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2 parts of the world, no event epicness


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> @Poisonwell.1209 said:

> I hope you are wrong, I hope...


Me too, I hope someone who has explored more answers, otherwise, if there is none to be found, it will most likely be getting story and masterypoints in new world and then back to HoT events. In the first two worlds there has not been much reward to speak about either compared to HoT meta events.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> I never liked the constant hustle of Heart of Thorns it started making me a bit anxious with so much stuff going on at the same time in maps where you couldnt find your way and needed 5 different masteries to reach an event


Verdant brink and dragon perhaps, but not octovine and chak garent

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Honestly, so long as some of the later maps have a World Boss involved with them, I'm happy. As others said, the overly long and convuluted meta's involved with spawning the World Boss in HoT were fun the first time through, but after awhile, you just want to get to the boss fight, rather then going through 45 minutes to an hour of prep time just to get an attempt in at, say, Mordremoth in Dragon's Stand.


It's one of the reasons why the World Bosses were done much better in Classic GW2 in my eyes - The Bosses usually just had one or two short events, if any at all, linked to the World Boss, and then you were fighting them. Less filler, and more killer as it were. I don't need, want, or should have to slog my way through a bunch of uninteresting trash, boring fetch quests and escort missions just to get to a World Boss, especially one that, if it fails, is now going to be tied on an hour respawn before the entire thing resets again.


Stuff like that is totally fine for Dungeons and Raids, but for the World, it just gets repetitive after awhile.

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I've been around in 4/5 worlds, so far it seems like the first one is ok with bounty runs, the rest I don't know.

Could be something like a dry top event in one, at least there was a sandstorm.

I haven't seen any boss of doom, more the bounties and other small events.

Doesn't seem very promising, and also rewards are not good at all, but I sure haven't had to use many salvage kits

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hopefully now this will be the death of meta events I hope, and hope anet never goes back to them again !! setting around hour or half hour to do a meta event like teq and others . was more of a pain after you got the achievements . other wise at best the only good thing about the teq event if any thing at all is the 2 gold . but that was still cheep and a pain for setting a half hour for .


hope this is really and truly the death of all meta events in the game fully !!!!

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> hopefully now this will be the death of meta events I hope, and hope anet never goes back to them again !! setting around hour or half hour to do a meta event like teq and others . was more of a pain after you got the achievements . other wise at best the only good thing about the teq event if any thing at all is the 2 gold . but that was still cheep and a pain for setting a half hour for .


> hope this is really and truly the death of all meta events in the game fully !!!!


Umm no. Large metas make maps worth going back to. AB was still just as populated as ever, it brought everyone together every hour or so. It also helps with meta trains, populated all maps. Dragon Stand may have took 1.5hours but you knew that going into it, it's an epic journey that's no compulsory. There's plenty of short meta ways of farming like boss trains in LFG tool, people still farm Orr etc. You want variety.


1-2 of these maps needs to have a meta because bounties won't cut it, you'll end up having people doing HOT maps more than POF maps. I am hoping the last 2 maps has some epic teamwork meta incorporating mount abilities.

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> @pinkglow.3429 said:

> I've been around in 4/5 worlds, so far it seems like the first one is ok with bounty runs, the rest I don't know.

> Could be something like a dry top event in one, at least there was a sandstorm.

> I haven't seen any boss of doom, more the bounties and other small events.

> Doesn't seem very promising, and also rewards are not good at all, but I sure haven't had to use many salvage kits


Yeah, the maps are wide open with very little going on. Lot's of space and no content. Wooden Potatoes predicted this a few weeks ago, and a lot of us were hoping it wasn't the case.

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> @Despond.2174 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > hopefully now this will be the death of meta events I hope, and hope anet never goes back to them again !! setting around hour or half hour to do a meta event like teq and others . was more of a pain after you got the achievements . other wise at best the only good thing about the teq event if any thing at all is the 2 gold . but that was still cheep and a pain for setting a half hour for .

> >

> > hope this is really and truly the death of all meta events in the game fully !!!!


