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Dealing with slublings


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Hello all,


I run in a static raid group every week (which tends to be melee focused perhaps 2-3 weavers) and would like some advice or examples with how you deal with slublings.

Currently as a group we are struggling to deal with it and I could go as far as saying its the reason why we wipe. Any suggestions or examples of what you do would be greatly appreciated. Thank you =)

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Depends on your strat. Are you tanking him in the middle or from wall to wall? For the first one chronos should bring a focus to pull them in. DH with GS5 can do it as well. Always try to tank him close to mid (eat the mushrooms acordingly. Here is a map if you need one for the eating https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295561289399533579/367383758816673793/Slothasor_Shrooms.png (beware, this is only one way to do it, many options work here).

If you are doing the sec strat, (screw it, do the first one :P^^) you should bring some more reflcet/negation against projectiles. DH with their wall and a renegade with ventari works fine here. Otherwise try to coordinate your stuff. Dont let 3 Walls stand there at the same time, and dont place them when its not needed^^.

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Hey thank you for the help, looking at your map I'm a little worried about pulling our own team mates with the focus mesmer pull (I play utility chrono) perhaps it would be more fruitful to simply call when it is safe to pull under the boss? For example in your minimap you gave and we followed its instruction then as we complete purple and the second guy jumps into red the second and third red would be the safest times to be pulling the slublings for a melee cleave.


Thank you guys for your help!

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Have both your chronos and your druid pull (skill 4, offhand axe) and you should be fine. No need to have DH pulling. About pulling your teammate by mistake: you just have to be careful. Look around you, make your teammates say in voice chat when they enter slubbling mode and when they exit so you know when to be careful and when to pull without worries.

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@"nia.4725" is right.

I've seen this problem a lot and it's always the same issue.

You're running double druid and both are probably harriers.

If you're running single druid sloth should be dead by the time you get back to first, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I suggest talking to your druids because this one is on them. Either get one to swap to a power dps or get them to both swap warhorn for offhand axe. It's just as much the druids responsibility to help with pulls, especially now that you can't get 100% warden reflect uptime from chronos.



Don't forget that the evolved version of the slublings' projectiles are unblockable. There is no point in trying to reflect or staff 5 those.

Also if your druids wanna have a bit of fun they can do both play power druid, this is one of the few fights it is really nice to play it on because you use both axe and warhorn in your rotation.

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> @"Rhys.9706" said:

> Hey thank you for the help, looking at your map I'm a little worried about pulling our own team mates with the focus mesmer pull (I play utility chrono) perhaps it would be more fruitful to simply call when it is safe to pull under the boss? For example in your minimap you gave and we followed its instruction then as we complete purple and the second guy jumps into red the second and third red would be the safest times to be pulling the slublings for a melee cleave.


> Thank you guys for your help!

Hi sry for the late response.

Yeah, with the mid strat you have to be more carefull with pulls^^. On the otherside you are tanking him around the point where the slubs are spawning, so some will die in the aoes anyway. Communication is always the key as you said, i am a main chrono and at the start of our static we called when someone went into a slub or left his form, so that i and the other chrono had an easier time to coordinate our pulls. With time the chronos will know their timing though.


If you need some other help let me know^^.

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