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Tanky Herald build for sPvP


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Yesterday I play some sPvP with my thief and I fight against a very tanky Scrapper. He was able to stay alive in 1v2/1v3 for long time and usually manage to kill at least one of us.


So just to add some context I return to the game one month ago and I mostly play thief and rev, tried other class but always comeback to this two. I just started sPvP so maybe sometimes I hit that scrapper like a dumb without caring about what skill he used.


I was thinking if I'm a bad power rev, why not try a tanky rev similar to this scrapper. The objective is to be able to tank to avoid enemy from capturing point in out numbered situation. But still have some damage to down at least one person and then wait for your mate to help you finish them after they take other point.


Does anyone tried a similar build. I guess it would be a jalis/glint build.

Maybe it's not possible or it's boring to play but this scrapper seems to have fun fighting me even if unfortunately he lose because his team was bad and didn't cap other point while he was keeping 2-3 members of our team busy almost all the time.


I hope I explain my though clearly even if I still do mistake while writing in english.

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Yeah i fough a similar engi in spvp who was able to easily 3v1. Just dancing around the cap with outrageous amounts of boons all the time.

We lacked a scourge in team which can take care of that. For tanking there is ventari/jalis bunker build out there. Try it out. If you are successful to tank like those engi then do tell :). But again 1 low skill scourge can outplay a medium skilled (vague term) rev. I am still learning how to deal with those.

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To be honest it seems to me that the lack of condi cleans force you to use glint. Because you can take the first tick of conditions damage and when you are low hp you use glint heal to full life with other ticks.

I think a sword/shield set in main is a good solution for its blocking/evades option. But for the second set I have no clue.

I don't expect it to be meta but I hope I can manage to find something viable at least at low level sPvP. It will be sad to leave my rev just because nothing is meta in sPvP. And I always come back to my thief or rev when I try other class.

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> @"oOAvengerOo.6714" said:

> To be honest it seems to me that the lack of condi cleans force you to use glint. Because you can take the first tick of conditions damage and when you are low hp you use glint heal to full life with other ticks.

> I think a sword/shield set in main is a good solution for its blocking/evades option. But for the second set I have no clue.

> I don't expect it to be meta but I hope I can manage to find something viable at least at low level sPvP. It will be sad to leave my rev just because nothing is meta in sPvP. And I always come back to my thief or rev when I try other class.


2nd set use staff. 4th skill removes 2 conditions, 3 is a block, 5 is evade and intrupt. But it wont be enough like you said. Glint heal is the only bearthing space for the duration its up..after it ends..RIP :bleep_bloop:

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I did some test in normal PvP and I'm really struggling. But I don't master the energy system and I'm not use to play with staff.

But just for information I went with this.

Retribution 2-1-2

Invocation 2-1-1

Herald 2-2-1


I used Jalis and Glint as legends and sword/shield and staff as weapons.


Sometimes I feel I can survive but to many times I run out of energy. I am used to activate the heal/speed/might glint auras every time I can so maybe it's my mistake.

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It'd only work if you're against pure Power teams... And even then there's classes that would out sustain you easily.


As other's said, I wouldn't go Ventari/Jalis... I'd lose Jalis and then take Glint. At least with Glint you could pump out boons for your team fights and Chaotic Release rezes... Not to mention access to Infused Light. Jalis only seems good on paper--even playing Power Shiro, I've never had any trouble dropping a Jalis rev because they can't do damage while sustaining, and they can't sustain while doing damage. Pulsing Protection will easily out sustain trying to keep up RotGD in any situation that doesn't involve 2 scourges corrupt spamming... But even then, if they have two scourges and you're trying to bunker a point as rev, you're not going to be having a good time anyways.

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jallis design is for team not for bunkering. aoe stability, cc, aoe dmg reduction. it has no self sustain. even the hammers are only good versus teams and not 1v1.

so its more wvw play style.

sure jallis can give you few seconds versus some classes but will go down eventually.

the bunkering was nerfed with ventari kb spam which gane the rev few second to heal up again.

maybe if they give back the spamm and make it kd (so no point control) we could see bunkering

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You can try glint/jalis with the retribution trait line, but it doesn't work so well. Scrapper has barrier built into it's skills and reliable damage reduction. Rev defense skills have painful cast times for no reason; staff 4 cleanses 2 condis but you will probably just die mid cast, same with dwarf heal and especially dwarf elite. They also take energy which means you can't kill things while you're trying not to die. Scrapper on the other hand, you just get barriers while using your offensive skills and have auto invuln at a health threshold.

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> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> You can try glint/jalis with the retribution trait line, but it doesn't work so well. Scrapper has barrier built into it's skills and reliable damage reduction. Rev defense skills have painful cast times for no reason; staff 4 cleanses 2 condis but you will probably just die mid cast, same with dwarf heal and especially dwarf elite. They also take energy which means you can't kill things while you're trying not to die. Scrapper on the other hand, you just get barriers while using your offensive skills and have auto invuln at a health threshold.


jalis desing atm is for team support not 1v1. that's why in wvw is more popular. give stability and dmg reduction . the only self sustain is the spinning hammers which work again in team fight with a zerg so they hit 5 enemies thus heal you for 1000 per sec. while in 1v1 its only 200 per sec which is nothing. if the skill could be each hammer heal you for 300 with limits for 1 sec than it could be nice for self sustain.

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