> Umm no. Large metas make maps worth going back to. AB was still just as populated as ever, it brought everyone together every hour or so. It also helps with meta trains, populated all maps. Dragon Stand may have took 1.5hours but you knew that going into it, it's an epic journey that's no compulsory. There's plenty of short meta ways of farming like boss trains in LFG tool, people still farm Orr etc. You want variety.


> 1-2 of these maps needs to have a meta because bounties won't cut it, you'll end up having people doing HOT maps more than POF maps. I am hoping the last 2 maps has some epic teamwork meta incorporating mount abilities.


I understand you all fail to understand and get this idea about path of fire pack which really is very simple and easy to get . but for what ever reason it be you meta people always miss this fact. that is this and all of it in a big nut shell for you all . the path of fire pack


is a toss back to guild wars and if that Is what it is a toss back to guild wars . well then that means this their should not be nor is their no meta events at all in path of fire. given it is a toss back or ode to guild wars itself !!


guild wars never ever had meta events or any thing like that at all ever . and if this pack is a toss back to guild wars then their too should be no meta events at all in that pack . and right now I have not heard or seen any one at all posting any thing at all of any at all type of meta event going on what so ever at all.


but I will admit I would love for some one to find a meta event in that pack to just prove me wrong. so yeah hopefully this will be the death of meta events fully as it should be . for the simple fact guild wars never had meta events ever !!!

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> I understand you all fail to understand and get this idea about path of fire pack which really is very simple and easy to get . but for what ever reason it be you meta people always miss this fact. that is this and all of it in a big nut shell for you all . the path of fire pack


> is a toss back to guild wars and if that Is what it is a toss back to guild wars . well then that means this their should not be nor is their no meta events at all in path of fire. given it is a toss back or ode to guild wars itself !!


> guild wars never ever had meta events or any thing like that at all ever . and if this pack is a toss back to guild wars then their too should be no meta events at all in that pack . and right now I have not heard or seen any one at all posting any thing at all of any at all type of meta event going on what so ever at all.


> but I will admit I would love for some one to find a meta event in that pack to just prove me wrong. so yeah hopefully this will be the death of meta events fully as it should be . for the simple fact guild wars never had meta events ever !!!


erm.. gw1 was all instanced with max 8 players. Meta events were literally impossible in that game. GW2 is obviously very different and meta events do work as the entire world is MMO stlye, rather than just hub towns. Gw1 didnt have dynamic events either so going by your logic there should be nothing but one time quests in gw2 pof


IMO metas are better because they allow a story to be told. 1 Event isnt enough to create a narrative but multiple events are able to, which makes you more invested in the content itself. I also prefer them on timers because it makes it much easier to find and follow events rather than just wandering about hoping to come across an active event, or sitting and waiting for an unknown amount of time for a particular one to spawn.


I do think there were some issues with HOT meta though, mainly they took way too long, (30 min cycles would have been much better) and rewards were too stacked towards the end. People should be able to drop in and out of cycles and still feel rewarded. Finally gating content, especially content not related to the meta, behind event completion was the stupidest idea and should never happen again. If these issues were fixed I think meta events would be perfect

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:


> >

> > I understand you all fail to understand and get this idea about path of fire pack which really is very simple and easy to get . but for what ever reason it be you meta people always miss this fact. that is this and all of it in a big nut shell for you all . the path of fire pack

> >

> > is a toss back to guild wars and if that Is what it is a toss back to guild wars . well then that means this their should not be nor is their no meta events at all in path of fire. given it is a toss back or ode to guild wars itself !!

> >

> > guild wars never ever had meta events or any thing like that at all ever . and if this pack is a toss back to guild wars then their too should be no meta events at all in that pack . and right now I have not heard or seen any one at all posting any thing at all of any at all type of meta event going on what so ever at all.

> >

> > but I will admit I would love for some one to find a meta event in that pack to just prove me wrong. so yeah hopefully this will be the death of meta events fully as it should be . for the simple fact guild wars never had meta events ever !!!


