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Trying own build


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Hello guys i just wanted ask if u can help me with my build


I didnt know exactly wich build should i do and when i googled something i wanted to like 2 or 3 builds so i couldnt choose so i tried do my own. I was thinking about few others spells or talents but for now its like this. Let me know what to change or if its simply just bad

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Interesting! I've been using the same 4 weapons, but in a different combination and more for condition damage.. I'm using scepter/torch and sword/focus. Do you not have any of the newer updates or do you just prefer not to use Mirage or Chronomancer? I notice you use Chaos for defensive traits. I take a very different approach to defense, although your build looks like it is setup for WvW, whereas I typically play sPVP.


Personally I didn't notice anything bad off the bat... to be honest, I'm the school of players who think playing a build masterfully is far better than just being OK and playing a META build, so I always encourage people to find whatever they think is most fun to them.


You didn't include your runes or sigils in your build link.. what are you using?


If you are curious as to what I'm running, here is a video I made:

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Right now im using Superior Rune of the Scholar but i was thinking about mesmer or chronomancer im not sure and for sigils im using Superior Sigil of Force it was simple.

And i own all DLCs but i those meta builds etc... I found many of them and i felt like this is boring for me so i tried to do something that could be good and would be fun for me to play but still im getting lost sometimes what to use or what to equip so before i start crafting my Ascended gear am trying to find my last build cuz craft ascended gear and then find out i need another weapon or stats would really suck. And for that PVP even when i was doing it i was like it will be more strong in pvp but im not playing it right now i tried few arena games it was fun but i didnt had pvp build so i dropped it for now. Basicly this build is from weapons that i like the only one what could be changed is focus but for what another sword i feel like focus is better at least for that trait i chose. If u can tell me what should i change or send me some good builds i will be glad. I actually even dont know for what should i search my build im playing fractals and doing world bosses or meta events the only thing im not doing are raids right now and pvp. And from what i have seen it was like this build raids this build fractals this build pvp so this really didnt help me.

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Raids and fractals do seem to require more META, which I dislike as well. PVP seems to offer a wide range of options, especially for fun/casual matches while staying competitive, the trick is just practice practice practice as playing your character well matters more than the build. I'm with you on figuring out for sure what weapons you like most before spending time, energy, materials, and gold on upgrading!


The only ascended weapon I have so far is the scepter. The exotics are not far behind stat wise, and in PVP everything is normalized so it really doesn't matter all there for me (which pvp is mostly what I do).


Definitely do something you have a fun playing... if you go with a recommendation or a current META and you don't like you'll get bored and burned out.... not to mention the meta changes with updates and expansions.


Even though I love scepter/torch as my primary weapon, and now that I have ascended Scepter, Torch is next on my list, I hope to eventually get most of the mesmer weapons because I'm sure I'll eventually get tired of this weapon set and want to try new things for fun. Hard to play the same thing over and over for too long before you want to try other things... at least for me.


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So u are saying if i want to play raids or fractals i should play meta build cuz its just better than builds that you like those are more for pvp . So actually i dont know now what should i do :D i like fractals, dungeons, meta events, world bosses didnt try raids but i want to i would even try pvp but im little bit confused cuz i dont get it i mean all spells and things that can opponents do but when i played my first arena it was really fun they gave me scepter and torch i really didnt know why it changed my spells but now i get its just different from pve but i just wanted say it was really fun i was killing everyone with scepter. When i started play i tried every weapon i liked everysingle one but most fun was with scepter and torch but at level 80 i googled build http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_S/S_/F_/P actually i found him and this one im still using i changed something spell or two almost everything is same and right now i really like sword and scepter and torch but i get it its better in pvp but sometimes when im doing fractals if i had torch it would be much better for me. So what do u think i should do or change maybe i will start play pvp more i have 5 characters on level 80 thats almost everything i was doing from the start leveling characters now mesmer is my main and few days ago i started doing fractals even went my first dungeons do more meta events. Basicly what im trying to say is i was doing random stuffs didnt know everything i can do so now im trying it its really more fun and like 5 days ago i finally started using all my alts on farming some fluxes and irons in one spot where i just let them log in press f and log out.

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Ok, the first thing, and joeherbert kinda mentioned this in passing, but PvP equipment and builds are completely separated from the rest of the game. Your gear quality or armor stats or any other part of the build doesn't matter in PvP. When you enter PvP you gain access to a new interface that lets you choose weapons, runes, sigils, and an amulet that contains all of the stats you'll get in PvP. There's no mixing and matching of gear in PvP, you just pick the amulet and that's it. One other thing to note is that if you try to use the same build in multiple game types, you're going to fail. Different game types demand different setups, and even within a game type you need to remain flexible with your build to adapt to different circumstances. You should anticipate having a different setup for WvW than you do for PvP than you do for PvE. You should anticipate having a different setup for one raid boss to another and from one fractal to another. Knowledge of the game and of your builds is important to know how to adjust and continue to succeed.


