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Add a 'Recruitment' channel to Raid LFG

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The LFG for Raids has gotten really cluttered due to the amount of people recruiting for static clear teams. The interest in raids is great and it's really exciting to see so many new teams popping up, but it makes it hard to find actual raid clear LFGs. The simple addition of a Recruitment or Guild Activity tab to the Raid section would reduce overall clutter to the LFG.

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Adding new channels won't help imo. Just like how players like to post daily recs fractals in T4 channel instead of the daily recs tier(T3 or lower). Players can put LFG for static raids in raid channels just like raid sellers...but instead players chosed to rely on 3rd party LFG on discords or other platforms for training groups/guilds to get into static group (which can be more productive in a way).

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