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Why GW2 LFG suck...

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That's the one thing that comes to your mind when critisizing the LFG system? What about it showing only classes and not elites? You see a mesmer in the group and you don't know if it's a chrono or a mirage, support or damage dealer. Sometimes the LFG shows classes switching back and forth, blinking up all the time and you have no idea if that player is on warrior or guardian.


What about the obsolete sections that nobody ever uses? And other sections, like for raid sellers, are missing. Why doesn't the LFG window remember the last section I opened, so I don't have to click through it every time I close it or port? Why can I not do anything else while typing a description for my LFG, like taking a look at the fractal window to see which ones are recommended dailies, or ask my buddies a question in chat? Why is it auto-sorting in a weird manner all the time, leaving empty spaces, so I have to manually refresh every few seconds to not miss a good group? There is weird behaviour when it comes to saving your last message. When you join a group and you try to edit the description, the message will be replaced by your last description (from some other group you were in earlier).

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and instead of being able to check a players gear and achievements like in all other mmos, you have to ask for Killproofs, legendary insights and such and hope that those are not chatcoded. Resulting in people spamming their inventory item with the ctrl key now everytime they join a group. Whereas one could also spam a chatcode by simply pasting it into the chat window and then by using up "up" key to spam it.

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I've never witnessed this. The other day I was doing fractals, we just had Mai left and needed 2 people to join. Put up group "t4 mai super duper fun time" or something like that. then someone put up like "t4 mai ludicrous fun time" and we went back and forth a bit changing it like 2-3 times each

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> @"Eglar.4027" said:

> and instead of being able to check a players gear and achievements like in all other mmos, you have to ask for Killproofs, legendary insights and such and hope that those are not chatcoded. Resulting in people spamming their inventory item with the ctrl key now everytime they join a group. Whereas one could also spam a chatcode by simply pasting it into the chat window and then by using up "up" key to spam it.

Indeed, the lfg in this system is truly terrible. One of the worst ones I ever saw in a game. Anet should also add ways to check people gear, raid (total LI earned and achievements) and fractal (AR, total amount of pristines earned). Or at least disable chatcodes for anything that can be used as kp.

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Oh yeah, being able to inspect other player; gear and builds will make the game so much more pleasant....




Now at least they wait for you to respond before kicking you. With the inspect option, all players will be forced to use the meta build in order to play the game at all. Why bother leveling up and making a character? Just have one mailed to you by whatever jerk is in charge of the "must be meta or be kicked" groups. (which is most of them these day)

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> @"Derenek.8931" said:

> Oh yeah, being able to inspect other player; gear and builds will make the game so much more pleasant....


> Not!


> Now at least they wait for you to respond before kicking you. With the inspect option, all players will be forced to use the meta build in order to play the game at all. Why bother leveling up and making a character? Just have one mailed to you by whatever jerk is in charge of the "must be meta or be kicked" groups. (which is most of them these day)


Changes nothing imo. Unless your're suggesting to lie in order not to get kicked? Idm having a way to inspect other players equipment skins or what build/stats they running.(am going to ask the player anyway if such caught my interest)

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> @"Derenek.8931" said:

> Oh yeah, being able to inspect other player; gear and builds will make the game so much more pleasant....


> Not!


> Now at least they wait for you to respond before kicking you. With the inspect option, all players will be forced to use the meta build in order to play the game at all. Why bother leveling up and making a character? Just have one mailed to you by whatever jerk is in charge of the "must be meta or be kicked" groups. (which is most of them these day)


An Opt In solution wouldn't harm any player. So, before someone is able to inspect your gear in a raid squad you have to allow this feature (via option menu). Players that don't want to be inspected won't activate it and can still raid if they choose groups with for example lower requirements or they open their own groups.

The problem in GW2 is at the moment that you have the possibility to join a group with a complete nonsense build or one that isn't helpful for the team at all and your group will only notice it when starting the encounter. Non-experienced groups will recognize such players not until they have made many attempts and this will lead to a lot of wasted time - for 9 other players caused by one single player. Not to forget that such player is then responsible for creating a toxic atmosphere.