> erm.. gw1 was all instanced with max 8 players. Meta events were literally impossible in that game. GW2 is obviously very different and meta events do work as the entire world is MMO stlye, rather than just hub towns. Gw1 didnt have dynamic events either so going by your logic there should be nothing but one time quests in gw2 pof


> IMO metas are better because they allow a story to be told. 1 Event isnt enough to create a narrative but multiple events are able to, which makes you more invested in the content itself. I also prefer them on timers because it makes it much easier to find and follow events rather than just wandering about hoping to come across an active event, or sitting and waiting for an unknown amount of time for a particular one to spawn.


> I do think there were some issues with HOT meta though, mainly they took way too long, (30 min cycles would have been much better) and rewards were too stacked towards the end. People should be able to drop in and out of cycles and still feel rewarded. Finally gating content, especially content not related to the meta, behind event completion was the stupidest idea and should never happen again. If these issues were fixed I think meta events would be perfect


what you so call instanced was noting more than glorified dugons at the very best . guild wars never ever ever ever never ever had Meta events . and that is a fact !! and maybe you get it now maybe . and this is why we vets re rolled toons all the time for the fact the maps was one time quests

maybe you like and have the need to go to a web site to see a event happen . but as a guild wars vet and been playing this game since it came out . going to web sites to see when a event begins is the second major waste of time . next to having to do the event and be their half hour be for the stupid meta event even begins is rubbish .


well at least you admit hot had problems oh maybe idk better rewards I think that would made things a lot more better . but anet foolishly thinks not only way that get changed maybe is if the player base cried out . like they did on the id gear problem that seams to have gotten fixed now. from what I seen . yeah that gating content should have never been a thing at all honestly . at the time I recall tho the player base was ok with gating content . which that got carried over to crafting ascended gear


gating content should not ever happened at all . shame the player base did not have the grapes to stand up and say no to it . for me meta events are ok if they are keep off the main maps and so forth . having them the way they are now. does make problems for map completions and so forth . case in point triple trouble has always been a problem being done in the main part of that map . and even more so with hero and hearts quests right on top of them . which really makes a whole lot more problems even more worse .

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I haven't been doing much, but personally, yeah, I like the feel of old content in Tyria, without everyone screaming in map chat to join their squad or relog. That meta map stuff isn't my GW. I appreciate many like it, but I think it's wonderful that each major portion of the world is unique in flavor, and that the whole game isn't catering to one playstyle. They say you can never make everyone happy, but I think the team at ANet has found the closest way to go, with diversity and choices.

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> @Zionka.6897 said:

> I haven't been doing much, but personally, yeah, I like the feel of old content in Tyria, without everyone screaming in map chat to join their squad or relog. That meta map stuff isn't my GW. I appreciate many like it, but I think it's wonderful that each major portion of the world is unique in flavor, and that the whole game isn't catering to one playstyle. They say you can never make everyone happy, but I think the team at ANet has found the closest way to go, with diversity and choices.


Small scale event chains are fine and fun, you got to stick around and take a close look at what's going on not to miss the next step. Big 1.5h+ events taking 4 commanders and 70+ players on the other hand, that's quite a lot of logistics and you can't just zone in and participate, you have to look for a map on /lfg and often you can't find any that isn't either full or done with the event already. That's most likely why they gave up on metas, when 98% of your events end up in a fail run even though there were players participating, it's a red flag for any game designer. In open world you want people to complete the event and if it means making things at a smaller scale then they will do it. For players willing to play in a more structured fashion there are WvW and raids.

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People are still doing HoT metas but LW3 map events are already mostly desolated. Just few people reluctantly grinding hearts or gathering, while no one fights champs or bosses unless they are daily. Without big metas I expect PoF map events will be the same. It may be much worse since PoF maps are bigger and less dense.


Anet advertised this xpac as a content rich one, but contents in MMO should be rewarding, easily repeatable, and should last for a while. I doubt PoF checks these boxes.

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