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Ugh why does engineer suck so bad?


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I am struggling to get 4k crits with rifle blunderbuss and jump shot and people are destroying me for 5k-8k damage in wvw


The commander doesn't want me. Roaming parties don't want me. In spvp engineer is basically a free feed fiesta.


Holosmith is barely viable. It's a decent pve rotational do but in pvp it's not that good.


Also traits are busted. They are just a mixed bunch of useless passive that are not game breaking


Also hammer does no damage unless you get maurader or zerker gear. Then you get 1 shotted by mobs and players.


This class is so unloved and undeveloped. It's got weak skills and weak team support and like horrible damage coefficients. The difference between 1200 power and 2700 power is about 30% damage bonus which is nothing. Bomb 1 does 650 to 850 top damage per auto while other profession skills go from 500 to 1600 damage.


Been using sentinel armor and have no good builds for wvw and solo leveling.


I started a elementalist and they have blast finishers on 4 second coldowns and fire water field spamming shields defenses stability teleports pets and good signet's.


Man engineer sucks so much. It's literally unplayable with out holosmith in wvw spvp and soloing and raiding fractals.


And metabattle hasn't updated their builds since December. 2 patches away from nerfs.


Hmm. I am maining an elementalist right now. Elementalist is going to get nerfed because of me.

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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> I am struggling to get 4k crits with rifle blunderbuss and jump shot and people are destroying me for 5k-8k damage in wvw


Which is sad because in PvP they are crying for nerfs


> The commander doesn't want me. Roaming parties don't want me. In spvp engineer is basically a free feed fiesta.


To be fair, they do not want anyone not playing blob meta, engineer or otherwise.


> Holosmith is barely viable. It's a decent pve rotational do but in pvp it's not that good.


Your opinion seems to be contradictory to the community. They are considered very strong in PvP, and for good reason


> Also traits are busted. They are just a mixed bunch of useless passive that are not game breaking


Which traits? How so?


> Also hammer does no damage unless you get maurader or zerker gear. Then you get 1 shotted by mobs and players.


I do not disagree. Hammer is kind of a defensive weapon. If you are getting one shotted by anything, in any game mode ever, you are either playing really bad or running a really bad build, likely both.


> This class is so unloved and undeveloped. It's got weak skills and weak team support and like horrible damage coefficients. The difference between 1200 power and 2700 power is about 30% damage bonus which is nothing. Bomb 1 does 650 to 850 top damage per auto while other profession skills go from 500 to 1600 damage.


Which skills exactly? How would you suggest to improve them?


Those numbers you posted do not make any sense. The damage varies from skill to skill based on damage coefficient.


> Been using sentinel armor and have no good builds for wvw and solo leveling.


Yeah, umm, you are wearing one of the most defensive gear sets in the game. if you assumed you would get damage out of full sentinals, then you are kind of at fault here, making some of your complaints fairly irrational in this context.


> I started a elementalist and they have blast finishers on 4 second coldowns and fire water field spamming shields defenses stability teleports pets and good signet's.


Are you wearing full sentences in elementalist?


> Man engineer sucks so much. It's literally unplayable with out holosmith in wvw spvp and soloing and raiding fractals.


It seems you do not comprehend what "literally" means. I for one am currently doing very well in PvP and WvW on scrapper.


> And metabattle hasn't updated their builds since December. 2 patches away from nerfs.


Why would you use a really bad website that has a history of outdated builds?


> Hmm. I am maining an elementalist right now. Elementalist is going to get nerfed because of me.


If you get one shot on the engineer in sentinals gear, I suspect you are not as good as you may believe on the elementalist.


All that said, I agree with your general sentiment, I feel the engineer needs some adjustments when t comes to WvW, as do several professions. Holo is pretty strong in PvP. PvE is a separate story entirely.



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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> And metabattle hasn't updated their builds since December. 2 patches away from nerfs.



