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3 months playing GW2


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Im pretty new to the game, and would like to give my opinion about what I see and what imho should be changed.


My main is a necro, scourge build, is good for open world content but I've realized that this profession is not good for high end. Its sad because I've realized after spending money in increasing bags number. In PVE or open world bosses is very hard to do good dps. There is always other professions doing much more that I can (I never did more than 16k in a fight on single target). I feel that strange because my necro is full ascendant gear however with my holosmith alt I can easily get 18k-19k on most fights. And this alt is exotic gear. Same with my mesmer power chrono, I can do about 20k in a dummy. My mesmer is exotic geared too. Im not feeling like being banned from T4 because I think I max the dps I can do and it can barely be enough to do the content, but always being the last in the arcdps its not fun at all. Back in 2010 when I played wow I had a tool called simulation craft which I used to have an idea of how much dps classes could do, and the differences between classes where minimal. However is GW2 I can only find references about dps in websites and what I see is that mirage outdps by a lot other class, and according to them the necro dps is mediocre.


In PVP I feel like this is the easiest profession to counter. While I have to be looking all the times to other players small icon buffs, my shades and other abilities are very easy to see, big red circles everywhere. I think this same thing must be done with other professions. I dont understand why if my abilities are so good signaled I have to be looking at a mini icon to see when a warrior is inmune, for example.


Another thing about PVP I think you should do is add to the top lists the profession that player plays the most. So anyone can make an idea of what are the most used ones for the top players. I would like to see how many necros are in the top 250 and I dont know if this can be done or not.

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Here you can find all the necro builds used in all game modes.

Remember that scourge bring DPS,BOONS CORRUPT, BARRIER and CONDITIONS to BOONS ( probably something else ), and that pve ( as for fractals and raids ) is not only about full dps.


About SPvP It was faceroll before the fixes ( shades skills had no interna gcd and could be spammed with a single macro ).

Now it is more balanced ( and since SPvP is about capture points, a character which has persistents aoe mostly large as the capture point is not something which was needed nor will be eventually missed ), even though it needs more skill to put pressure in order to let your target waste dodges.


About the top 250 classes you should check the SPvP section.

If i recall correctly sometimes some players post a class related ladder ( in terms of the most used from the top players ).

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Necromancer


> Here you can find all the necro builds used in all game modes.

> Remember that scourge bring DPS,BOONS CORRUPT, BARRIER and CONDITIONS to BOONS ( probably something else ), and that pve ( as for fractals and raids ) is not only about full dps.


> About SPvP It was faceroll before the fixes ( shades skills had no interna gcd and could be spammed with a single macro ).

> Now it is more balanced ( and since SPvP is about capture points, a character which has persistents aoe mostly large as the capture point is not something which was needed nor will be eventually missed ), even though it needs more skill to put pressure in order to let your target waste dodges.


> About the top 250 classes you should check the SPvP section.

> If i recall correctly sometimes some players post a class related ladder ( in terms of the most used from the top players ).


I know that page, and I though it was good. But later I realized, by seeing some youtuber/twitch videos, that necros are not using the builds that appear on that page. For example I see lot of necros that have removed Trail of Angish in favour of Dessicate, and this is not contemplated in that builds. To be more precise, I think the builds on that page were ok prior to the ¿november? patch. The one in which the condi dmg was nerfed.


I dont use macros, I feel like its some kind of cheating.


¿You know the URL where can I check the ladder with professions?

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