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Mirage Dodging

Undead Lives.7045

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> TBH, there isn't much denying that condi mirage needed a nerf. They just may have overdid it a little in some aspects and took down some other traits or skills in the process.


67% damage nerf to completely destroy weapon and make it do no damage ,at all.

Remove what is been with us for 6 years - confusion on every shatter, pack it in 1 skill - remove it entirely

BF estabilished to be a 'balanced' skill after all nerfs it had over 5 years but in pathetic attempt to limit evades on mirage they literally took half of its evade and nerfed damage on top.

Vigor on crit : every class with similar trait have it 5/10 . Mesmer 3/10 ? What? How about effortless perma vigor on engi with 100% utpime and better 'nomad endurance' on toolbelt use ? Thief 8s with 1s ICD?

Dont even remind me about boons/stability nerfed on BD.

75% reduction nerf on Illusionary ambush ?

I could literally open every patch and find tons of nerfs that never should have happened. And for sure never shaved down by 50% as they always do.

Thats not 'may be overdid a little' , more like too much . Remember all this ppl who scream DONT NERF CORE! NERF ELITE SPEC! But they are so happy when the only core mesmer getting nerfs over and over and only when is nothing left to nerf , they go for 50-75% on elite spec as a last measure

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I like mirage precisely because of the dodge mechanic. It doesn't have to be the same as normal dodge and that's fine. If you don't like it don't play it.


too bad that it's completely understatted and overnerfed atm


the condi duration on teh skills is exceptionally low and you can only make good use of it with + condi duration and then you sacrifice either power (which is also a must have) either hp which is another must have

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > > This is absolutely savagery and ignorance from Anet and straight insult for every mirage player to tell we have to get used to trashed elite spec mechanic as ambush and no visual indication when MC start and end .Especially after its beng around over a YEAR and expect people to get used to this is just bs

> > > > > Can we make un-usable during STUN (not daze as normal evade) and revert every single nerf we had for over a year ?

> > > >

> > > > Or they could have took one of the previous suggestions (if it was feasible) and changed EM so that instead of breaking a stun, it just let you dodge while sunned. That way they could have reduced the ridiculous exhaustion that shouldn't even be present in the game to begin with. However, now it seems like instead everything is breaking down.

> > >

> > > Every single nerf as if it was entire damage removal from axe(not being able to cast axe ambush behind as well), our cry of pain trait confusion removal, reducing MC without cutting ambush cast time and many others are unnecessary and just dumb . All other busted specs werent touched even because everyone are busy crying about mesmer.

> > > Once they gut scepter even without gutting chaos. We will be left with nothing . Every single nerf even nto being able to cast ambush behind(seen with my own eyes this post but CBA to look for it) was taken from PVP QQ subforum so they shut up .

> >

> > The first time not being able to cast ambush behind was mentioned was on countless video -

around 2.40 time , then it propagated to forums.


> Nah im just done. Hypocrisy is overflowing from everyone on this forum . Nerf that kitten mesmers and dont touch my class!Look at Trevor using exact same excuses as some mirage players like he jsut copied them . The other two making a look like engineer shouldnt ever get nerfed ,especially core (hi chaith,because only engineer core matters ,not any other), if something is beyond ridiculous OP they are convienced it has to be that way. Seeing that over and over and see from them calling others biased and 'not qualified to have an opinion' is ...ridiculous *censored*

> I'm so done with this :D


In [Countless's thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/818509/#Comment_818509 "Countless's thread") where he posed his personal changes he'd like to see Mesmers get, Trevor called his nerf suggestions a mesmer Trojan Horse and a secret buff mesmer wishlist instead. Then he complained about how other classes only ever get nerfs, while mesmer only gets buffs, even though literally every balance patch brings a mix of nerfs and buffs for every profession except mesmers.

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