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Unique PvP stats for PvE?

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Yea, there are quite a few stat selections that are pvp specific. especially 4 stat ones. I see no reason why all stats shouldnt be unlocked across all game modes (demolisher, menders etc). There are also still stats that while not necessarily ideal, havent been fully implemented into even pve like forsaken and givers. If the game is about freedom of gear choice, all options should be available to everyone.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Aren't some stats expansion-specific? I'd guess if all were game-wide, they would need some kind of 'wall' that kept some players from being able to access them.


HoT introduced stats like minstel, viper, marauder, etc with gear that is account bound when you craft it. So yes, youre restricted in that regard. But PvP has a large handful of stats that arent available anywhere else.

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