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Good Work Anet. Now it's time for a save build templete...

Uncle Dalty.8327

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So now that the second round of elite specs are out and intra-class balance is improving, many professions actually have multiple builds that are playable and even useful in pvp... yes I know... balance is still not perfect... and the fact is it never will be, but at least in high level play the current class balance is actually pretty good (rip rev). So thank you ANET, and Thank You a ton for the pre-patch release notes.


Anyway, I know this has been asked for before.... many times... The functionality even seems to be at least 50% implemented with the 'Default Builds' feature... but with all the new build variants becoming viable, I find myself wanting more and more for the old **'Save/Load Build**' feature like in gw1... The fact that I can't just click one or two buttons to quickly revert my build after testing out some alternatives actually prevents me from trying any significant build adjustments.... I mainly play power mes, theif or guard (All of which have lots of viable build options within the class). Occasionally, I like to give bunker mes or fb a go... I NEVER play condi cause condis are for scrubs ^^ <3; but the idea of gutting my build just to re-gut it after a few matches just doesn't sit well. Will we ever see this feature or do I honestly need to delete all the chars I don't play very much just so I can have three mes' and three guards with varying builds (I'm not going to buy more chars for this if that's the idea).


Any dev response was be greatly appreciated. Tanks!

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People have been asking for this for ages. One of the few thing that would provide the biggest QoL change in-game. Lots of other games have this or load outs which the same thing, so I doubt it is a technical issue why it hasn't been introduced yet. I suspect that are still trying to think of the best way to moneterise this without causing an uproar.

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  • 4 months later...

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1065/what-about-save-a-build-feature is another thread on the same topic, with a better title.


Anyway, while ANet want to add this, it isn't likely -- based on past evidence -- that it will happen soon.


In the interim your best bet is that ArcDPS includes a build template feature that is compatible with the truce between DeltaConnected and Chris at ANet. So, if you want it, you won't yet do better than that.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> This sooooo this! and hell let players choose if they want just another normal skill or a elite skill for spot 10. I'd love to add another well as a wellmancer and it opens up a feel like gw1. Sometimes people didnt't want to run a elite skill back then.


Yes. Elites are cool and all, but at times I've found myself wishing I could pick something else.


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  • 3 months later...

I used to play this game, till the first expansion when they made character building confusing without build save. It was so straight forward before the first expansion, then they made it fairly difficult to change builds without a save feature.


If it was simpler than I could see it, just bring back gw1 build save, loved that feature

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