From your description it sounds like you're using this build in WvW, fractals (probably low tier) and open world, but not raids. If you ever would like to do raids, keep in mind that when playing a dps build, the only thing that people care about is the dps you produce. Off-meta builds are accepted if you can back up the build with effective performance. That being said, before entering raids I would recommend taking any build (including meta setups) to the dps golem to see how they perform. If you're not able to crack ~25k dps on the golem, you can expect to be promptly kicked from any raid group that cares about finishing fights.


Now for the build itself. To be blunt, it's not very good. There's a number of things that make little sense that you have. Firstly your stat choices. You've got mostly zerker with a couple random pieces of viper gear. That gear is serving no purpose except lowering your power stats for no point. You have neither the traits or stats to support any sort of condition damage pressure, so randomly including a couple of condition damage pieces will only dilute the power damage of your build.


Next your traits. You're choosing to use neither chrono nor mirage. I'll still comment on the traits as-is, but know this: literally any possible build made without one of the 2 elite specializations will be worse than a similar build made with them. By making the decision to not use those trait lines you are consciously choosing to make a bad build. That being said, the traits still don't make much sense. You take phantasmal fury but none of your phantasms do any notable damage nor are you taking persistence of memory to get use out of it. You take chaotic transference but deal no condition damage pressure. You take escape artist but have only one long cd access to stealth. You could improve these traits doing a number of things. Take phantasmal haste instead of escape artist. Take either chaotic dampening, mirror of anguish, or just drop chaos altogether for inspiration instead. Take persistence of memory to make use of phantasmal fury... Or use a weapon that doesn't have an awful phantasm. And, once again, this build would be far better if you took either chrono or mirage.


Ok, now for your skills. You're taking illusion of life. This skill should literally never end up on your bar under any conceivable circumstances outside of needing to hard carry a wvw driver that's getting sniped by a maguuma blob. Mantra of pain is okish, but it's probably better served by taking pdisenchanter for damage or something defensive if you want that instead. You're taking the heal signet which is fine for PvE, but if you run that in WvW you're probably gonna have a bad time. Conversely you're running the moa signet which is okish in PvP but not great in WvW, awful in open world, and marginally useful in fractals. Unfortunately, you don't really have any good options for elites since you don't use either of the elite specs so *shrug*. It's also worth noting that you have almost zero access to condition removal. If you're anticipating ever fighting other players, whether in WvW or PvP, you'll need either the cleanse mantra, inspiration traitline, or both.


Now for your weapons, mainly the focus. The focus used to be a fairly decent damage phantasm and utility weapon, but now the phantasm is utter garbage. Temporal curtain is still amazing, but it's not worth taking focus over sword or pistol if you're running a damage setup. For WvW groups where pulls are really strong you can still use it, but you shouldn't use this build in that environment anyway. Sword/torch is fine and scepter is usable if weaker than it used to be. Another benefit of taking sword or pistol in the offhand is that you now gain some mileage from phantasmal fury since you'll have a phantasm that actually does something.


Ultimately it's worth noting that the "meta" setups are not chosen because somebody drew them out of a hat. They are meta because many players have done enormous amounts of testing and playing and have determined what works, what doesn't, and how the builds of one class fit into the environment created by builds of other classes. Ignore the lessons shown by meta setups at your own risk: making your own build doesn't make you immune to the factors that make the meta builds effective.

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I must say i didnt want this for PvP and WvW i tried once and 2 arenas thats all what i have done in PvP in GW2 http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_S/S_/F_/P

I was using this build for like year cuz i dont playing it so much when i played like year ago i hit 80 googled this build bought exotic gear in everyway that was told in this guide using same spells i change one or two but it doesnt matter now im playing fractals and those other things like meta events etc. etc. but now i wanted craft ascended gear i get it its not much better than exotic but still its better idk when exotic does 25K ascended does 30K and more time u fight the more dmg you do all this get but i dont exactly get what to craft/buy for my gear cuz its not cheap and i wont waste my money. When u were talking about that random Viper in my gear i saw it on 2 or 3 guides with 100% so i thought its sounds interesting at least that idea and when i saw its 100% rated shouldnt be that bad so i tried to put it in and all what is there is just from my head and i am not good player still feel like new player at this game maybe its cuz im playing few weeks and then stop for half year but this aint the thing we are talking about. Its just i liked scepter and couldnt find build for it i didnt want to use it for WvW/PvP but for normal PvE that im doing right now + maybe raids after i get better eq and in fractals u are right im in T2 i started playing them like week ago cuz i saw in one video there are rings ascended that are really good and its almost free u just have to complete few dayily now im keep playing them everyday and its fun but my build i dont know what to do i didnt know that if u are specialization its better i just thought its same like other trees now i get at least that those 2 are better than the others but i still didnt figure it out and when u were saying that u must have build for almost every boss holy im getting confused more and more. But i saw that video from the other guy and it seemed good enough

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