Don't use MetaBattle. It's notorious for having outdated builds. There are several other websites you can use. If you have questions look on the Reddit forums or post here. There are also discord channels for several of the professions where you can ask questions. That being said, I agree with you on** some points** (that means not all of them). Engineer does need some help as seems to be neglected constantly by ANET.


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One of the main reasons Engineer, outside of Holo, is in so peirish situation, besides having an arsenal of skills with poor damage coeficient (Throw Mine, Hip Shot, Fragmentation Shot, Glob Shot, Fumigate, Orbital Strike, the whole Turret Damage Arsenal, for naming a few), part of the current poor state relies on our impotency for standing at even levels against other professions in melee matchups, its impossible, many of our skills are supposed, meant, and encouraged to be used at melee, but as soon as we got to such range, we are obliterated in cc, conditions, corruptions and several punishments wich the engineer wont have a chance to respond, except escaping via Rocket Boots, yep, the only answer we have, no counters, no battle immunities (Elixir S is an escape immuity, it doesnt help to turn the table at our favor), literally retreat as far as we can, and hopefully reset hoping the enemy doesnt keep the engagement, is all we can do.



> @"Kulgin.9512" said:

> It's because they won't fix the scrapper gyro bug from a month ago that makes us useless for stomping or ressing. Core to wvw/pvp


And something smells me they won't do a thing on fixing it this tuesday.

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> @"Xruptor.3965" said:

> > @"Anthony.3207" said:

> > And metabattle hasn't updated their builds since December. 2 patches away from nerfs.

> >


> Don't use MetaBattle. It's notorious for having outdated builds. There are several other websites you can use. If you have questions look on the Reddit forums or post here. There are also discord channels for several of the professions where you can ask questions. That being said, I agree with you on** some points** (that means not all of them). Engineer does need some help as seems to be neglected constantly by ANET.



What other sites to see then? I can't find any except metabattle.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I think Quantify and Snow Crows have some reasonable builds for GW2, but I don't know if these are more quickly actualized than Metabattle. I would also love to see some place with well constructed and fun, yet non-meta builds.


Those only include raid-specific builds.


Watch streams - ask the class’ mains - make it yourself.

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Holo is a glass cannon spec. If you're not playing it that way, you're going to have a bad time. It doesn't have the defense to survive a sustained fight. You need to kill your opponent before they kill you.


You're not going to get good damage if you're not running ferocity. Go full Berserker, or if you must, run some defense instead of precision and use sigil of intelligence for crits. This is more difficult though because you'll need to keep a close eye on its ICD. I recommend just playing full glass.

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I run sentinel armor to trade camps and run away. I don't bother to fight in wvw unless I am Zerker holosmith which I am not.


Right now engineer is all holosmith builds in raid and pvp settings.


I realize they must keep a numbers data and buff the professions most of the community plays.


Sentinel armor I use because I tend to explode in wvw. The damage is higher in wvw then in spvp in a 1v1 setting and my rifle does pretty good damage to glass cannon builds even with 2200 power


But I run and hide mostly


I am maining elementalist and they have tons of versatility and survivable as well as good damage and healing fields finishers swiftness buffs and defensives.


People say engineer is a high skilled class. Where do they get that presumption?


You basically holosmith and yolo into melee and hope for the best. There is no skill or strategy involved.


Well in spvp you can do more than damage like recap or Dodge thief steals. But overall holosmith has a fairly simple strategy.


Engineer is either - a bruiser defensive class who has a lot of health and decent damage - or a versatile class with a jack of all trades who has support skills and decent do.


Engineer can also be - the selfish soloists who has strong damage and healing and cc but beings nothing to teammates.


I am trying to find engineers identity.


Also why doesn't anet communicate with us engineers. It's like we are ignored and unloved.


Any ways I been maining engineer since the Queen's Dale champ trains and trait books. Engineer has been nerfed over time and was only OP with turrets. Scrapper. And holosmith.


Feels bad man. Feels fucking bad.

