

> >

> > You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.

> >

> >


> I never play to lose, it does not make sense to play to lose, so I always do my best to try to win. But it is impossible to always win, so when I lose, does it help to blame others? blame the game? blame the matchmaking or anything else? get irritated? no, it does not solve, on the contrary, it will only irritate the person and it will not be fun. So all you can do is try to play better and have fun playing and always trying to win the most. Who plays well increases the chances of carrying and one day always reaches the rank it deserves.



Nobody is complaining about "not always winning". You said that you don't care if you win or lose, which of course suggested that you don't play to win.


Matchmaking isn't the problem, match quality is and it's not necessarily the same thing. There aren't enough people playing around plat/legend for enjoyable matches to be made, and most of the people at 1.5k+ rating belong in silver at best but get way higher becuase of the mass exodus of good players after HoT and especially PoF. There is barely any difference between a silver, a gold, and an average platinum player at this point.


It's. Not. Fun. At all. If in the top 250 your team doesn't even know concepts that should've been common knowledge in 2012 then it's not about "oh can't win them all i guess!", it's more like "why tf am I still playing this unenjoyable garbagedump of a game.." especially with how bad balance is. And no it's not "hey balance will never be perfect!" either, it's legitimately, objectively fucking garbage. A dumpsterfire.

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What's the point of going to plat?


People are more toxic more often than not, and still basically play like they are in gold until the end of plat 2 going into plat 3.


You don't win anything.


You don't even have some sort of feeling of self-accomplishment because you are forced to play a brainless meta spec that, unless you main things like mesmer, guard, scourge, thief off the bat, you are not gonna have a good time.


Being in the top 250 says: Yea, you're high, but not rank 1-5 high, so here's your consolation prize. Which is, by the way, nothing.


I have more incentive to climb into diamond in league than bothering trying to climb in gw2 with hardly any reward, no matter if it's an actual in-game reward or simply that self-satisfaction.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Wesley.5694" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing

> > >

> > > You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I never play to lose, it does not make sense to play to lose, so I always do my best to try to win. But it is impossible to always win, so when I lose, does it help to blame others? blame the game? blame the matchmaking or anything else? get irritated? no, it does not solve, on the contrary, it will only irritate the person and it will not be fun. So all you can do is try to play better and have fun playing and always trying to win the most. Who plays well increases the chances of carrying and one day always reaches the rank it deserves.

> >


> Nobody is complaining about "not always winning". You said that you don't care if you win or lose, which of course suggested that you don't play to win.


> Matchmaking isn't the problem, match quality is and it's not necessarily the same thing. There aren't enough people playing around plat/legend for enjoyable matches to be made, and most of the people at 1.5k+ rating belong in silver at best but get way higher becuase of the mass exodus of good players after HoT and especially PoF. There is barely any difference between a silver, a gold, and an average platinum player at this point.


> It's. Not. Fun. At all. If in the top 250 your team doesn't even know concepts that should've been common knowledge in 2012 then it's not about "oh can't win them all i guess!", it's more like "why tf am I still playing this unenjoyable garbagedump of a game.." especially with how bad balance is. And no it's not "hey balance will never be perfect!" either, it's legitimately, objectively kitten garbage. A dumpsterfire.


Why not get a team of 5 people together and ACTUALLY compete, like... for real? Test your actual skill with a real pre-made against other pre-mades?


Solo-q is an obvious joke. That's not competition. If you are wanting it to be, you will never be happy.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Wesley.5694" said:

> > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing

> > > >

> > > > You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I never play to lose, it does not make sense to play to lose, so I always do my best to try to win. But it is impossible to always win, so when I lose, does it help to blame others? blame the game? blame the matchmaking or anything else? get irritated? no, it does not solve, on the contrary, it will only irritate the person and it will not be fun. So all you can do is try to play better and have fun playing and always trying to win the most. Who plays well increases the chances of carrying and one day always reaches the rank it deserves.

> > >

> >

> > Nobody is complaining about "not always winning". You said that you don't care if you win or lose, which of course suggested that you don't play to win.

> >

> > Matchmaking isn't the problem, match quality is and it's not necessarily the same thing. There aren't enough people playing around plat/legend for enjoyable matches to be made, and most of the people at 1.5k+ rating belong in silver at best but get way higher becuase of the mass exodus of good players after HoT and especially PoF. There is barely any difference between a silver, a gold, and an average platinum player at this point.

