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Spawncamping & Siege

Maya Santos.7401

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Look... People are probably not aware of the trade agreement signed between Sea of Sorrow and Maguuma late friday evening. The agreement was printed with invisible ink as to not leak any information to Blackgate for it's duration of one week.


It states that Maguuma would be allowed to take over and govern the blue state of Eternal battlegrounds which comprises of one keep and four towers. In return Sea of Sorrows will be able to take control and govern the desert borderland, which comprises of three keeps and four towers. Leadership of both sides thought this would be a fair trade, as Maguuma is well known for staying in eternal battlegrounds for extended duration, would be given more freedom to just focus on eternal battlegrounds, while Sea of Sorrows would be give more property to properly compete with Blackgate and keep up the value of their assets.


Blackgate apparently threw a wrench into those plans as they took over the fire keep as well as Sea of Sorrow's Askalion hills, and now tensions have been rising between Sea of Sorrows and Maguuma over these incidents. Unfortunately there is nothing Maguuma can do about this, as they have been holding up their part of the bargain and are not responsible for Blackgates action, nor are they responsible for holding onto desert borderland property until Sea of Sorrows is able to do so on their own, if Sea of sorrows wishes to cancel this agreement then they would have to give back the properties of the desert borderland, which they have shown no interest in doing.


I'm only stating this now because I fear the conflict will continue to escalate, and may at some point end in a massive explosion of bodies thrown across green cow arrow carted covered lands.

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If there's any server that deserves to get spawncamped with siege right now it's SoS. SoS has almost completely copied BG's most obnoxious siege turtling practices while copying almost none of the more creative flair that BG often exhibits when it comes to fighting or rotations. They're a bad bootleg version of Blackgate and it's disgusting to watch them turn t1 into even more of a snoozefest than it was before they got there. Some of their players posted on the forums a few weeks back saying how momentous it would be to beat BG at their own game. Wake up. Blackgate keeps you there so they can ez farm you every week because they're much much better at their own game than you ever will be. Does anyone on SoS honestly expect anyone on a third server to care enough to try to 2v1 BG so SoS can win a match once? Please. I'd rather see SoS get spawn camped for being tryhard copycats.

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Kinda makes you wonder how a server can stay in T1 but can't get out of their own spawn when they had an even sized group.. Not trying to poke fun at that, because it happens to BG too, when numbers are even, they can't compete. The point is, this proves why the WvW restructure is required.


One cannot claim "skill" "superior play" when they cannot compete with even numbers or in some cases cant fight their way out of their spawn, yet somehow remain in T1, nothing to do with skill, all to do with coverage and sheer numbers. Which thankfully will end in a few months.


One a side note, this is where mounts might actually be helpful. Only usable in the server's 3rd of the map. Mount comes equip with it's regular attack, but substantially buff it's damage, give it a chance to insta-kill on hit, and increase it's area of effect over say 1500. A few griffons raining down on that in your picture equates to an insta-dead spawn camping zerg. Problem, solution.


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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Kinda makes you wonder how a server can stay in T1 but can't get out of their own spawn when they had an even sized group.. Not trying to poke fun at that, because it happens to BG too, when numbers are even, they can't compete. The point is, this proves why the WvW restructure is required.


> One cannot claim "skill" "superior play" when they cannot compete with even numbers or in some cases cant fight their way out of their spawn, yet somehow remain in T1, nothing to do with skill, all to do with coverage and sheer numbers. Which thankfully will end in a few months.


> One a side note, this is where mounts might actually be helpful. Only usable in the server's 3rd of the map. Mount comes equip with it's regular attack, but substantially buff it's damage, give it a chance to insta-kill on hit, and increase it's area of effect over say 1500. A few griffons raining down on that in your picture equates to an insta-dead spawn camping zerg. Problem, solution.



SoS does have the numbers, they just refuse to group up with a decent commander.

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