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Reduce Core/Reaper Shroud cooldowns by 2-3 seconds.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > don't put it in soul reaping.

> >

> > this.


> Just make it baseline. This is like 'must have' for fun and fluid Reaper play-style.


Pretty much. If it goes in a traitline anywhere, the line becomes a must-have, which especially if not in SR, makes things extremely difficult for power reaper because it then needs either wherever this goes and SR or DD in Reaper or all three rather than having a choice at a third line which are big hits to its durability or damage if not located in Spite/SR.


If they want to keep the degen rate where it is, they need to similarly modify reaper's base LF gain proportionally. I'd still rather advocate a reversion to the changes.


And I still want my reversion on Onslaught, dangit >.> Skill CDR on AA is boring and gimps the aggro-style builds in the PvP formats given the speed of current degen, particularly in WvW. Reset-on-kill was great for WvW zerging on the front line because it allowed for lots of stability and mobility on pushes and sustained ZvZ encounters.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> From my personal PvP experience I learned that If a team has a reaper it counts as -1 player and if a has a scourge it counts as +1 player.


Dead xD


Whats also funny is reaper was created as a power spec but people ran it as a condi spec. This is a design fail. For about 15 mins everyone was like o look reaper can carry fights and get you to legends when it was actually just conditions overperforming. Reaper itself is a bad spec.


Now we have scourge that beats reaper at the condi game and suddenly reaper is trash and scourge is broken. Again its really just condis over performing. Scourge as a spec is actually trash. This will get exposed if condis get nerfed.


Since release necro has always been a bad class that has been recently aided by broken damage potential. It will continue to be bad until devs decide they no longer want to design a bad class.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> Shroud absolutely needs a much quicker cool down. And I think LF generation for core and reaper needs to almost double. The fact is that it's absolutely ABSURD that necro has no access to extra evasion / blocks / teleports. We are sitting ducks for burst and cc.


> Damage is SO high right now that shroud is useless (not even considering the lame decay nerf last year). To even THINK shroud is a decent defensive mechanic now is just ridiculous. If damage was halved, then maybe it could work. But if someone is about to global you for XX,000 damage in a couple seconds... what's better? Being able to complete block / evade a 8k crit, or soaking that damage in your super cool "shroud" ... ???


> Play around on a Guardian for a bit then try necro again. It's gross.


> The game has moved on from the shroud mechanic, and left core necro and reaper behind (even scourge isn't THAT great, they just excel because the way conquest is set up, not because good class design). Nothing can save it without a class overhaul, I'm afraid.


Shroud is a non-scaling defence. As power creep has continued then shroud has become worse and worse. As anet only know how to power creep I would not expect shroud to be more useful in the future.

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> @"Taka.1264" said:

> Please Anet do it... Or at least make it like chill don't affect on reaper/deathshroud ...


thats the Point, its not only 10 sec shroud cd. you often get chilled and then the cd increase to 16 secs. shroud is only defense mechanic necro have, and 16 seconds without any defense is simply killing you on reaper or core.


a reduce to 7 seconds and make shroud not affected by chill and alacrity would bring the class a big step back to meta, cause you can use it as real defense mechanic again to negate dmg Spikes, reg LF, use it again. but atm mostly you use it 1 time, than it has cd and will never get ready agin because you die in 2nd spike of enemy...

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