> >

> > It's. Not. Fun. At all. If in the top 250 your team doesn't even know concepts that should've been common knowledge in 2012 then it's not about "oh can't win them all i guess!", it's more like "why tf am I still playing this unenjoyable garbagedump of a game.." especially with how bad balance is. And no it's not "hey balance will never be perfect!" either, it's legitimately, objectively kitten garbage. A dumpsterfire.


> Why not get a team of 5 people together and ACTUALLY compete, like... for real? Test your actual skill with a real pre-made against other pre-mades?


> Solo-q is an obvious joke. That's not competition. If you are wanting it to be, you will never be happy.


If solo is an absolute joke anyways then let us que as a team in ranked again ;>

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > Why do you want to love it? It's just not meant to be. Don't force yourself to stay in a toxic relationship. Get out there and find your pvp soulmate. By the way, have you met Overwatch...? ;)


> Overwatch? do you mean that game where they've banned 500k players and it still remains as one of the most toxic gaming environments?


the fps for badies and young kids... xD that wanna loook gut and flashy...

Overwatch is for FPS as gw2 is for mmo-rpg's, they both want to serve the same player base population.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"Wesley.5694" said:

> > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing

> > > > >

> > > > > You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I never play to lose, it does not make sense to play to lose, so I always do my best to try to win. But it is impossible to always win, so when I lose, does it help to blame others? blame the game? blame the matchmaking or anything else? get irritated? no, it does not solve, on the contrary, it will only irritate the person and it will not be fun. So all you can do is try to play better and have fun playing and always trying to win the most. Who plays well increases the chances of carrying and one day always reaches the rank it deserves.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Nobody is complaining about "not always winning". You said that you don't care if you win or lose, which of course suggested that you don't play to win.

> > >

> > > Matchmaking isn't the problem, match quality is and it's not necessarily the same thing. There aren't enough people playing around plat/legend for enjoyable matches to be made, and most of the people at 1.5k+ rating belong in silver at best but get way higher becuase of the mass exodus of good players after HoT and especially PoF. There is barely any difference between a silver, a gold, and an average platinum player at this point.

> > >

> > > It's. Not. Fun. At all. If in the top 250 your team doesn't even know concepts that should've been common knowledge in 2012 then it's not about "oh can't win them all i guess!", it's more like "why tf am I still playing this unenjoyable garbagedump of a game.." especially with how bad balance is. And no it's not "hey balance will never be perfect!" either, it's legitimately, objectively kitten garbage. A dumpsterfire.

> >

> > Why not get a team of 5 people together and ACTUALLY compete, like... for real? Test your actual skill with a real pre-made against other pre-mades?

> >

> > Solo-q is an obvious joke. That's not competition. If you are wanting it to be, you will never be happy.


> If solo is an absolute joke anyways then let us que as a team in ranked again ;>


I would love that ... but I would say Team Queue should be the only thing in ranked. And then solo-q (unranked) should be for fun and more like WoW battlegrounds, with randomized maps beyond Conquest (And ideally different team sizes too).

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > The trick to have fun in pvp is just stop caring of your rank and of winning or losing


> You know, if the trick to enjoying a competitive gamemode is to stop caring about the competitive aspect on every possible level including the base principle of playing to win, then something went horribly wrong.




You cannot be competitive in a game mode where your skill level count 20% and the other teammates 80%.

If you are super good at pvp, if the other four players with you in the team keep doing awful mistakes, you ain't gonna win coz that's a 1:4 ratio against you.

Simple as that.


Maybe at legendary rank only people actual have game knowledge and it is actually balanced, I am not legendary so I can't tell, but it's full of platinum people who doesn't belong even silver rank, how you find it competitive when you can get carried by the other 4 teammates even if you are a pretty bad player?


That is why i said the trick to enjoy is stop caring of winning or losing and just playing doing your best.


If they will put 1vs1 arenas with a leaderboard then you can talk of personal skill level if you achieve the top leaderboard.


In the current state one player can have a kill/death ratio of 200wins/190loses and be placed gold 2, another player can have a ration 30wins/5loses and be placed plat3 after only 35 games played against the 390 of the gold2 guy. I think that guy with 200wins and 190loses really belongs to the league he was placed more than that guy with 35 games only. Obviously then appear decay and so you still have to continue play, but my point remain, below legendary or maybe plat2 the gamemode cannot be considered competitive, so don't take it serious and chill.

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