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> @"Kulgin.9512" said:

> It's because they won't fix the scrapper gyro bug from a month ago that makes us useless for stomping or ressing. Core to wvw/pvp


Good news! They found ONE cause of the bug and are going to be fixing it some time this month. Hopefully they find other causes for it and get it patched as well.



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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> you ll love to know that Adaptive Armor is also bugged and sometimes only triggers Once per combat


Have a you filed a ticket for this? I feel these things the developers don't know if folks don't put in tickets and make threads on the forums. I'm going to have to test this trait bug for myself as well.

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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> I am struggling to get 4k crits with rifle blunderbuss and jump shot and people are destroying me for 5k-8k damage in wvw

> (...)

> Been using sentinel armor and have no good builds for wvw and solo leveling.


Sentinel armor is the reason why you only do 4K. Well, even the fact that you manage a 4k crit is impressive.


To do power damages, you need power, precision, ferocity and damage modifyers in your traits. Sentinel armor is terrible for both precision and ferocity, you just can't complain about not being able to reach higher numbers with sentinel armor.


As for defense, know that toughness and vitality will never be as good as avoidance and block. GW2 is a game where passive defenses sucks, don't bet on them to survive.

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> @"Xruptor.3965" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > you ll love to know that Adaptive Armor is also bugged and sometimes only triggers Once per combat


> Have a you filed a ticket for this? I feel these things the developers don't know if folks don't put in tickets and make threads on the forums. I'm going to have to test this trait bug for myself as well.


i used the bug report tool ingame

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Anthony.3207" said:

> > I am struggling to get 4k crits with rifle blunderbuss and jump shot and people are destroying me for 5k-8k damage in wvw

> > (...)

> > Been using sentinel armor and have no good builds for wvw and solo leveling.


> Sentinel armor is the reason why you only do 4K. Well, even the fact that you manage a 4k crit is impressive.


> To do power damages, you need power, precision, ferocity and damage modifyers in your traits. Sentinel armor is terrible for both precision and ferocity, you just can't complain about not being able to reach higher numbers with sentinel armor.


> As for defense, know that toughness and vitality will never be as good as avoidance and block. GW2 is a game where passive defenses sucks, don't bet on them to survive.


sentinel is terrible even for power im surprised he/she is landng 4ks at all since power is the lowest stat of the set , well engi did get some decent power scaling after PoF so theres that

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and here i am destroying people in spvp, doing 7K on jump shot and killing scourge in 8 seconds...

engi in general have trouble dealing with mono condi spam.

also the new changes to alchemy made all previous elixir build bad vs condi thus unusable in WvW, which is sad since it was those builds that kept core engi viable.

now you must run holosmith (or scrapper if tanky build) which is a shame since engi had the most diversified number of builds available (i am not talking about pve meta but different ways to play in spvp and WvW while still being a threat).

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I get 4k jump shots and 3k blunderbuss buss in zerker armor. Or 1.5 k hits in sentinel armor. In wvw engineer does zero power damage with out zerker armor and with out holosmith spec. Sentinel armor is better for survival while maintening good damage. You can get 5k hits if you have 25 stacks of might and zerker armor but that's it.


Any ways I wish rifle could hit for 8k or 12 k in zerker armor. Rifle is a control weapon not an DPS weapon.


Basically holosmith is are only viable build for gw2 game mode.

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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> I guess in spvp the scaling is different. In spvp you can't use sentinel armor and wvw beserker hits for 4k max while zerker spvp hits for 7k or 8k. Why does engineer get such poor scaling in wvw.


It doesn't. That poster is either being dishonest to suit their narrative, or is simply mistaken. As well it varies depending on the gear of the targets.

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I've been playing every class at 80 endgame for a long ass while and Engineer and Revenant are the two weakest of the bunch, to the point playing one just feels like gimping yourself.


And I'm not just talking PvP, even open world PvE these 2 are the weakest classes by a mile currently and thats just sad. The damage is meh and the survivability is abysmal.

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