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Clear the poisonous urchins from Lashoosh - event for Frenzy III collection

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> It would be cheaper to buy the precursor than to make though.


I don't care much about the difference in price (especially in case of aquatic ones, since they're cheaper anyways), I do them because I like the scavenging hunt aspect....providing they're not bugged ofc. :sweat:

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  • 1 month later...

I looking for this event too and I see everytime some other people, who are waiting too. The event don´t restart and I send a bug report, but it don´t change something. Rage isn´t a weapon which is popular, but I like to do the achivment and if it is imposible to do the event, then they should take this event out or rework the achivment.

I read in another forum, that if gw2 gets an update where they refresh the maps the event works.

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This event doesn't even pop up. I was waiting 6 hrs straight, trying to join another version of map in meanwhile. Would be great if ANET restart servers once per 24hrs, so we don't have to wait whole week till next update. Or just let single maps live for 12 - 24 hrs. This would give us chance to finish collections in reasonable time.

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are ya guys NA or EU cuz i made those events earlier in NA server without any hitch, the event that is bug for me is this one https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Okarinoo_Friendship_Bracelet cant talk to the npc to start the event. shame that many of the collection events can be bugged for days :(


anyway i reported the bug.. hope we can make this legendary before tuesday o/

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@"SOULFLY.7942" I´m from an eu server and your "Okarinoo" Event works quite good at my server. (I have an idea, we change the server for a day xD )

Too bad, that´s not working.


Maybe the problem with that archivment and the event isn´t on there priority list.

But I hope that get fixed, ´cause it´s very usless to creat an achivment to get the precursor and that doesn´t work.

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Do be aware: stalled events will most often reset when a patch is released, which creates a new map instance. You can try other methods of getting into a different map instance, such as: party up with a friend in a different instance, and then join them in that map. (Might work for the two of you above.)


Good luck.

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> @"Dehlia.1846" said:

> @"SOULFLY.7942" I´m from an eu server and your "Okarinoo" Event works quite good at my server. (I have an idea, we change the server for a day xD )

> Too bad, that´s not working.


aaaawww, i wish we could guest on EU server and vice versa :D but ya, i guess we will have to wait for patch day


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Do be aware: stalled events will most often reset when a patch is released, which creates a new map instance. You can try other methods of getting into a different map instance, such as: party up with a friend in a different instance, and then join them in that map. (Might work for the two of you above.)


> Good luck.


ya i know, i keep going there hoping i can land in a new map/ip but nothing really happens in Timberline Falls


to produce new maps :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could this be the problem? This object here uses the same model as the poisonous urchins during the event but you cannot interact with it. I've seen it here every time I come to check for the event, it kind of stands out because that's the "enemy" in the event. Is it not resetting becuase of this leftover "dead" urchin model?

![](https://i.imgur.com/rCz2z3M.jpg "")


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  • 4 months later...

On January 27, 2019 this bug continue to be present in the map. Some hours (from 9:30 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.) spent to wait something, but nothing was happend. "Report a Bug" sent in game. Without the event is not possible to complete the achievement "Frenzy III: Rage". It is not correct to obligate people to purchase the precursor Rage on the Black Lion Trading Company.

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