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This game has one of the most basic LFG tools I have ever seen in any game - quite intentional, I must add. Similar to games released 15 years ago.

A very community driven system and basically just one step up from having to LFG on the map chat and talking to each individual person in whispers.

(Pretty much the way it used to be when the game first released for those who don't remember.)


The very idea to never have anyone ostracized from any group due to their low level of experience, subpar gear or ineffective builds - as nice and idealistic as it may be - is what truely holds them back from creating a functional LFG tool.

The player mindset has changed too much over the last decade. People love their automated systems. They do not want to talk to others about actual grouping .

One side of the arguement wants to get into a proper party at the click of a button while the other side wants to be able to just play and have fun, but also at a click of a button only. Leading players into mostly like minded groups would be beneficial for both sides as they can't seem to do so on own right now or at least without all of this conflict we keep seeing.

Being able to set hard requirements which are more than just a "please read and be nice enough to stay out if you do not fit in" would finally remove the need to link gear, having to ask people for their builds and best of all having to link the most silly of kill proofs. It would also stop many from unknowingly joining a group they will be kicked out off or from having to justify themselves even if there had been no requirements written down.


I feel like the only ones who truely oppose something like this are those who are used to faking their way into certain groups or squads by using chat codes and the likes.

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Why should anyone be expected to help finance content that other players have been given the power to prevent you from seeing?


Raiders must realize deep down how absolutely absurd that is. Right?


Put in a matchmaker with gear and role checking. Tone down difficulty and rewards.


Keep manual grouping. Loot. Difficulty how it is.


Everyone wins and then the content doesn't go to waste.

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> @"DMO.4158" said:


> Why should anyone be expected to help finance content that other players have been given the power to prevent you from seeing?


> Raiders must realize deep down how absolutely absurd that is. Right?


> Put in a matchmaker with gear and role checking. Tone down difficulty and rewards.


> Keep manual grouping. Loot. Difficulty how it is.


> Everyone wins and then the content doesn't go to waste.


Little question: If you dont want it, why dont you just raid with other people who dont want it as well? Nobody forces you to use it when it comes, but forcing those who would like such a feature to not have it just cause others may not like it just isnt right. The feature would be there for a reason. Of course there could be toxic situation cause of it, but there are more toxic situations right now if people think they can do what they want, joining a group who is searching for an expirienced player by faking li/kp/gear, ending up wiping those groups and wasting time of many by that.

Besides, i would be pleased if people would pls stop thinking only raiders want that. "Raiders" can onl play the raidcontent one time a week, after that there is no more loot. so what will they do? they are playing pvp, wvw, fracs, dungeons, story, open world, farm whatever. And in content like pvp/wvw/dungeons and fracs it would find its use too (wvw maybe the less of all, but still).

I am not saying that its free from might being abused, but this is the same with all features. Only to not bring something because one might fear such a think to happen wont change the fact that it is needed, so instead of fearing what might happen, anet should bring along some rework on punishments/reportsystem when player abuse this.


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> @"DMO.4158" said:


> Why should anyone be expected to help finance content that other players have been given the power to prevent you from seeing?


> Raiders must realize deep down how absolutely absurd that is. Right?


> Put in a matchmaker with gear and role checking. Tone down difficulty and rewards.


> Keep manual grouping. Loot. Difficulty how it is.


> Everyone wins and then the content doesn't go to waste.


The "finance" aspect people keep bringing up never fails to amaze me.

I need to make sure to contact the support next time I buy gems to make sure that money does not go towards the Living Story as I have little interest in it or even better for it not be included in the annual payout towards the NCSoft shareholders as I refuse to have my money wasted on them. Pretty sure this is how it works...


Not to mention that your proposition does do very little to actually stop someone from joining a squad they do not belong in if they prefer to gain access to that "as is" level of loot without putting in the effort. The exact thing this was supposed to get rid of to begin with.

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