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Raid subgroup build???

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with the most recent chrono changes, maybe we could restructure the raid groups a bit? I dont raid very much but if your looking for alacrity and quickness up time, couldn't you use a renegade dps/alacrity and a firebrand quickness/tank? I guess technically a chrono could also help but I think moving the chrono to mirage still running signet might be better as you can have more dps and still have good boons without slotting into that. Or you could move away from chrono altogether, and use a different class. I think renegade with commander's stats and double 33% boon duration swap sigils with the self quickness trait would be able to give more than 100% alacrity up time for the full subgroup in range, without sacrificing too much dps, and the firebrand running either a mix of some combination of giver's and minstrel's could tank and be a decent burst healer, along with 100% quickness if done right. This might remove the need for a druid because the firebrand eleite shout with 100% boon and perma alacrity would give 60% fury already and perhaps another class could just bring an ok amount of fury like maybe a soulbeast bringing, god forbid, a war horn and using it every now and again. You also don't need a ton of might because the firebrand already has a bit. So you can slot in tons of dps with a bit of might or fury, like a nechromancer running blood is power etc.


I don't know if this is a good idea, and really want some feedback. Does this work?

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Chrono is even better then before i think. Right now the meta is chaos chrobo brcause it provides around 11 boons. And since weaver (best power dps) and mirage (one of the best condi dps) have traits that increse damage when under boons its much higher increase then runing renegade/firebrand. Not to mention cc and heals chrono provides.


I think anet wanted to make firebrand/renegade an alternative when they release zhem but last patch killed because Now rev needs boonduration for alacrity so he loses the only advantage he might had - dps


Also renegade with comnander stats sacrifice soooo much dps.

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We've actually ran Firebrand + Renegade pairs instead of Chrono + Druid for the second subgroup. But that was before the chrono changes. Right now the Chaos build is so strong that taking Firebrand is simply pointless. You can still run Renegade as a second healer and just ignore the alacrity.

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Also both renegade and firebrand benefit from condition damage and mos ofensive stat combo that provides concentration is power based. Situation can be diferent if we get something like condition damage expertise concentration (or condition precision concentration if we go back to burning duration instead of condition duration on firebrand) but this would make druid even stronger and it is definitely not enough.


Its a challange to make fb/ren viable over ch/dr without kolling the other combo

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maybe i just don't understand where the alacrity for the chrono is coming from, 8 from both signets of inspiration, 4 from tides of time, 10 from well of recall. 22 sec in total. the lowest cool down out of all of them is inspiration, and with improved it goes down to 22.63, and on others thats .63 seconds missed uptime, then you get 4 more seconds bringing it on allies to 26 total but for right now it is 4, next skill would be up at 26.29s. then allies would have 30s total but after a 3s delay, but tides of time is up in 2.5s if my math is right so you miss another 2.5s. at this point you have 14s, factoring next inspiration from trait soon its 18. next actual insparation at -1.03 after allies. oooooooooh, i see it takes a bit of time to ramp. maybe if renegade had better ferocity with ferver? to me it seems more of a power dps problem than a trying to build for condi. at 80% boon duration renegade doesn't even need tablet for alacrity, just stand close. maybe a hybrid berserk commander like chrono uses. tbh its just really hard to match the boon staying power of signet of inspiration, but i don't think it would be that big a stretch to just ask a dps mirage to take signet instead of a utility if its already covered



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Alacrity comes from Shatters (Flow of Time Minor Chrono Trait), Tides of Time (shield 5) and the well of Recall.

Quickness also comes from Shatters (Seize the Moment Grandmaster Chrono Trait).

So basically you use pretty much the same rotation as before, but now instead of keeping the shield phantoms up for their alacrity, you just shatter everything as often as you get 3 clones, then use the signet or phantasms to share the boons.

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You forget to count cs. It provides 2 signets of inspiration, one well of recall and one well of action every 60 seconds. Its true that withou cs its tight but sibce you can now go into cs almost imidiatly it doesnt matter if you are fighting trash mobs in fractal.


Also chrono provides like 10 boons including decent might, strong heals and many cc.


With chaos you provides more quickness/alacrity then you need. If you are coming short you can just run domination and drown in quickness/alacrity

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