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PSA: Your class isn't dying, powercreep is


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Elementalist is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29800/upcoming-ele-change-for-wvw-pvp#latest


Engineer is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29889/upcoming-holo-nerfs#latest


Guardian is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29876/funny-nerfs-again#latest


Mesmer *might* be doomed. We'll see after the later proposals.


Necromancer is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29805/upcoming-pvp-and-wvw-balance-splits#latest


Ranger is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29690/pvp-wvw-skill-split-release/p1 (dig through the comments)


Revenant is doomed!

-> don't need a thread for that


Thief is doomed!

-> actually not really, S/D will still be as good damage-wise while D/P will be hit fairly hard though.


Warrior is doomed!

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29932/concerned-on-upcoming-warrior-changes#latest


Just nerf Mes/Thief properly and... tada! Powercreep goes byebye. Thank you for reading.


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I like your optimism (and agree with the sentiment). Either give constructive feedback of what you think needs adjusted that's not in the notes (with as much data as possible) or what looks problematic within the notes (again, with data) ... OR, just wait and see before getting too riled up.


That said. I want to believe this next balance patch will bring more build diversity and a better PvP experience ... but although I am not ready to complain and whine about the previewed notes, I am skeptical of the actual results, once they're here.

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After these changes, mes, thief, ele are in the best state.


Then again it's hard to say though, because most nerfs were directed specifically to PoF elite specs. Deadeye will be stronger by default, same with Reaper, Soulbeast, Berserker, DH, Scrapper and why not, even Tempest.


Will one of those be more desirable over their PoF variants? Who knows?



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this is like fashion. it goes in cycles. the last time the guardian forum was this mad was when there was no guardian build in meta post HoT. then things calmed down when mutiple meta dh specs showed up and everyone else was jelly guardian has so much variety. the only complaint at that time was staff and a lack of real support options since the death of shout guard.


now we have a meta support class and complaints because dh is no longer meta. and also staff.

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Any nerf to most PoF classes + druid is a good one. With few exceptions, HoT classes are mediocre now. I hope Anet sticks closely to the original draft, even if it means some already underperforming builds get hit in the crossfire because they can be buffed later. What this game desperately needs is a reset in the form of a general power creep nerf.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:


> Revenant is doomed!

> -> don't need a thread for that



Because PoF bring nothing to the PvP table for the Revenenant and the power Herald (which is a HoT spec) will be still the trongest build after the incoming patch, despite being nerfed again (bye bye Scourging rune). And still won't have a slot at any conformed team, because performs subpar.




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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > After these changes, mes, thief, ele are in the best state.

> > >

> > >Deadeye will be stronger by default, same with Reaper, Soulbeast, Berserker, DH, Scrapper and why not, even Tempest.

> >

> > lol?

> >


> what


Deadeye won't be strong by default, it's a terrible spec that only works vs terrible teams. Reaper may be ok, but will never work with a support as well as a scourge because of shroud. Soulbeast is super lacklustre and will continue to be so. Berserker is deader than dead. Dh, eh, not terrible but was never really top tier and likely won't be especially after it gets a sustain nerf. Scrapper same thing, already weak and will get a sustain nerf. Tempest will continue to be raped by SD thief/holo/spellbreaker/some form of necro.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > After these changes, mes, thief, ele are in the best state.

> > > >

> > > >Deadeye will be stronger by default, same with Reaper, Soulbeast, Berserker, DH, Scrapper and why not, even Tempest.

> > >

> > > lol?

> > >

> >

> > what


> Deadeye won't be strong by default, it's a terrible spec that only works vs terrible teams. Reaper may be ok, but will never work with a support as well as a scourge because of shroud. Soulbeast is super lacklustre and will continue to be so. Berserker is deader than dead. Dh, eh, not terrible but was never really top tier and likely won't be especially after it gets a sustain nerf. Scrapper same thing, already weak and will get a sustain nerf. Tempest will continue to be kitten by SD thief/holo/spellbreaker/some form of necro.


He said stronger not strong. The er is important and he is right.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> OP is spot on. Although it was even highlighted in Gaile's post in the first paragraphs, but people probably skipped the introduction altogether and decided to go mad about their fav class being nerfed

> > While reviewing these changes, please consider them as a whole rather than focusing on individual classes.


To be fair, that is an unrealistic expectation. In order to consider the changes as a whole, you'd have to have intimate knowledge of every viable build on every class in both PVP and WvW. Most players simply do not have that. Hell, I don't even have that kind of knowledge. I just vowed to stay away from WvW until the dust settles.

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