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Help Ranger LB/GS outside open world


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Relatively new player, and I've done a lot of reading about how Ranger Power LB / GS doesn't really mesh well inside fractals, mainly because LB requires you to stay out of melee range which puts you outside of group buffs and healing. That sucks, but I get it.


Thing is, I really really like LB / GS for open world play. So when I go into fractals, is it enough to just not use my LB and stick with my GS only? I suspect not, but is there any build that is viable that allows me to maintain the use of GS and swap in something else for the LB? We are talking low level fractals, and I know some may say "anything will work", but I'd like to be as effective as possible while still playing (somewhat) the style that I enjoy.


I've read about Soulbeast Condi / Ax+Torch or Dag/Dag works, but I really like the GS, and if I have to go melee in fractals, I'd like to keep my 2-hander. As I'm still starting to build my endgame gear, I'd like to avoid having to obtain 2 sets of gear (open world and fractals) since I still have a lot of open world content to play.



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Power Soulbeast should be able to run LB like we did in the older power build days just for LB2 and 5 and then swap back to sw/x for dps. GS is also lower dps so if you'd like to keep the LB i'd probably swap to sword to improve your dps. GS just doesn't have the damage numbers that sword does. The condi build works better in raids and fractals based on the fact that the mobs have really high health and conditions can do more damage over the length of the fight.


Work towards one of the Legendary Armor sets so you don't have to swap gear.

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