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Revenant Build, Jalis/Shiro, Shiro/Mallyx, Power builds.


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Hello, this is my build with Jalis/Shiro, Mallyx/Shiro, you can switch between Mallyx or Jalis if you want to play differently but mostly the same, i feel like Mallyx is really good with Shiro and I love the gameplay and build.



Cleansing Channel.

Incensed Response.

Song of the Mists. Or Roiling Mists with cavalier amulet.



Planar Protection.

Dwarven Battle Training.

Versed in Stone.



Vicious Lacérations.

Nefarious Momentum.



Weapons: Sword/Sword, Sword/Axe.

or Staff with Sword/Sword or Sword/Axe.


I rely mostly on the elite skills wich buff me and debuff enemies.


Good luck, if you like revenant.


I don't play Renegade i don't have the expansion PoF and it's not my fighting style, and Herald bored me to a point, sorry Anet.

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Well for what it's worth i can say that in WvW shiro really pulls his weight with both ability to pursue targets and life saving evades, that intervowen with regular dodges make for major escape tool when mispositioned. So regardless if condi or power, having shiro in WvW is a good idea unless you're gonna be hugging your zerg all the time and don't plan any solo roams or playing frontline hero.


And as for Herald as a recently picked up revenant (was my crafting character) i can say i'm fascinated by it's possibilities. But to each their own.

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