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Pet Progression future system


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Aren't you all bored of pet ceilings and meta pets? What if I love my black moa!? and want it to be a damage pet instead of this boring supportive pet?! ANET saaaaysss NO cause Moas are supportive by default. if its Feline/Bird type its damage. Devourers worthless pet. Bear/Porcine tank. **Im referring to non-beastmode**


What if we can **train** our pets through progression? What do I mean by that? Similar to masteries in game, our pet would gain experience points through exploring, travelling etc and we can distribute stats point allocation when they level up through core stats only similar to player level up pets would still get increase stats by default but with this new system the player can have extra stat points for distribution to **specialize**. (Stout, Ferocious, Deadly, Versatile, Supportive)


A Devourer could be a Ferocious devourer for example (Power+Ferocity stat distribution)

A Lynx could be a Stout Lynx (Toughness+vitality)




with this type of system **all pets will be use** no ceiling! This can fix the meta pet selection. You just need to choose which one is your most trusted companion/ favourite pet! At the same time, you will see other Rangers running different type of pet and you would be guessing what type it is. Not the standard tanky bear with the new system they might actually hurt!

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Basically an experience unlocking system for each pet to have a certain archetype.


I like the idea.

I would even go a step further.

It should be possible to give a pet the archetype you want and to give it the F2 you want (interchangable in between pet family members). So for example you can give your jungle spider a wild archetype and the paralyzing venom F2.


Of course their are other inconsistencies that should be adressed. Like all the inconsistent precision calculation depending pet families should be normalized, quickness should affect pets etc etc.


Customization would go up by a long shot.

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I remember when ranger pets were originally gonna have a choice of 2 F2s per type, and a pool of like 15 skills to choose from per family so you could choose to have a damage bear or a tank bear etc.


I would love to have some way of altering my pets stats/role, would love to have a DPS dog and a bruiser bear (instead of just a meat shield).


They would however need to add some sort of “passive” effect though to the pet type it is, cause if I made my bear into say, a condi focused bear, he’d be useless since he has no condis, but if making him a condi bear changed his bite and auto into applying bleeds? Now we’re talking!!

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Thank you for replying guys. I posted this on gw2 discussion and got shut down right away. Lol. No further ideas whatsoever. Or feedback. I would definitely like that implementation f2 skills would need to be family related. All I'm asking is for customization for pets I mean at this point I think Ranger shouldve mastered pets by now to the point that it can teach it skills within its family tree.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> I remember when ranger pets were originally gonna have a choice of 2 F2s per type, and a pool of like 15 skills to choose from per family so you could choose to have a damage bear or a tank bear etc.


> I would love to have some way of altering my pets stats/role, would love to have a DPS dog and a bruiser bear (instead of just a meat shield).


> They would however need to add some sort of “passive” effect though to the pet type it is, cause if I made my bear into say, a condi focused bear, he’d be useless since he has no condis, but if making him a condi bear changed his bite and auto into applying bleeds? Now we’re talking!!


Yeah i thought about something similar.

Basically a changed AA depending on archetype.


Wild: High dmg, maybe add vuln

Deadly: Applies bleed

Stout: Steals life

Supportive: Heals per strike himself and ranger

Versatile: Gains might and gives might


So you could choose a deadly brownbear with deadly atchetyp and its AA applies bleed and has increased condi dmg but you can still keep all other stuff if you want.


Archetypes should also be something similar to certain amulets stat wise.


Stout: Soldier

Wild: Berserker

Deadly: Sinister

Versatile: Celestial (or something new witch encorporates power and condi)

Supportive: Giver


These stats are added to the core stats. Core stats may have to change for balance and more impact of each individual archetype "amulet".


For core stats changes id say they should change the pets so they are kinda streamlined with the professions.

So there are high vitality pets, medium vitality pets and low vitality pets.

And even heavy "armor" pets, medium "armor" pets and low "armor" pets.


So they would have 9 possibilities to give pets base stats, how they distribute has to be elaborated.


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